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Question to Indians about Pakistani identity

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New Recruit

Dec 10, 2013
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I want to know why some Indians get so wound up if Pakistanis choose to determine their own identity by separating themselves from Indians. Why do some Indians care as much as they do about the personal identification of Pakistanis. This is something I've been thinking about lately and I would like to know the opinions on this question.

Why do Indians believe they have a right to tell Pakistanis who they should and shouldn't associate with? I see Indians getting frustrated if they see that Pakistanis choose to identify with our fellow Muslim brothers instead of identifying with the Sikhs and Hindus of India. They bring up this argument that "oh Pakistani Punjabis and the same as Sikh Punjabis everything is the same". Well I'm sorry to say that the truth is I don't associate with Sikhs or with Punjabi identity - this applies to the vast majority of Pakistani Punjabis. I associate with Pakistanis and then my fellow Muslims. I dont have any desire to identify as a Punjabi.

So why does it matter so much and why wont some Indians allow Pakistanis to distance themselves from Indians?

Its very weird to me because I never see Pakistanis who are keen on being associated with Indians. to the contrary we want to distance ourselves from Indians.

Indians are obsessed about the creation of Pakistan yet i never see Pakistanis who dive a damn about india's creation.
which indians r u talking about????
must be d north indians.....unhi ka bukhar hai yeh.....
we dont have much in common.......u associate urslf wid nybody u wish,,,,,,
I want to know why some Indians get so wound up if Pakistanis choose to determine their own identity by separating themselves from Indians. Why do some Indians care as much as they do about the personal identification of Pakistanis. This is something I've been thinking about lately and I would like to know the opinions on this question.

Why do Indians believe they have a right to tell Pakistanis who they should and shouldn't associate with? I see Indians getting frustrated if they see that Pakistanis choose to identify with our fellow Muslim brothers instead of identifying with the Sikhs and Hindus of India. They bring up this argument that "oh Pakistani Punjabis and the same as Sikh Punjabis everything is the same". Well I'm sorry to say that the truth is I don't associate with Sikhs or with Punjabi identity - this applies to the vast majority of Pakistani Punjabis. I associate with Pakistanis and then my fellow Muslims. I dont have any desire to identify as a Punjabi.

So why does it matter so much and why wont some Indians allow Pakistanis to distance themselves from Indians?

Its very weird to me because I never see Pakistanis who are keen on being associated with Indians. to the contrary we want to distance ourselves from Indians.

Indians are obsessed about the creation of Pakistan yet i never see Pakistanis who dive a damn about india's creation.

well ok let me ask you a few questions

1. why do pakistanies make fun of indians by calling them short dark & other such names

2. why do pakistanies still use hindu caste names like malik, jatt, bhutt, rao , rana , rajput , khokhar , sethi , sehgal

3. why do pakistanies gloat about they ruling over hindus for 1000 years when officially first muslim sulatanat was born in 1042 ad and last mughal empror was exiled in 1857

4. why do pakistanies feel proud about indian mughal emprorers and nawabs like tipu sulatan when they dont consider pakistanies of being part of indian history

5. why do pakistanies gloat about gazwa e hind and dream of killing hindus

6. why do pakistanies support mass murderers of 26/11 and make fun of IA who took 72 hours to clean the mess created by them after taking one terrorist alive and killing 9 others when the terrorist in pakistan attack and destroy your national assets at your naval and air force bases and get away scott free

well the hard fact is pakistanies are also sucsessors & part of ancient hindu/indian culture who's ancesstors converted to islam to escape from relegeous prosecution and teachings of sufi saints and got a new nation deu to britsh policy of divide and rule and are still ruled by the same british stooge feudal elite who now is american/western stooge

so my pakistani friends thing is if you poke fun of indians and owr relegeon nation & culture we are not 'mahaan' like ghandi who will keep quite and say nothing ... we will retaliate and call a spade a spade if you want respect from us then give respect first other wise things will be like what they are now ...hope you got my point sir
I want to know why some Indians get so wound up if Pakistanis choose to determine their own identity by separating themselves from Indians. Why do some Indians care as much as they do about the personal identification of Pakistanis. This is something I've been thinking about lately and I would like to know the opinions on this question.

