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Qatar says invited to emergency Arab summits in Mecca by Saudi King

Möbius Curve

Dec 5, 2018
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May 27, 2019 at 1:19 am

Qatar has been invited by Saudi Arabia to attend two emergency Arab summits being convened in the Saudi city of Mecca on May 30, Qatar’s foreign ministry said on Sunday, after previously saying it had not been, Reuters reports.

Last week Qatar said it had not been invited to the two summits Saudi is planning in Islam’s holiest site to discuss the implications of drone strikes on oil installations in the kingdom and attacks on four vessels, including two Saudi oil tankers, off the UAE coast earlier this month.

Saudi, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt have imposed an economic and diplomatic boycott on Qatar since June 2017 over allegations that Doha supports terrorism and is cosying up to regional foe Iran. Qatar denies the charges.

Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani received an invitation from Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to attend the summit of Gulf Arab rulers and a wider meeting of Arab leaders, the Qatari Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The invitation and a letter were passed to Qatar by the head of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the statement said, without saying whether Qatar would accept it.

Saudi Arabia has accused Iran of ordering the drone strikes, for which Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthis claimed responsibility.

The kingdom said that while it did not want war in the region, it was ready to respond strongly. The UAE has not blamed anyone for the sabotage of the tankers pending an investigation and said it was committed to de-escalation.

Iran has denied it carried out either attack.

The UAE has said that the current “critical circumstances” in the region required a “unified Arab and Gulf stance”.

May 27, 2019 at 1:19 am

Qatar has been invited by Saudi Arabia to attend two emergency Arab summits being convened in the Saudi city of Mecca on May 30, Qatar’s foreign ministry said on Sunday, after previously saying it had not been, Reuters reports.

Last week Qatar said it had not been invited to the two summits Saudi is planning in Islam’s holiest site to discuss the implications of drone strikes on oil installations in the kingdom and attacks on four vessels, including two Saudi oil tankers, off the UAE coast earlier this month.

Saudi, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt have imposed an economic and diplomatic boycott on Qatar since June 2017 over allegations that Doha supports terrorism and is cosying up to regional foe Iran. Qatar denies the charges.

Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani received an invitation from Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to attend the summit of Gulf Arab rulers and a wider meeting of Arab leaders, the Qatari Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The invitation and a letter were passed to Qatar by the head of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the statement said, without saying whether Qatar would accept it.

Saudi Arabia has accused Iran of ordering the drone strikes, for which Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthis claimed responsibility.

The kingdom said that while it did not want war in the region, it was ready to respond strongly. The UAE has not blamed anyone for the sabotage of the tankers pending an investigation and said it was committed to de-escalation.

Iran has denied it carried out either attack.

The UAE has said that the current “critical circumstances” in the region required a “unified Arab and Gulf stance”.

They even invited qatar!.They must be literally sh!tting themselves over this[LOL!]:o::o:
Tbh, I think a balanced and lightly anti iran narrative will come out of this. I don't know why and I'm most probably wrong...but, things are too heated up against Iran. Instability won't help anyone in the region.
Tbh, I think a balanced and lightly anti iran narrative will come out of this. I don't know why and I'm most probably wrong...but, things are too heated up against Iran. Instability won't help anyone in the region.
dude these are all rhetorics, one person in our military once said to me there were incidents that we and americans were face to face aiming guns at each other but we never pulled the trigger, they are trying to put psychological pressure on us.
During boycott, this invitation is message to Qatar they are with Saudi Arabia or against Saudi Arabia. Because Gulf countries are going to destroy Iran in coming months.
Tbh, I think a balanced and lightly anti iran narrative will come out of this. I don't know why and I'm most probably wrong...but, things are too heated up against Iran. Instability won't help anyone in the region.
I though they were going to raise the prices for the pilgrims

They shouldn't politicize Mecca by holding such conferences there. Let that city be a neutral venue.
Too late, this is what happens when countries like Iraq are silenced. They had the right attitude towards the arabs
I though they were going to raise the prices for the pilgrims

Too late, this is what happens when countries like Iraq are silenced. They had the right attitude towards the arabs
:lol: Iraq was the most staunch of Arabs..

They shouldn't politicize Mecca by holding such conferences there. Let that city be a neutral venue.
Houthis wanted to hit Makkah..Iranians made trouble in this Muslim holy city.. that was already politicization of Makkah..
:lol: Iraq was the most staunch of Arabs..

Houthis wanted to hit Makkah..Iranians made trouble in this Muslim holy city.. that was already politicization of Makkah..
It was a great nation to have in the Arab world, to create balance. They showed the Saudis that they were only the caretaker of the Islamic sites not the owners like they act like.
It was a great nation to have in the Arab world, to create balance. They showed the Saudis that they were only the caretaker of the Islamic sites not the owners like they act like.
And that Iraqi leadership destroyed their nation in the process.. that is a fallacy.. the Saudis are the true owners of the holy sites..since the advent of Islam and of Saudi Arabia since 10s of thousands of years.. So no.. Iraq was doing well without all that BS of invasions and ego boosting by Saddam..and as proven time and again..anyone who takes on Saudi Arabia finishes in the abyss of time..and if you do not believe it.. look it up for yourself..
that city should be under control of muslims and not a single state

Having the conference in Mecca doesn't make a difference. No, Mecca should remain under control of Saudi's until there is another Caliphate. It's their land and they are fulfilling their duty towards Muslims seeking pilgrimage to Mecca.
During boycott, this invitation is message to Qatar they are with Saudi Arabia or against Saudi Arabia. Because Gulf countries are going to destroy Iran in coming months.

Hahaha....can't even beat yemen with us support...talking about iran.
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