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Qila Rohtas – legacy of the subcontinent’s ‘Lion King’

Who was Todar? Because Agarwal is bhaiya bania caste from UP and have nothing to do with punjabi khatris who are also baniyas but of different kind.

Again, I say that you are "High on rhetoric, very low on Substance." Not a Single point is refuted by you.

BTW, you have no idea how wiki works. You don't even know the difference between an editor and a senior editor with partial admn power and an Admn. We (senior editors with partial admn power and Admns) are checked by professionals periodically. There is also promotion and demotion system. I myself is a part of the team of Senior editors that handle pages like Mughal Empire, Maratha Empire, Sikh Empire, The History of India etc. Any one can be editor in non-protective page. But, if they indulge in vandalism or give wrong inputs, we can overrule them, even can block them from editing..And finally, most people first read wiki and then make vainglorious claims in various forums. BTW, Not all wiki articles are 100% reliable, but those checked by us and featured marks are given are 100% genuine.

100% reliable coming from Indian/hindu historians like this

''In 1398, Timur invaded northern India, attacking the Delhi Sultanate ruled by Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq of the Tughlaq Dynasty. He was opposed by Ahirs and Jats but the Sultanate at Delhi did nothing to stop him.[34]''

Can you edit this out? Ahirs were non entity and only jats Timur faced were thiefs who used to loot/plunder and most importantly they were punjabi muslim jats at that time according to Malfuzat-i Timuri. Now these hindu jaats from Haryana who recently learned to write have taken one small text completly out of context and invented mythical story around them. Not to forget they have nothing to do with punjabi jats anyway culturarly, ethnically etc. From Timur own words

''On the 8th of the month I marched from Ahruni, through the jungle to a village called Tohana. In answer to the inquiries I made about the inhabitants, I learned that they were a robust race, and were called Jats. They were Musulmans only in name and had not their equals in theft and highway robbery. They plundered caravans upon the road, and were a terror to Musulmans and travelers. They had now abandoned the village and had fled to the sugar-cane fields, the [p. 45] valleys, and the jungles.2 When these facts reached my ears I prepared a force which I placed under the direction of Tokal Bahadur, son of the Hindu Karkarra,3 and sent it against the Jats. They accordingly marched into the sugar-canes and jungles. I also sent Maulana Nasiru-d din in pursuit of them. When these forces overtook the Jats they put 200 to the sword and made the rest prisoners. A large stock of cattle was captured, and my soldiers returned to camp.

It was again brought to my knowledge that these turbulent Jats were as numerous as ants or locusts, and that no, traveler or merchant passed unscathed from their hands. They had now taken flight, and had gone into jungles and deserts hard to penetrate. A few of them had been killed, but it was my fixed determination to clear from thieves and robbers every country that I subdued, so that the servants of God, and Musulmans and travellers might be secure from their violence. My great object in invading Hindustan had been to wage a religious war against the infidel Hindus, and it now appeared to me that it was necessary for me to put down these Jats and to deliver travelers from their hands. I consequently placed the care of the baggage and of all the plunder which had been gained in my victories in charge of Amir Sulaiman Shah, to convey it with the heavy baggage to the town of Samana.

On the 9th of the month I despatched the baggage from Tohana, and on the same day I marched into the jungles and wilds, and slew 2,000 demon-like Jats. I made their wives and children captives, and plundered their cattle and property. Thus I delivered the country from the terror it had long suffered at the hands of the marauding Jats.''


This is only mention of jats anywhere by Timur yet this Raj Pal who is hindu/haryanvi jaat have completly turned history upside down like typical retarded. Tohana is still punjabi majority area. These retards shouldn't write if they are ashamed of their origins. True jats of Punjab were thiefs/looters or pastoral tribes before Mughals developed agriculture by bringing persian wheel in west punjab. After that most jat clans slowly adopted zamindari as their profession. But loot plunder was not completly given up by muslim jats or as we see sikh soldiers who were mostly from punjabi jats clans used to loot/plunder despite converting to sikhism.
''On the 8th of the month I marched from Ahruni, through the jungle to a village called Tohana. In answer to the inquiries I made about the inhabitants, I learned that they were a robust race, and were called Jats. They were Musulmans only in name and had not their equals in theft and highway robbery. They plundered caravans upon the road, and were a terror to Musulmans and travelers. .
Timur was such a munafiq, he himself was musalman by name. And he himself was greatest plunderer and robber of all the times. He is calling jats demon-like, some one never showed him a mirror......he and his mongol/tatar forces were worse than demons
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Timur was such a munafiq, he himself was musalman by name. And he himself was greatest plunderer and robber of all the times

