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قدم بقدم تباہی کی جانب رواں دواں

@xyxmt ,,, you top line chotiya of PDF who was Lawrence of Arabia ? Who helped to sign NRO , wasnt it USA, who is helping PAshtoon tahafuz ?who planted Ashraf gani in Afghanistan ,why and where is Altaf ? Who supports Bloch terrorist? who killed All of our top military leadrshlp in C 30 crash, mentally retarded tell me aren't these nadeeda , you Moron where they detected timely?

true chutia you dont need to post garbage again and again, everyone knows it. I am talking about blaming on nadeeda forces everytime and everything, but you wont understand unless you take your chutia cap off

a country where a fruit vendor put two rotten apples in your bag if you are not looking, where milkman add lethal compound in your milk, police steals from thieves, where judges sell justice, where politician spend public welfare money on their family...why would any nadeeda force waste their time?
@xyxmt you top of line chotiya of PDF ,tell me who was Lawrence of Arabia ? Who arranged NRO for most currupt in Pakistan? Who is behind Arab spring? Who planted Karzai and Gani in Afghanistan who and why toppled Ikwan e muslim Govt in Egypt, who was Behind Bangladesh , who helped Altaf and where is he now, who supports PTM Baloch terrorists, who killed our top military leadership in C30 crash ? Aren't they USA ,UK India backed elements?, you moron aren't they nadeeda were they timely averted?
a country where a fruit vendor put two rotten apples in your bag if you are not looking, where milkman add lethal compound in your milk, police steals from thieves, where judges sell justice, where politician spend public welfare money on their family...why would any nadeeda force waste their time?
How they have fallen to such level?
@xyxmt you top of line chotiya of PDF ,tell me who was Lawrence of Arabia ? Who arranged NRO for most currupt in Pakistan? Who is behind Arab spring? Who planted Karzai and Gani in Afghanistan who and why toppled Ikwan e muslim Govt in Egypt, who was Behind Bangladesh , who helped Altaf and where is he now, who supports PTM Baloch terrorists, who killed our top military leadership in C30 crash ? Aren't they USA ,UK India backed elements?, you moron aren't they nadeeda were they timely averted?

well Mr. ignorant just tell me who are all those people you just mentioned above, who was Altaf and all his minions, who is NS and Zardari and all their jayaley, who is running PTM and all his peshteens?, who is TTP...no you stupid ignorant they are all Pakistanis just like every greedy Pakistani who value money more than their mother. As long as there are Pakistanis you dont need Naddeda, your deedas will do someone's bidding for money. Try finding someone like Peshteen and create likes of TTP in the US or Canada. Just keep looking for nadeeda and let these deeda morons run free....koi barooni quat hay my f'ing ***, and its chutias like you who are at the helm of affairs using this stupid phrase on daily basis to make rest of Pakistanis same as you.
"And hold fast to the rope of Allah, all of you together, and do not be divided; and remember Allah’s favor on you, that when there was enmity between you, He created affection between your hearts, so due to His grace you became like brothers to each other; and you were on the edge of a pit of fire (hell), so He saved you from it; this is how Allah explains His verses to you, so that you may be guided. (Quran 3:103)
well Mr. ignorant just tell me who are all those people you just mentioned above, who was Altaf and all his minions, who is NS and Zardari and all their jayaley, who is running PTM and all his peshteens?, who is TTP...no you stupid ignorant they are all Pakistanis just like every greedy Pakistani who value money more than their mother. As long as there are Pakistanis you dont need Naddeda, your deedas will do someone's bidding for money. Try finding someone like Peshteen and create likes of TTP in the US or Canada. Just keep looking for nadeeda and let these deeda morons run free....koi barooni quat hay my f'ing ***, and its chutias like you who are at the helm of affairs using this stupid phrase on daily basis to make rest of Pakistanis same as you.
You are sitting in Canada preaching democracy this and that, you don't know a shit about how the global power runs , what you can at least do is just watch the film Lawrence of Arabia, just watch Shooter etc, just read and dig out how the global power is attained and maintained, read out the reason behind making of east India company and it's goals, just read and know why Monarchy in middle East, democracy in central Asia , Dictator ship in Africa is supported by these so-called pillars of democracy, if you are dumb and laisy too then just watch Apple Huawei war and reason behind it, if you still need more about nadeeda dushma just see the case Jullian Asyanch etc, or read how Man Mohan Singh being as Indian Pm was so Much worried of murder by USA, you need more ask any companion of Gen Zia if you know any that why Gen Zia was so sure that nadeeda baironi hatt will murder him, you want more ok ask Gen Mushy what nadeeda hath forced him down while we all know his tenure was best for the the development of Pakistan but he was forced to step down in the middle of a crisis,
People, read the Op before starting war. No where Imran Khan is criticized... come to senses.
We took the most major step in that direction when Musharraf offered NRO to the crooks and let them back in the system.

