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Question for some here

I guess the posts above clarify your doubts...as you can see many in Pak still support the ideology; that is the reason for their reluctance to go full fledged against them. And the results are reflected the army's and secret agencies inability to counter them fully since the ideology is institutionalized. Taliban are still considered friends in Pak. I do see some members here rejecting this good & bad theory; but they are in a small minority against the radicalized population of Pak. Probably pak is doing just enough to appease the US, they still believe taliban is an asset and save some for the rainy day...even if it is at a cost for their allies.

And that is why US reluctant to go fullfledged against Taliban in Afghanistan.

lolzz your posts is another attempt to tell the Americans that look Pakistanis support Taliban whereas you do not have courage to ask why US is going to have talks with Taliban.
From the discussions above, it seems that there are two talibans, one which points its gun to pakistan and the other one which points its gun to other nations.

First one is the bad one, second is the good one.

I think this is opportunistic politics. Pakistan should come out of that, and have one state policy against extremism in all forms wherever they are. It should make a difference if your neighbors house burns, even if your place is safe ;)
And that is why US reluctant to go fullfledged against Taliban in Afghanistan.

lolzz your posts is another attempt to tell the Americans that look Pakistanis support Taliban whereas you do not have courage to ask why US is going to have talks with Taliban.

I answered to a query by the dude who seemed not to sure if Pakis did that, your responses seemed to have removed hos doubts, if you say that you have the right to support taliban you should tell that to Uncle Sam and stop being duplicitous about it. As for courage, I think you need some of it to tell uncle that you support the talibs since your government and army seems to be lying about it. Why lie if you got the guts...
I answered to a query by the dude who seemed not to sure if Pakis

Excuse me two posts and already using insulting words. Mind your language thanks.
And the double standard is when one lies through his teeth about 9/11.

When was the last time Taliban were responsible for 9/11????

And btw we support those Taliban who were once creation of CIA to fight Russia.

We now support them because they are fighting the invader US.

And tell me when Taliban have done anything wrong to other countries ?

Hope you satisfy with this.

Sunday, 26 Jul, 2009 | 01:44 PM PST

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is not providing sanctuary to top militant commander Mullah Omar and the Afghan Taliban, foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said in an interview with the Sunday Times.

We vow to fight those who challenge the writ of the government, Qureshi said.

He said Islamabad will deal with all the elements that are challenging the state’s writ and are trying to destabilise Pakistan.

He also said the government will not allow anyone to use Pakistan's soil for planning and executing acts of terrorism anywhere in the world.

When asked whether this includes acting against Mullah Omar and his Quetta shura, which runs the Afghan Taliban, the minister replied: ‘Absolutely, we'll be taking them on.’

Qureshi also said there is ‘no more differentiation between good terrorists and bad terrorists.’

He said the prevailing wave of terrorism has created havoc and made the country’s environment insecure. — DawnNews
And the double standard is when one lies through his teeth about 9/11.

When was the last time Taliban were responsible for 9/11????

And btw we support those Taliban who were once creation of CIA to fight Russia.

We now support them because they are fighting the invader US.

And tell me when Taliban have done anything wrong to other countries ?

Im sorry but this is the most ridiculous logic that Ive ever seen!!!

So let me start

a)Afghan Taliban was not directly responsible for 9/11, but they did harbor the criminals of 9/11....infact so much so that they also harbored the hijacker of the Indian Airlines flight and gave safe passage to the hijackers and their leaders who were jailed in India....
Now you're telling me that harboring murderous terrorists makes them good just because they support Pakistan?

b) You support Afghan Taliban in ideology since they are wading off invaders namely the US....who is an ally of Pakistan?
To top it all, Pakistan is supporting a cause that is against the people who are helping you to crush the militancy in your land?? So whose side are you really on??
On one side you're taking aid from the US to quell rebellion, and on the other hand, you support the ideology of the enemies of your allies?...This if Im not mistaken is called "Ahesan Faramoshi"
Please clarify!

c) So its fine if a beautiful, serene and lovely country like Afghanistan goes to the gallows as long as Pakistan gets its hegemony and favor in Afghanistan?? You would support ideology of the Taliban in Afghanistan, but when this happens in your own backyard, all hell breaks loose??
This is the epitomy of hypocrisy......

Maybe Im interpreting this the wrong way.....But this is what Im seeing from some of the posts here....
CORRECTION: The supposedly "19-arab/muslim" hijackers did NOT exist. Fact is some of the supposed hijackers were surprised to find their names on the list the next day (when supposedly they died in the plane crash).

9-11 was the biggest FALSE FLAG operation in the world's history. That much is obvious to anyone with half-intelligence. :woot:
Fact is the German magazine Der Spiegel investigated this story and debunked it a long time ago. It was a case of stolen identities by the terrorists so of course the men whose IDs were hijacked would speak up. That much is obvious to anyone with half-intelligence.
Im sorry but this is the most ridiculous logic that Ive ever seen!!!

So let me start

a)Afghan Taliban was not directly responsible for 9/11, but they did harbor the criminals of 9/11....
Now you're telling me that harboring murderous terrorists makes them good just because they support Pakistan?