Why do Indians believe they have a right to tell Pakistanis who they should and shouldn't associate with? I see Indians getting frustrated if they see that Pakistanis choose to identify with our fellow Muslim brothers instead of identifying with the Sikhs and Hindus of India. They bring up this argument that "oh Pakistani Punjabis and the same as Sikh Punjabis everything is the same". Well I'm sorry to say that the truth is I don't associate with Sikhs or with Punjabi identity - this applies to the vast majority of Pakistani Punjabis. I associate with Pakistanis and then my fellow Muslims. I dont have any desire to identify as a Punjabi.

So why does it matter so much and why wont some Indians allow Pakistanis to distance themselves from Indians?

Its very weird to me because I never see Pakistanis who are keen on being associated with Indians. to the contrary we want to distance ourselves from Indians.

Indians are obsessed about the creation of Pakistan yet i never see Pakistanis who dive a damn about india's creation.
some Indians are brainwashed to view pakistanis as having similar culture and seek friendship with them based on that,my advice is you should ignore them and probably pity their ignorance.
Some pakistani intellectuals also take Indians in wrong path, although main blame lies with us.
I want to know why some Indians get so wound up if Pakistanis choose to determine their own identity by separating themselves from Indians. Why do some Indians care as much as they do about the personal identification of Pakistanis. This is something I've been thinking about lately and I would like to know the opinions on this question.

Why do Indians believe they have a right to tell Pakistanis who they should and shouldn't associate with? I see Indians getting frustrated if they see that Pakistanis choose to identify with our fellow Muslim brothers instead of identifying with the Sikhs and Hindus of India. They bring up this argument that "oh Pakistani Punjabis and the same as Sikh Punjabis everything is the same". Well I'm sorry to say that the truth is I don't associate with Sikhs or with Punjabi identity - this applies to the vast majority of Pakistani Punjabis. I associate with Pakistanis and then my fellow Muslims. I dont have any desire to identify as a Punjabi.

So why does it matter so much and why wont some Indians allow Pakistanis to distance themselves from Indians?

Its very weird to me because I never see Pakistanis who are keen on being associated with Indians. to the contrary we want to distance ourselves from Indians.

Indians are obsessed about the creation of Pakistan yet i never see Pakistanis who dive a damn about india's creation.

I don't know who are you talking about....

Its only you Pakistanis who are hell bent on proving that you are Not Indians... its your mindset to forge an anti India identity. The problem is that no matter what you guys claim to be ...but the world treats you as South Asians and not Arabs.

You guys need to identify yourself as Pakistanis and nothing else but Pakistanis... the moment you do that... your identity problem would be solved.
because pakistani denies any thing prior arrival of Islam.....

completly manupulated by Arab culture.... burkha ..hijab is just example....
I don't know who are you talking about....

Its only you Pakistanis who are hell bent on proving that you are Not Indians... its your mindset to forge an anti India identity. The problem is that no matter what you guys claim to be ...but the world treats you as South Asians and not Arabs.

You guys need to identify yourself as Pakistanis and nothing else but Pakistanis... the moment you do that... your identity problem would be solved.

well the biggest thing for so called 'Pakistani identity' is hate hindus and hate india lolzzz on one hand they are the ones to jump over indus-valley civilization on the other hand are hell bent to proove that taxila was a bhudist civilzation and porus was a pakistani who stood up against alexendare but have no clue about was raja dhir there ancesstor or are they decendents of bin quasims army men who raped hindu girls(even bin quasim raped both teen age minor daughters of raja dhir) and are proud of the fact that there is mountain range which was named after the massacre of there own forfathers .....lolzz and they have guts to call names to indians who still are practising the same traditions and relegeon which there forefathers did even before the birth of islam
I want to know why some Indians get so wound up if Pakistanis choose to determine their own identity by separating themselves from Indians. Why do some Indians care as much as they do about the personal identification of Pakistanis. This is something I've been thinking about lately and I would like to know the opinions on this question.