The ousted General should have shown enough testicular fortitude to legally strangle, disqualify and cleanse Pakistan of crooks.

Instead he became one of them to first go hand in glove with some and then by letting other crooks get back in the game... while Benazir was wiped out, fate of nation was left in the hands of Zardaris and Sharifs to in turn, amass unprecedented foreign debt and destroy Pakistani economy and rescheduling/ postponing debt repayment for the next in line after them to drown under.

Imran Khan to the astonishment of people in the know, went on to appointment the same corrupt cronies of Sharif dynasty in bureaucracy and expected them to undo their own doing over the years, lol, now he is reaping the rewards of his own appointments and needs to correct it.

Still there is no such thing as a quick fix to decades of corruption so much so that even the judiciary is showing its true colors whenever it gets the chance.
Where would he get the new beauracrats..
He trusted them and give them chances. But you are right it's not better to blind trust
Half of the problems are due to beauracrats.
Look Pakistanis these sectarian religious or political divides, what they do? ? they divide a nation or a society from within into multiple groups & segments, You can call it, cracks appearing in a strong metal, it takes time but eventually breaks the country from inside.

Nations become their own enemies, when they resort to divisions based on sectarian, religious, political or other grounds. So Always remember Unity is strength, Division is weakness.

And ALLAH says in Quran

وَاعۡتَصِمُوۡا بِحَبۡلِ اللّٰهِ جَمِيۡعًا وَّلَا تَفَرَّقُوۡا‌

Look What enemy is doing, you can see since decades in Karachi particularly, & other parts of the country, the enemy has killed multiple dozens/scores of Sunni Ulama and Shia Ulama both, and other innocent people of all sects, recently there was an attack on Mufti Taqi Usmani in Karachi, he barely escaped.

Now, why, the enemy is doing this?? Why now? The Enemy had bloody nose at 27th Feb, by our hands. Do we think enemy will forget that humiliation? do we think enemy will not resort to hostilities now?

The forces are unleashed, and when that happens, they don't just back off, they come back and attack again, after every failure, until defeated decisively.

Enemy wants us divided, hating, fighting with each other on petty issues before next round of hostilities. Its as simple as that.

What enemy does, he target one sect, and after some time, targets another sect, to create, to increase the sectarian hatred between multiple sects, the sectarian or religious hatred is such a lethal force that it can turn your streets & bazars into a fireball or an IED field killing people at will.

Don't play in the hands of the enemy, beware, be smart.


Understand the enemy. The force that is killing Sunnis or Shias or Punjabis, or Balochis or Sindhis or Muhajirs, or Pakhtoons, is ONE, united & committed for our destruction, and wants us to be divided into a crowd of multiple segments, groups, sects hating each other.

Look why we want Modi in power in India, cuz we know, he has created multiple divides within Indian society by using his extremist ideologies, and slowly but surely he will divide Indian state into multiple segments.

The muslims, the christians, the sikhs of India, all of them are increasingly getting wary of Hindutva extremist regime, which is getting powerful as time passes, and not much time will pass, the Indian state will be having serious implications, who knows more Pakistans within India territory in making, along with the Khalistan.

The enemy wants to divide us like this, now we must be aware, alarmed, and must learn from our history.

