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Qazi Faiz Essa in National assembly: Mockery of justice

"Pakistan is Nur, and Nur is forever"
"There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan"
Yeah.. keep doing that.. This PDM has made the judiciary, army, police and state a puppet to his tunes.
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Faiz Isa was never mentally, morally and financially fit to become the Judge in Supreme Court and now this clown is all set to become chief justice. He will even beat Bajwa when it comes to running the circus.
Faez Isa gave a clean chit to Sharifs in money laundering in Hudaibiya paper mill case, citing it time barred. Judiciously rewarded now...

And what about the reports of him and his wife owning several properties in UK.

He is not fit, too controversial, clearly partisan to hold the office of chief justice SC in 5-6 months.

Hope he gets disqualified in the appeal/case against him again opened by CJ Ata Bandial.
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