True to extent, he justified many massacres. My point was hindu historians have invented most of their history in recent memory without any proper sources.
:lol: What was any Panjabi kingdom except Ranjit Singh's? Did they have any empire in any point in History ? Have't they been ruled by others for millennium after millennium after millennium? Which major battle took place in Punjab? All took place either in the KP or in Rajastan or Haryana except King Porus' in 3rd BC.:azn: Is theirs any example of conquest except Ranjit singh's?:rofl: As Mr Patel said "It is the Englishman who 150 years ago gave the Punjabi Muslim a rifle and taught him how to use it... It is only after this formation of the modern regiments, that Punjabi Muslims are called martial by writers like GF MacMunn. After the English left, the record of Punjabi Muslims at war under their own generals is not sterling. I count one draw and one loss and I’m being charitable."
@DESERT FIGHTER , @LoveIcon kaka, take it easy.:wave:
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:lol: What was any Panjabi kingdom except Ranjit Singh's? Did they have any empire in any point in History ? Have't they been ruled by others for millennium after millennium after millennium? Which major battle took place in Punjab? All took place either in the KP or in Rajastan or Haryana except King Porus' in 3rd BC.:azn: Is theirs any example of conquest except Ranjit singh's?:rofl: As Mr Patel said "It is the Englishman who 150 years ago gave the Punjabi Muslim a rifle and taught him how to use it... It is only after this formation of the modern regiments, that Punjabi Muslims are called martial by writers like GF MacMunn. After the English left, the record of Punjabi Muslims at war under their own generals is not sterling. I count one draw and one loss and I’m being charitable."
@DESERT FIGHTER , @LoveIcon kaka, take it easy.:wave:
The Rohatas fort, which is under discussion, was built for the purpose of subduing punjabi/potohari musalman tribe , Ghakkar. Later they also fought Sher Shah's son, Islam Shah. Before that, the same Ghakkars , as well as Kokars, were persistently troublesome for Turkish invaders and Sultans of Delhi. And most of the recruitment of punjabi musalmans was from potohar, western punjab. So its not that Englishmen taught them spirit of warring. For any military expeditions of Mughals in North-west, punjabis of border area used to get recruit under their local chiefs along with pro-mughal pashtun tribes like khattaks, daudzais, khalils etc
I have visited Rothas fort a few times. It certainly must have been a majestic fort when it was constructed. Today it certainly needs renovation. It is a historic sight and needs to be preserved. It is very strategically located with river Jhelum on one side and a deep ravine on the other side. During the time of Sher Shah Suri any army attacking it would have found it invincible. It is certainly worth a visit on the GT road near Dina.
Maathir ul Umara says Todar Mal was born in Lahore, though British scholars thought this was Laharpur in Awadh.:big_boss: Idiot.:coffee:

On Wiki it says he was born in UP in Agarwal family which baniya type people but from UP. He died in Lahore according to Wiki you edited? If he was born in Lahore then for sure he belonged to khatri family instead of agarwal, because agarwal do not exist among punjabi clans.
:lol: What was any Panjabi kingdom except Ranjit Singh's? Did they have any empire in any point in History ? Have't they been ruled by others for millennium after millennium after millennium? Which major battle took place in Punjab? All took place either in the KP or in Rajastan or Haryana except King Porus' in 3rd BC.:azn: Is theirs any example of conquest except Ranjit singh's?:rofl: As Mr Patel said "It is the Englishman who 150 years ago gave the Punjabi Muslim a rifle and taught him how to use it... It is only after this formation of the modern regiments, that Punjabi Muslims are called martial by writers like GF MacMunn. After the English left, the record of Punjabi Muslims at war under their own generals is not sterling. I count one draw and one loss and I’m being charitable."
@DESERT FIGHTER , @LoveIcon kaka, take it easy.:wave:

LOL @ History of you and your daidh footiya Mr. Patel, Even a kid can tell you that "Punjabi Muslims" is not an ethnic group. First you decide that you want to debate on ethnic Punjabies or people living in Punjab region or Muslims than come here to debate.
:lol: What was any Panjabi kingdom except Ranjit Singh's? Did they have any empire in any point in History ? Have't they been ruled by others for millennium after millennium after millennium? Which major battle took place in Punjab? All took place either in the KP or in Rajastan or Haryana except King Porus' in 3rd BC.:azn: Is theirs any example of conquest except Ranjit singh's?:rofl: As Mr Patel said "It is the Englishman who 150 years ago gave the Punjabi Muslim a rifle and taught him how to use it... It is only after this formation of the modern regiments, that Punjabi Muslims are called martial by writers like GF MacMunn. After the English left, the record of Punjabi Muslims at war under their own generals is not sterling. I count one draw and one loss and I’m being charitable."
@DESERT FIGHTER , @LoveIcon kaka, take it easy.:wave:

Actually even Porus kingdom was small one, just between river jhelum and chenab. Current day districts of gujrat and mandi bahuddin. There were other kingdoms also in what is Pakistan punjab. Which are just 2 districts out of 32 in Pak punjab. Yet he still gave good fight to Alexander, same cannot be said of your kin who were united like rats but still darti ke bhoj according to British sources. Don't you think British should held in high esteem compared nobody like Patel baniya?
Background story behind construction of Rohtas fort
Besides that, he sent a large force against Rai Sérang, the Ghakkar, and not only was the country subdued, and the hill of Balna'th plundered, which was then the residence of the Darogha of that tract, but the daughter of its chief was taken prisoner, and conducted before Sher Shah, who presented her to Khawas Khan; upon which Rai Sérang, they relate, sent a quantity of [hemp] blankets and millet to Sher Shah, with the remark that in such only consisted their raiment and food, besides which they could afford nothing; according to others, he sent a lion’s skin and some [arrows] spears, which he said was their only property. With this conduct, however, Sher Shah was by no means satisfied. Sarang [Sarang’s troops] being weakened by [skirmishes] the attacks of“ the holy warriors, and greatly reduced and straitened, submitted himself in person to Sher Shah, who ordered him to be flayed alive, and his skin to be filled with straw, and so pay the penalty of his misdeeds.The History of India as Told by Its Own Historians the Muhammadan ..., Volume 5 page 115

You read the wrong translation of ain-e-akbari by a brit who wasn't too good at persian. "Rai Serang" was "Sultan Sarang" originally. What really happened was that Afghan caravans were harassed by Sultan Sarang and his brother Sultan Adam. Sher Shah Suri was infuriated with this and sent a message to Sarang to send a tribute and submit to him in person. Sarang in return sent him a lion's skin and a few arrows saying since he belonged to a warrior race, that was the only tribute he could offer. The battle then commenced and the first Afghan lashkar sent to Paharwala fortress of Gakhars was completely crushed. Then in an attempt to subdue them, Rohtas qila was constructed.

Sarang was actually killed by Islam Shah Suri, son of Sher Khan. Islam Shah got really pissed off at Sarang when he offered asylum to this Niazi Noble who had rebelled against Islam Shah. Islam Shah finally attacked Sarang at Rawat fortress, and killed him along with his 16 sons. His daughter there was taken captive and given to Khwas Khan as a wife. His son Kamal Khan was taken a prisoner to Gwalior Fort, who was later freed and rose to become a distinguished general in the Mughal court. Sarang's men were never subdued as his brother Adam Khan took the charge. Their raids are said to have captured hundreds of Afghans and were said to be particularly cruel to the labourers constructing the fort.

When Hamayun returned, Kamal Khan(Sarang's son and the rightful heir to the Gakhar throne) and Adam Khan(the defacto chieftain) had a bloody civil war where Kamal Khan used mughal troops. Adam was finally defeated and impisoned, and the bloodline of Sarang continued. The current Gakhar chieftain, Sultan Raja Erij Zaman is a direct descendant of Sarang.

Another thing to add; Gakhars attacked Afghans at the behest of the king of Persia, who had granted asylum to Hamayun. Gakhars are Persians by race, and always recognized the Persian Shah as their king that's why I think Sultan Muqarrab, the last independent Gakhar chief betrayed Mughals(long time allies of the Gakhars) and sided with Nadir Shah, and also accompanied him to Delhi.
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:lol: What was any Panjabi kingdom except Ranjit Singh's? Did they have any empire in any point in History ? Have't they been ruled by others for millennium after millennium after millennium? Which major battle took place in Punjab? All took place either in the KP or in Rajastan or Haryana except King Porus' in 3rd BC.:azn: Is theirs any example of conquest except Ranjit singh's?:rofl: As Mr Patel said "It is the Englishman who 150 years ago gave the Punjabi Muslim a rifle and taught him how to use it... It is only after this formation of the modern regiments, that Punjabi Muslims are called martial by writers like GF MacMunn. After the English left, the record of Punjabi Muslims at war under their own generals is not sterling. I count one draw and one loss and I’m being charitable."
@DESERT FIGHTER , @LoveIcon kaka, take it easy.:wave:

The phrase "ignorance is a bliss" was invented for people like you. Out of curiosity, what's your ethnic background?

The Rohatas fort, which is under discussion, was built for the purpose of subduing punjabi/potohari musalman tribe , Ghakkar. Later they also fought Sher Shah's son, Islam Shah. Before that, the same Ghakkars , as well as Kokars, were persistently troublesome for Turkish invaders and Sultans of Delhi. And most of the recruitment of punjabi musalmans was from potohar, western punjab. So its not that Englishmen taught them spirit of warring. For any military expeditions of Mughals in North-west, punjabis of border area used to get recruit under their local chiefs along with pro-mughal pashtun tribes like khattaks, daudzais, khalils etc

Agreed. Nusrat and Shaikha Khokhar are two well known adversaries of Timur the lame. They are said to have resisted Timur on multiple places in Punjab. Must admit, they had balls which many nations in the world lacked. Kings use to tremble at the mere mention of the name Timur, yet these Khokhars did find the courage to resist him. Although, the Khokhars are said to have been completely destroyed in conventional battle against Timur, and he claims to have captured 150,000 Khokhars as slaves. I think Nusrat was killed, and Shaikha taken a prisoner to central Asia afterwards, but Shaikha "escaped" from prison after Timur's death. Before that, the Khokhars of Salt range had sided with Jalaluddin Mingburnu against Genghis Khan in the battle of Indus.
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