Those who are termed responsible were bred and brought in the US itself too. The Afghan Taliban did asked the US to provide proof and they will look into it if Osama was realy responsible for 9/11 or not and if US proves so, Mullah Omar promised to take action against OBL. But US had attacked Afghanistan and for the last 8 years is killing innocent women and childern there.

infact so much so that they also harbored the hijacker of the Indian Airlines flight and gave safe passage to the hijackers and their leaders who were jailed in India....

oh yeh rememberd. Just a small question Why India negotiated with "terrorists" and released them in that case ;)

And oh what about Indian drama in 71 when India hijacked its own plane to Pakistan to malign us?

b) You support Afghan Taliban in ideology since they are wading off invaders namely the US....who is an ally of Pakistan?
To top it all, Pakistan is supporting a cause that is against the people who are helping you to crush the militancy in your land?? So whose side are you really on??

Mind you. State of Pakistan and Pakistani government do not support them.
The Views here on this forum are our personal and views of individuals so my dear Indian please do not mislead the world by attributing our views to State of Pakistan.
The State of Pakistan is with its ally US rather doing much better than US itself.

On one side you're taking aid from the US to quell rebellion, and on the other hand, you support the ideology of the enemies of your allies?...This if Im not mistaken is called "Ahesan Faramoshi"
Please clarify!

The American war on terror has cost Pakistan more than 35 billion dollars.

As far as the aid is concerned more than half of it used for security of US facilities including consulates and embassy besides CIA offices.

They are doing no ehasn on us.

c) So its fine if a beautiful, serene and lovely country like Afghanistan goes to the gallows as long as Pakistan gets its hegemony and favor in Afghanistan?? You would support ideology of the Taliban in Afghanistan, but when this happens in your own backyard, all hell breaks loose??
This is the epitomy of hypocrisy......

Maybe Im interpreting this the wrong way.....But this is what Im seeing from some of the posts here....

Beautiful, serene and lovely country like Afghanistan is in gallows not because of Pakistan or Taliban But Russia and US and their long term hegmonic policies.

First Russia invaded Afghanistan and now US. It was their game and now its US and Western game which is duely supported by India to get foothold there in Afghanistan.
Those who are termed responsible were bred and brought in the US itself too. The Afghan Taliban did asked the US to provide proof and they will look into it if Osama was realy responsible for 9/11 or not and if US proves so, Mullah Omar promised to take action against OBL. But US had attacked Afghanistan and for the last 8 years is killing innocent women and childern there.

oh yeh rememberd. Just a small question Why India negotiated with "terrorists" and released them in that case ;)

And oh what about Indian drama in 71 when India hijacked its own plane to Pakistan to malign us?

Mind you. State of Pakistan and Pakistani government do not support them.
The Views here on this forum are our personal and views of individuals so my dear Indian please do not mislead the world by attributing our views to State of Pakistan.
The State of Pakistan is with its ally US rather doing much better than US itself.

The American war on terror has cost Pakistan more than 35 billion dollars.

As far as the aid is concerned more than half of it used for security of US facilities including consulates and embassy besides CIA offices.

They are doing no ehasn on us.

Beautiful, serene and lovely country like Afghanistan is in gallows not because of Pakistan or Taliban But Russia and US and their long term hegmonic policies.

First Russia invaded Afghanistan and now US. It was their game and now its US and Western game which is duely supported by India to get foothold there in Afghanistan.

In continuation to Jana reply, plz read the below thread to give u an idea what we got in so called Aid, and how much did we got it & what has been the cost (35 Billion+) that we had to bear due to this so called american War On Terror.

Thank you for the responses. Now can you explain the differences in Ideology between the two Talibans? not political differences but spiritual.
Thank you for the responses. Now can you explain the differences in Ideology between the two Talibans? not political differences but spiritual.
From what I read so far, all I see is a lot of tap-dancing around the supposedly differences between the 'two Talibans' with no specific details that would make it clear for the readers. Bottom line -- there are none.
Thank you for the responses. Now can you explain the differences in Ideology between the two Talibans? not political differences but spiritual.

Just one more point......if the US puts a pro pakistani presidents in power in afghanistan and gives power to the majority afghans which are pathaans you will more likely get the pakistani people support this govt at the cost of support to the taliban.
From what I read so far, all I see is a lot of tap-dancing around the supposedly differences between the 'two Talibans' with no specific details that would make it clear for the readers. Bottom line -- there are none.

You want us to see no difference between the two and try to merge the two into one outfit like you did with the taliban and al qaeda......its not working we know the real taliban is fighting an occupation while the false talban backed by india and co are attacking pakistan.
You want us to see no difference between the two and try to merge the two into one outfit like you did with the taliban and al qaeda......its not working we know the real taliban is fighting an occupation while the false talban backed by india and co are attacking pakistan.

Hey.. the fact is America did attack afghanistan and taliban is now fighting occupational forces(just like what they where doing against USSR).

Afghans deserve a better future, free from america, Russia and Taliban. Whatever logic that we have against american occupation in Afghanistan, supporting Taliban would be equated to supporting the worst possible life that an afghan citizen can have.

They have proved it during their rule in 90's and i would ask my Pakistani brothers not to repeat the mistake that they did when they supported Taliban in removing Russians end of the day afghans are the one who is going to be the sufferers.
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