Why do Indians believe they have a right to tell Pakistanis who they should and shouldn't associate with? I see Indians getting frustrated if they see that Pakistanis choose to identify with our fellow Muslim brothers instead of identifying with the Sikhs and Hindus of India. They bring up this argument that "oh Pakistani Punjabis and the same as Sikh Punjabis everything is the same". Well I'm sorry to say that the truth is I don't associate with Sikhs or with Punjabi identity - this applies to the vast majority of Pakistani Punjabis. I associate with Pakistanis and then my fellow Muslims. I dont have any desire to identify as a Punjabi.

So why does it matter so much and why wont some Indians allow Pakistanis to distance themselves from Indians?

Its very weird to me because I never see Pakistanis who are keen on being associated with Indians. to the contrary we want to distance ourselves from Indians.

Indians are obsessed about the creation of Pakistan yet i never see Pakistanis who dive a damn about india's creation.
who told u that we indians want to associate ourselves with pakistanis, we dont give a damn about u. u know what, the kind of reputation u enjoy among the world communities is of being a nursery for the terrorists, your special guest of the state Bin laden gets killed in your capital, your country is at the verge of failure while we are one of the largest economies of the world, and unlike u we are not a banana republic. if we associate ourselves with u guys, it will only bring us insult.
I want to know why some Indians get so wound up if Pakistanis choose to determine their own identity by separating themselves from Indians. Why do some Indians care as much as they do about the personal identification of Pakistanis. This is something I've been thinking about lately and I would like to know the opinions on this question.

Why do Indians believe they have a right to tell Pakistanis who they should and shouldn't associate with? I see Indians getting frustrated if they see that Pakistanis choose to identify with our fellow Muslim brothers instead of identifying with the Sikhs and Hindus of India. They bring up this argument that "oh Pakistani Punjabis and the same as Sikh Punjabis everything is the same". Well I'm sorry to say that the truth is I don't associate with Sikhs or with Punjabi identity - this applies to the vast majority of Pakistani Punjabis. I associate with Pakistanis and then my fellow Muslims. I dont have any desire to identify as a Punjabi.

So why does it matter so much and why wont some Indians allow Pakistanis to distance themselves from Indians?

Its very weird to me because I never see Pakistanis who are keen on being associated with Indians. to the contrary we want to distance ourselves from Indians.

Indians are obsessed about the creation of Pakistan yet i never see Pakistanis who dive a damn about india's creation.

Retard post.

I don't care what Pakistanis choose them self to identify with - Arabs, Persians or central Asians.

India is a 1.3 billion people country with almost infinite ethnicities. The number of ethnicities may itself exceed the total population of Pakistan :lol:
which indians r u talking about????
must be d north indians.....unhi ka bukhar hai yeh.....
we dont have much in common.......u associate urslf wid nybody u wish,,,,,,

You are jumping into guns without understanding his intentions, and what is this north Indian? Where the OP questions about Identity, you are deividing your own identity by north,south...please brother we are all Indians and the question is for all Indians.
You are jumping into guns without understanding his intentions, and what is this north Indian? Where the OP questions about Identity, you are deividing your own identity by north,south...please brother we are all Indians and the question is for all Indians.
well i didnt mean it tht way......what i was trying to say is whatevr similarities pakistan has with india,stops with d northern part.......dont take seriosly
There is a common trend in this forum.. Some pakistani posters here misunderstanding some barbaric invaders as their ancestors often provokes indian posters.. Some one here actually have some identity crisis..

This is exactly what i mean. if pakistanis do claim invaders as their ancestors it shouldnt concern indians. why does it concern you people? this forum is full of indians. thats the reason i wont be sticking around. you indians wont give pakistanis a break.

one of the main reasons indians are obsessed with pakistanis is because paks are better looking. they try to tell the world that they look like pakstanis and it makes me laugh so hard. I see sikhs here in the UK and even they look different from punjabi muslims. the punajbis muslims/pakistanis are usually lighter skinned. it gets funnier when you see south, west, central indians claiming to look like pakstanis. what an insult that is to pakistanis. we are beautiful people but get lumped in with indians and are stereotyped as looking like you people.
well i didnt mean it tht way......what i was trying to say is whatevr similarities pakistan has with india,stops with d northern part.......dont take seriosly

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