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Qatar to invest billions of dollars in Pakistan

I have also received negative ratings since some people can't handle the truth.
You are involved in religious bigotry i.e jokers Qadiani etc....You should revisit your posts. And nonsense like that our jf17 is build to kill muslims etc Go read jf17 program...There is whole thread about it



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there is a difference between investment and loan dude
And I hope PTI is able to bring a penny of investment as even the most chanted Hydro "investments" are financed by ADB....Qataris are no short of free money....And the massive business in the shape of LNG coming their way is always enticing for them.

This is just a hypothetical figure to start a formal conversation

Which country truly thinks about investing in a war-torn country deeply messed up in political crisis where the Prime Minister becomes a joke for putting all stakes on risk to save his "kursi" and the so-called cabinet losing public support by not making a truce with anarchists and rather giving nonsense statements to spoil the matter further.
Well that's what you think and since the most of PDF folks live in fairyland. Economy has improved quite markedly from the point of low. However, I don't know but not a single politician is available in Pakistan who can run after investors like Shahbaz Sharif....rest of the stories are always good for collecting thanks from desperate youthia club here.
Investment is only good as long people of the future aren't left with huge amounts of worthless debts.
Right! Payback time is when it'll start pinching! There are no free binges in this world, no permanent friends, only permanent interests. It's not free aid. It's like a moneylender parking his money in your kitty from his surplus funds with a fairly high rate of interest.

Those who think that the Arabs are investing for the benefit of the people of Pakistan are barking up the wrong tree. It's all about business, not love.
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Well that's what you think and since the most of PDF folks live in fairyland. Economy has improved quite markedly from the point of low. However, I don't know but not a single politician is available in Pakistan who can run after investors like Shahbaz Sharif....rest of the stories are always good for collecting thanks from desperate youthia club here.
I gave that statement in 2014 and see no progress has been made since last 7-8 months... It only proves my point of hypothetical figures in formal conversation and made up commitments which doesnt have to bear fruit all the time

About your governments performance all I would like to say is GDP growth increased marginally, exports fell perhaps first time in Pakistan's history or decades, the reduction of oil prices saved 5 billion dollars in foreign reserves otherwise we would have sealed another lifeline agreement with IMF long ago, the most number of loans taken in the history of Pakistan and there has been little to none improvement in key areas of energy sector, pia, steel mills and state institutions

So the performance speaks for itself and I don't have to explain it
I gave that statement in 2014 and see no progress has been made since last 7-8 months... It only proves my point of hypothetical figures in formal conversation and made up commitments which doesnt have to bear fruit all the time
It is because
1-PQA and Engro didn't have the required drigding in Port Qasim Channel which was pointed out only when QLNG deligation came there for inspection.
2-SNGP's network is so crapped out with side-piplines that they don't want LNG to enter their system and hence expose their theft. So now an all new pipeline is being planned.
3-PSO/SNGP doesn't want private parties to import LNG and thus losing commission
4-IPPs don't want to open LCs as required by QLNG and yet demand LNG for power generation.
Probably making hallow claims without any alpha beta of understanding of the issues doesn't make one guru. The government would have to import a shipment within a month of signing bilatral agreement with Qatar, so government has allowed engro to purchase LNG from spot market for private parties which is happening at regular frequency.

About your governments performance all I would like to say is GDP growth increased marginally, exports fell perhaps first time in Pakistan's history or decades, the reduction of oil prices saved 5 billion dollars in foreign reserves otherwise we would have sealed another lifeline agreement with IMF long ago, the most number of loans taken in the history of Pakistan and there has been little to none improvement in key areas of energy sector, pia, steel mills and state institutions
Again you're making claims without any substantiation

And plus I hope you'd also known the reason for that decline...And of course the power shortage. Since I think a word of mouth isn't enough to serve the purpose, so here is a detailed report
Pakistan Economy: Depreciating euro to hurt textile exports - By Taurus Research
So probably next time I hope you'd not use "I think, perhaps, I feel" kind of stuff....
It is because
1-PQA and Engro didn't have the required drigding in Port Qasim Channel which was pointed out only when QLNG deligation came there for inspection.
2-SNGP's network is so crapped out with side-piplines that they don't want LNG to enter their system and hence expose their theft. So now an all new pipeline is being planned.
3-PSO/SNGP doesn't want private parties to import LNG and thus losing commission
4-IPPs don't want to open LCs as required by QLNG and yet demand LNG for power generation.
I am aware of the ongoing deal with Qatar so what you are saying is already a known fact. The point I was raising is, when you are not sure about the exact amount of investment they are willing to make in specific sectors of the country (National Development Projects), it's a half cooked hypothetical statement until backed by the willingness of both nations becomes more clear.

Probably making hallow claims without any alpha beta of understanding of the issues doesn't make one guru.
Please tell that to your leadership as they are fond of making tall claims and doing little work on ground. There will be no loadshedding after 6 months in power or else you can change the name of Shahbaz Sharif is just one example.

When your leadership is talking nonsense and fooling the nation, we reserve the right to criticise them

Again you're making claims without any substantiation
Trade economics is a good site for reference but not all of their charts are correct. For example the chart you have shared above states that Pakistan's total export in 2007 was less than 10 billion rupees whereas it stood around 18 billion dollars at that time.

Here is the proof of steep decline of exports from the SBP website... What you are showing is incorrect data upto 2013... so the comparison could not be made for the present government anyway. Here is the credible source from the SBP website for illustration after 2013.

And plus I hope you'd also known the reason for that decline...And of course the power shortage. Since I think a word of mouth isn't enough to serve the purpose, so here is a detailed report
Pakistan Economy: Depreciating euro to hurt textile exports - By Taurus Research
So probably next time I hope you'd not use "I think, perhaps, I feel" kind of stuff....
Of course I know the reason very well... I have been saying it since 2013/14 that Pakistan's exports will be hampered if Pakistan artificially raised the value of Pakistani rupee. Most developed nations devalues their currency to increase exports but in Pakistan's case our export industry is very little to begin with so it does not impact as much but the fact of the matter is that Pakistan deliberately appreciated the rupee to unacceptable level and we all knew the consequences of it.

The link you shared is also making sense but the core issue for reduction in exports derives from the appreciation of Pakistani rupee as it makes them incompatible with neighbouring nations. It is funny that Pakistani rupee appreciated most against UK Pound last year and it will obviously discourage importers to import goods from Pakistan.
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