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Qadri says his remark on killing anyone who betrayed or abandoned ‘revolution’ was a ‘joke’

why doesn't canada revoke his citizenship? why can't people complain to gov't like they did in uk against altaf? I could be ringing some bells soon.

Once he knows there's no way to escape will he stop using human shields

why hasn't Canada done this?
Unfortunately , radicalizing the youth of my country is the only option left for Qadri to break the system of this country.Because he has tried to use all other options but like in the past his plan and statements doesn't have the potential to hold water and the results are such that he has to create a buffer zone constituting of teenage girls/ his religious followers around him to save himself and his so called struggle from the troubles he has created for him and the people around him.It's hard to believe that this man can build or support a political movement and he's telling us that he'll bring a revolutionary change in the system of my country.

It's very mathematical.
If Qadri makes a statement and according to him that statement is a joke at this juncture of his "danda bardar" revolutionary activism.Then Mr. Qadri is a Joke.

Dead people jokes..... I like that.... :D

Qadri may find you as a funny guy (with a sense of humor) and he'll order to kill you last....
A happy 14th for ya!
Tahir-ul-Qadri: Murder the Revolutionaries
(watch the video from 1:03:00 onwards)

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nope it was a joke and jahil supporters fell for it .,..

Have you seen his tone, I listen that, it never looked as a joke but pretty serious thing. He said who is agree to go? ask 4 times, then he said those who will go will only return on change. Then he said this line.

He toke that line back, and also he toke the line where he mention 21 people died, next day he again mention 14 only. He said something like , There was 300 bus rally coming and police dig down the khandak around them, he mention police beat his people, but next day he said Police only arrested his 15000 people.

Bhai, this is definately U-Turn Khan




This one was masterclass where i will once again ask where was he when we were dying? where was he when pakistan was going through its worst crisis which involved load-shedding,inflation and terrorism?

Yar he's a joke, PTI should have stayed away from him.. :angry:

Big blunder by Imran khan. The man is volatile and unpredictable and violent. He will ruin imrans image. Already many of his supporters are in doubt and this may just push them to question Imrans leadership. :( :(
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