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Quantum Technology Enabling New Generation of Sensors


Jul 10, 2017
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Photo quantum from NIST Wikimedia
Quantum Technology Enabling New Generation of Sensors
Nov 11, 2020
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Advanced sensing technology is critical in the development of intelligent systems that can survive in a complex and congested battlespace environment. Sensors can deliver information in various forms, from navigational aids to situational awareness.
A new consortium in the UK will develop and apply advanced sensing technology and help develop disruptive technologies to benefit the UK’s industry. BAE Systems has reached a partnership agreement with the University of Birmingham to build an Advanced Sensing Technologies Consortium.
The collaboration will create a ‘road map’ for action, drawing on unrivalled experience of the ‘system of systems’ that knits together critical infrastructure in the UK.
Technologies that will be developed include new and novel navigation systems that do not depend on GPS, cognitive workload measurement, enhanced situational awareness sensors and detection of difficult targets, as reported by airforce-technology.com.
This is part of the National Quantum Technologies program, which is funded by the UK Government. The program seeks to boost four hubs based in the UK. One of the hubs is the Sensors and Timing hub spearheaded by the University of Birmingham.
BAE is already in a collaboration with the University of Birmingham, the UK Quantum Technology Hubs and sensor systems suppliers.
The need for new sensors, which make devices safe, workable and accurate, has emerged as world economies move closer to turning quantum technologies into products. The products developed will push the boundaries of what is known and can be done, profoundly transforming the economy and wider society. Existing sensor technology risks becoming outdated and outpaced by the accelerating speed of technological developments, mainly driven by the coming quantum revolution, according to birmingham.ac.uk.
“Novel sensor capabilities and digital twinning are enabling disruptive innovation in a faster and cheaper way, creating unprecedented benefit to society and the economy,” said UK Quantum Technology Hub Sensors and Timing principle investigator professor Kai Bongs. “It has the potential to create enormous economic value and change the way we live.”
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