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Q/A about Bangladesh

Its cambridge. I was talking about edexcel which really sucks compared to cambridge. And how many people take BD studies in O levels?

Nobody takes Edexcel anymore.

Everyone takes Cambridge these days. It's more updated than the older GCE modules. And yes, many BDians do take BD studies (from my experience).

The new syllabus is pretty thorough from what I've seen.

do bangladeshis understand indian punjabi?

look pakistani punjabi language have arabic version . do we have arabic version of bengali ???

we still use Devanagari version. urdu is nothing but arabic version of hindi

Bengali does not have any version. Its just Bengali. Bengali does not use Devangari script, it uses Bengali script.
I don't think that was an option to Bengali. Bengali community was way way way bigger than Urdu community in the world. You cant just destroy the language of the 5th biggest community in the world. What kind of idiot will suggest that?

Dude, who was destroying whose language ? Pakistan doesn't give official patronage to any of our provincial languages and yet we all continue teaching them to our sons & our daughters, we continue producing poets and writers and lately we've continued incorporating them in different genres of media too !

And if you just called Mr.Jinnah an idiot...you should leave PDF...we don't take abusing Our Father that lightly !
Dude, who was destroying whose language ? Pakistan doesn't give official patronage to any of our provincial languages and yet we all continue teaching them to our sons & our daughters, we continue producing poets and writers and lately we've continued incorporating them in different genres of media too !

And if you just called Mr.Jinnah an idiot...you should leave PDF...we don't take abusing Our Father that lightly !

We already had that discussion zillion of times. No Urdu was not an option for Bengalis. The debacle was older than Pakistan and since Mogul time. You guys (Pakistan) is just new in the history.

I did not mention Jinnah anywhere in my post. Dont stretch it.
rabba means god ..allah in muslim langauges. now tell me is your food culture same as indian bengal other than you guys eating beef and more meat. i m asking because we indian punjabis food is differnt from pakistani punjabis. we dont even know what is korma or nihari and haleem is. where as they in pakistan dont eat saag or makki de roti. their food culture is more similar with delhi people. is it same with you guys
We already had that discussion zillion of times. No Urdu was not an option for Bengalis. The debacle was older than Pakistan and since Mogul time. You guys (Pakistan) is just new in the history.

I did not mention Jinnah anywhere in my post. Dont stretch it.

they r far better intelligent then us we bengalis can talk only n can do nothing

rabba means god ..allah in muslim langauges. now tell me is your food culture same as indian bengal other than you guys eating beef and more meat. i m asking because we indian punjabis food is differnt from pakistani punjabis. we dont even know what is korma or nihari and haleem is. where as they in pakistan dont eat saag or makki de roti. their food culture is more similar with delhi people. is it same with you guys

look i dont want ur sikh history here go bug some1 else
why BD's people are so inferiority complexed way more than indians. ( no trolling, serious question )
Also at leat they need to be grateful to Jinnah's leadership because what happened after him is different.

will you like should i ask why are we Pakistanis so attracted to the word superiority complex when in reality we are shunned left,right & center in the mid-east & other supposedly superior places? respect people to get respect, yes we have differences over the 1971 episode with regards to Bangladesh but that does not take away the fact that had not the bengalis over vehemently supported us in the Pakistan movement, we might not have got our independence, show some gratitudes, the bengalis can be whatever but the fact remains that they stood steadfast with us at a time when we were at the crossroads of history between an united centrist nationalistic India & an independent separate sovereign "Pakistan"

take it from me a non-Bengali, (proud Urdu speaking mohajir & a Pakistani ) the suppot that the bengalis gave us back in 1947 we will never be able to repay them, atleast show some respect brother
You are coming back with circular logic. When i said Urdu is a sister language of most of the W/Pakistan local language you disagreed now you are saying Urdu is intelligible to everybody!!!!!!!!!!

Bengali is the majority of Pakistanis language. You should had picked it right away same way India picked the majority Hindi. Done. You started the debate when you knew Bengali will be difficult for you. So you picked which is easier for you and let the Bengalis to go through the trouble. Right?

You implied that Pashto and Urdu are sister languages...that Sindhi and Urdu are sister languages - They are not ! Barring the odd word out there is little in common between them ! What I said was that Urdu was our lingua franca which is to say 'our common tongue'; which to put it ever so simply means that almost every Pakistani knows 2 languages - One his Mother Tongue and the other is Urdu ! And we've know this for so..so many years before the Partition !

Bengali being the majority of Pakistan's language doesn't count for squat when it isn't a non-partisan language or understood by us ! Urdu was understood by people in East-Pakistan just as Urdu was understood by the People in the far-off coastal areas of Makran and the lands up North in GB ! How else do you galvanize a nation into One without giving them a language that all of them could claim ownership over ? How can a language explicitly associated with one particular ethnic group...just one be made the National Language of the whole country ? They tried that in KPK with Pashto and guess what the Hindkowans spoke up against it ! They tried that with Sindhi in Sindh and guess what the other ethnicities resented that ! They haven't tried that with Punjabi yet but I can bet my arse the Sereikis, the Punjabi Pathans, the Punjabi Kashmiris and so many other ethnicities that inhabit this province would speak up against this !
rabba means god ..allah in muslim langauges. now tell me is your food culture same as indian bengal other than you guys eating beef and more meat. i m asking because we indian punjabis food is differnt from pakistani punjabis. we dont even know what is korma or nihari and haleem is. where as they in pakistan dont eat saag or makki de roti. their food culture is more similar with delhi people. is it same with you guys

Korma and haleem is very much part of BD's food culture. Saag in bengali means leaves and veg and roti is roti i.e Bread. No idea about what is makki.
We already had that discussion zillion of times. No Urdu was not an option for Bengalis. The debacle was older than Pakistan and since Mogul time. You guys (Pakistan) is just new in the history.

I did not mention Jinnah anywhere in my post. Dont stretch it.

Apologies...then who were you referring to as the 'idiot' !

Why was Urdu not an option for the Bengalis when it was an option for us ? And no don't give me that 'sister language' argument because anyone who knows anything about the languages of Pakistan knows that Pashto is to Urdu what German is to French...barring the fact that they're both written in the roman script...they have very...very little in common !
will you like should i ask why are we Pakistanis so attracted to the word superiority complex when in reality we are shunned left,right & center in the mid-east & other supposedly superior places? respect people to get respect, yes we have differences over the 1971 episode with regards to Bangladesh but that does not take away the fact that had not the bengalis over vehemently supported us in the Pakistan movement, we might not have got our independence, show some gratitudes, the bengalis can be whatever but the fact remains that they stood steadfast with us at a time when we were at the crossroads of history between an united centrist nationalistic India & an [/B]independent separate sovereign "Pakistan"

take it from me a non-Bengali, (proud Urdu speaking mohajir & a Pakistani ) the suppot that the bengalis gave us back in 1947 we will never be able to repay them, so atleast show some respect brother

But what about the 'Butttts' ? :cry:

Korma and haleem is very much part of BD's food culture. Saag in bengali means leaves and veg and roti is roti i.e Bread. No idea about what is makki.

Do you mean Makaai ? Its corn ! As in Makaai ki rooti - Flat Bread with ground corn flour !
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