@Irfan Baloch @Major Sam @Maarkhoor @Reichsmarschall @Awan68 @dexter @Yaseen1 @Windjammer @Zarvan
now read this combined with mine thread , you may have some windows of your dumb brain open, @xyxmt
پاکستان کا کچھ نہیں بننا
بالکل بنے گا انشاء اللہ جس دن جی ایچ کیو میں بیٹھے ہوئے جنرل بھی یہ فیصلہ کر لیں گے کہ ہم نے بھیی اندرونی اور بیرونی دشمنوں سے کھلے عام لڑنا ہے اور ہمیں موت سے کوئی ڈر نہیں اور ہم اسی طرح اس وطن کے لئے قربان ہونے کو تیار ہیں جس طرح ایک عام سپاہی اور نچلے رینک کے افسران وطن پر مر مٹنے کے لیے تیار ہیں،
g beta,tum log bus rotay raho k war gaya mulk khbi koi solution na dena khud
g beta,tum log bus rotay raho k war gaya mulk khbi koi solution na dena khud

3 point solution, but it's hard for Imran Khan's canbinet:

- Ban religion in streets,.... it should be confined to Mosque, Church, Gurdawara and Mandir.
Actually allowing one religion a street parade is injustice to other's who always keep inside designated building and those buildings shall be officially designated and protected.
It would be much better, if religious buildings is used for humanitarian purpose as well. multi purpose. Example... school, clinic. etc.
After all we are not a rich country and can't afford to imitate rich Arabs, having expensive structures just for worship, which actually can be done in open air.

- Give allowance of 3 days /year to each religion, for their religious festivities /mourning, they can choose, but no marches and no burning of Quran, no ganging up be allowed on religious /sectarian basis.

- Arrest all people, who spread anarchy using religious freedom.
Posted similar to the following in another thread too.

The solution is to gain some economic breathing space for the poor and it should be the priority. The solution is staring us right in the eyes ,
all be it a drastic one... is at the expense of the financially corrupt including PPP and PMLN leadership and their aiders and abetters...so be it, who cares.

The solution is to make the jail conditions so uncomfortable for financial pirates as is for the rest of common criminals, thereby forcing them to plea bargain and return their loot in exchange for reduced sentence and better jail conditions that are taken for granted.

The Government should sit with the establishment and judiciary to work out and bring an ordinance against the economic pirates, their aiders and abetters. The posters here are requested to give their input as to how we can come up with some better laws than the ones suggested below...Something along the lines of the following off the cuff:
  • In case of such financial crimes involving public money or public property in excess of a hundred million rupees(or more), the case shall be Fast tracked in courts. Three months in trial court and one month each for appeals and review.
  • The punishment for such white collar financial crimes and jail terms from now onwards shall be double of earlier.
  • Once convicted, the criminals shall be put in common jails and cells. (No "home or rest house" sub jail luxuries)
  • If the convict opts for plea bargain then they shall be free to go after completion of 1 year jail term. The benefit of early ple bargain shall entitle the convict to get A class in jail for the remainder of the aforementioned 1 year reduced sentence. The plea bargaining convict shall stand disqualified for only 10 years (instead of life DQ) to hold any public office.
  • If the convict does not do plea bargain then two generations of his/her blood line (of the economic pirate) shall be disqualified to hold any position in Government (the two generations still can run for elections and become common members but not hold any position of power in government.)
  • The convict shall not get any class, or special treatment in jail.
  • There shall be no bail allowed to convict during appeals.

To simply put it in so many words; If they don't plea bargain then they can rot in common jail cells without any facilities for the rest of their lives...

The nature of affluent, white collar, elitist criminals is such that they will not be able to spend a week in any of our common jail cells. If they still develop guts and dont pay up, then good for them to live like those they looted - like majority of Pakistan - instead of ever be able to enjoy their looted wealth.

The bottom line, the reason for this is Pakistan and it should be clear; If we, the educated masses couldn't prevent the economic destruction of Pakistan at the hands these white collar criminals then we might as well try to avenge it using the law.
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