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Quetta: LEJ bombs University bus & siege BMC.

Does Army or Terrorist want Dr malick Baloch out of CM ship from Baluchistan and made Zehri CM????
Hamid MIr's point has no basis.

Why would FC and Army do this attack and then also send in their people to repel it?

Isn't it obvious that this was BLA? He even has the audacity to pin the blame of Ziarat attack on establishment. Is he blind? There was a BLA flag hoisted up there? Why would FC or Army do that?

Then he goes on to say that Army does not want Abdul Malik Baloch that is why they threw 2 dead bodies on the day of his oath taking...there is absolutely not an iota of proof that it was done by FC. There is a greater chance that this was done by BLA than FC. Why would FC do it?

This guy is a complete idiot.
One should take this dog mir to the courts, oh wait, even the courts are retarded. Seriously the gov should put their foot down, and kick these bla clowns to hell, even if they have to do it in Afg. They should make it clear to the afg gov that enough is enough, either they kick out bla or face the music.
One should take this dog mir to the courts, oh wait, even the courts are retarded. Seriously the gov should put their foot down, and kick these bla clowns to hell, even if they have to do it in Afg. They should make it clear to the afg gov that enough is enough, either they kick out bla or face the music.

Cheap Justice Of Pakistan is a clown of Shareefzade.
Even if his own mother and sister died in these blasts, he would find a way to justify it.

Lost fool.

Please bro. dont bring family in it i can understand. but solution is not to fight or blaming each other.

One should take this dog mir to the courts, oh wait, even the courts are retarded. Seriously the gov should put their foot down, and kick these bla clowns to hell, even if they have to do it in Afg. They should make it clear to the afg gov that enough is enough, either they kick out bla or face the music.

We need strict policies for media too.. they just say what ever comes out from their A****
cant believe the crap hamid mir is sputing... these three attacks were co ordinate... so the army destroyed jinnah,s residence too. this is pure bla terrorism in which they are killing their own peoples innocent people. balochistan is not ready to be removed from army control infact army should be given even more authority to go deep otherwise they will once more regain the strength that was taken from them.

what i dont understand is why isnt our media naming it too bla. why are they calling it terrorists. If USA can say taliban and india ca say ISI then why cant we say openly its these scums and we will kill till all are gone.
A helicopter is airborne now, UH-1H by the looks of it.
all the liberals are saying nahi nahi yeh BLA nahi thi.. yeh TTP thi....

first Quaid's residency


college/uni girls

then injured

and then state officials who came to the hospital

and now hostages

so much so of your just cause !! :angry:
A contingent of FC SOG is present there now. Preparing for entry.

all the liberals are saying nahi nahi yeh BLA nahi thi.. yeh TTP thi....

According to Hamid Mir, yeh BLA nhn, TTP nhn, Army kara rahi hai, because they are angry with Dr Malik and Musharraf case and all!

Hamir Mir, just shut the fck up and let us watch the operation.
Mir saying TTP, BLA are terrorist but he also said Agency are terrorist also,
Now whats ur take GUYZ :)
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