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PYD's Muslim: Ankara agreed to conditional autonomy


Jul 15, 2012
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Turkey has told the leader of Syria's Democratic Union Party (PYD) -- an offshoot of the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) -- who paid a surprise visit to Ankara at the end of last week, not to go ahead with a fait accompli autonomy, but recognized the Kurds' right to autonomy as long as such a move gets the nod from the Syrian National Council (SNC) fighting the Syrian regime.

“Officials told me Turkey would recognize Kurdish autonomy in Syria if the High Kurdish Council should declare autonomy after reaching a consensus with the SNC,” Saleh Muslim, the PYD's leader, told the website T24.

Muslim, who arrived on the invitation of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in İstanbul on Thursday, reportedly not only had talks with high-level Foreign Ministry officials, but also with Hakan Fidan, head of Turkey's National Intelligence Organization (MİT).

Reportedly, Turkey has agreed to the establishment in northern Syria of a provisional administration in which other ethnic groups in the region such as Arabs, Turkmen and Assyrians would also be included. The provisional administration, which would serve until a final solution is reached in the war-torn country, would cater to the needs of people in the northern part of Syria, as they can get no service from the central government because of the civil war.

To ease people's suffering in the region, Muslim affirmed that Turkey had agreed to provide humanitarian aid to the region through the Turkish Red Crescent and the Prime Ministry's Disaster and Emergency Management Directorate (AFAD). Turkey's customs gates on the Syrian border will be kept open for humanitarian aid to the region.

The PYD, which presently has control of a large portion of Syria's northern territory bordering Turkey after being involved in clashes against the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front, had recently given signs, such as raising its flag on a building near the Turkish border, that it intended to establish an autonomous administration in the northern part of Syria, which is densely populated by Kurds.

During talks in İstanbul, which Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu did not attend, it was reported that Turkish officials warned the PYD leader that Kurds in Syria should not unilaterally declare autonomy. Turkey, which has been conducting talks with the terrorist PKK to resolve the country's decades-old Kurdish issue, is deeply concerned about the establishment of a de facto Kurdish autonomous region in the northern part of Syria, as such a step may not only pave the way for the break up of Syria, but also has the potential to adversely affect the settlement negotiations with the PKK.

Other than autonomy, Muslim also received warnings on two other issues during his İstanbul visit. The PYD's leader, who has recently been claimed to have talked with Bashar al-Assad in Damascus regarding autonomy for the Kurdish region, has been warned not to act in cooperation with the regime in Syria, but rather to be part of the opposition forces fighting against the regime.

The PYD leader has also been given the message that the PYD should in no way be involved in any activity that would violate Turkey's border security. Two Turkish citizens have already recently lost their lives in Turkey, while several were wounded because of stray bullets and mortar fired from the Syrian territory. Noting that two mortar shells hit Turkish territory on Saturday, the Turkish General Staff said in a statement later that day that the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) retaliated, as part of the rules of engagement, by firing howitzers to the locations from where the shells had come from.

In the interview Muslim gave to the T24, which appeared late on Saturday, he affirmed that he had very positive talks with officials from Turkey, which until some time ago tended to see the PYD as a terrorist organization. “With this meeting [in İstanbul], we can say a new page has been opened [in relations with Turkey]. There is no crisis of confidence with Turkey,” Muslim said.
PYD's Muslim: Ankara agreed to conditional autonomy - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

First north-Iraq, which is used as safe-heaven for PKK. North-Iraq is not even helping us to fight PKK. If you use north-Iraq project as yardstone, what is AKP trying to do in Syria? Do we want another PKK state on our border? This AKP government is a freaking disgrace, all their foreign policies have failed and they don't know what they are doing. Syria will give PKK access to the sea. To solve PKK issue we have to divide and conquer. These AKP morons, will lead us to disaster and make PKK problem even bigger than they already made it. Just look at PKK today compared to 10 years ago. PKK surrender, but today Ocalan is dictating their terms and threatening Turkey with war. Although I was young 10 years ago I couldn't even imagine this.
No they will not have sea access, only a part of North Eastern Syria is in PYD control, after this war they will be attacked, Erdogan will probably support the Kurds if Syrian army wins the war. The guy is creating enemies, meddling in others affairs and is a hypocrite.
No they will not have sea access, only a part of North Eastern Syria is in PYD control, after this war they will be attacked, Erdogan will probably support the Kurds if Syrian army wins the war. The guy is creating enemies, meddling in others affairs and is a hypocrite.

Haha! Only a north eastern part? Basically all Kurdish cities are under the control of PYD. They even control the oil rich cities in Rimeylan. And we do not need the support of Erdogan. Until now, we Kurds have been fighting Assad, turkish backed jihadists and FSA on three fronts. Turkey now understands that it can do nothing to avoid a Kurdistan autonomy in Syria like the KRG in Iraq. It is inevitable. Therefore it wants to make good friends with the Kurds of West Kurdistan ( Syria). Turkey used to bark a lot at KRG too back in the days when they started handling their own business independant of the central government in Baghdad. But later on they started co operating because they knew they could do nothing against KRG.

Here is a pretty accurate map of PYD controlled areas in West Kurdistan. As of now, they have no access to sea though.

@Syrian Lion

^^^^ Is this map accurate which shows %90 of the Turkish border is controlled by Kurds ?

And another question. Let's say Assad wins the conflict and kicks all the FSA from Syria. Would he let the Kurds have autonomous region in Syria as this means he would lose control of the most of the oil fields ?
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@Syrian Lion

^^^^ Is this map accurate which shows %90 of the Turkish border is controlled by Kurds ?

And another question. Let's say Assad wins the conflict and kicks all the FSA from Syria. Would he let the Kurds have autonomous region in Syria as this means he would lose control of the most of the oil fields ?

Why do you want to ask another member? I can add hundreds of references that Kurds control this area. Recently they recaptured Tel Abyad and Ras Al Ayn from the jihadist terrorists that are openly backed by Turkey.

As for Assad and the oil. No matter if Assad wins or the opposition wins the war, the KSC ( Kurdistan Supreme Committee), which is the leading platform for Kurds in Syria, has prosmied that they are willing to share the oil reserves found in Al Hassakah and Rimeylan that PYD controls right now with the rest of the Syrian people if the Kurds themselves are promised a portion of this oil. So that is not a problem.
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Why do you want to ask another member? I can add hundreds of references that Kurds control this area. Recently they recaptured Tel Abyad and Ras Al Ayn from the jihadist terrorists that are openly backed by Turkey.

I want the opinion of a Syrian, plain simple.

As for Assad and the oil. No matter if Assad wins or the opposition wins the war, the KSC ( Kurdistan Supreme Committee), which is the leading platform for Kurds in Syria, has prosmied that they are willing to share the oil reserves found in Al Hassakah and Rimeylan that PYD controls right now with the rest of the Syrian people if the Kurds themselves are promised a portion of this oil. So that is not a problem.

The real question is Assad willing his country to be separated or not ?
I want the opinion of a Syrian, plain simple.

The real question is Assad willing his country to be separated or not ?

Well, why do you not investigate the matter yourself? You will find the same answer as me and anyone else.

Kurds in Syria do not want to seperate from Syria. What they want is a decentralized autonomous region much like the one in Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq. So I do not know which seperation you are talking about...
Erdogan is willing to accept autonomy for Kurds to support the rebels in Syria. He is indeed a hypocrite. He can't think 2 days ahead of himself, he doesn't know Syrian war will end someday what ever the result is, and then he will be dealing with a larger, more powerful autonomous Kurdistan, with probably advanced weapons they captured or received from rebels and their foreign supporters, right in southern border of Turkey. The zero problem with neighbors has turned in to zero friendship with neighbors. :tdown:

And Kurds won't be the only problem, the flux of 'Jihadis' who are willing to launch 'holy' attacks on 'Kafir Secular Turkey' will be another problem.
Erdogan is willing to accept autonomy for Kurds to support the rebels in Syria. He is indeed a hypocrite. He can't think 2 days ahead of himself, he doesn't know Syrian war will end someday what ever the result is, and then he will be dealing with a larger, more powerful autonomous Kurdistan, with probably advanced weapons they captured or received from rebels and their foreign supporters, right in southern border of Turkey. The zero problem with neighbors has turned in to zero friendship with neighbors. :tdown:

And Kurds won't be the only problem, the flux of 'Jihadis' who are willing to launch 'holy' attacks on 'Kafir Secular Turkey' will be another problem.

Turkey does not have to worry about the Kurds in the south. KRG also captured heavy weaponry and are today signing their own deals for heavy weapons. Not one single of them have even touched the Turkish military.

Besides, even if the Kurds in Syria wanted to fight head to head with Turkey, we all know they would lose.

No, Erdogan is being a clever man. By creating an alliance with Kurds in Syria, he is creating a buffer zone between Turkey and the Syrian war and furthermore he is creating an alliance with people whom he know and can trust, and with whom he now officially has an eigth month long ceasefire with ( the question is if Kurds can indeed trust Erdogan?).

Turkey also now realizes that it was a grave mistake to let jihadists inter Syria through Turkey. It also realizes that funding the jihadists with papers and weapons was an even bigger mistake. And as you say yourself, there is nothing hindering these jihadists from poiting their barrels at Turkey one day once they realize they can not win against the Kurds in Syria.
Turkey does not have to worry about the Kurds in the south. KRG also captured heavy weaponry and are today signing their own deals for heavy weapons. Not one single of them have even touched the Turkish military.

Besides, even if the Kurds in Syria wanted to fight head to head with Turkey, we all know they would lose.

No, Erdogan is being a clever man. By creating an alliance with Kurds in Syria, he is creating a buffer zone between Turkey and the Syrian war and furthermore he is creating an alliance with people whom he know and can trust, and with whom he now officially has an eigth month long ceasefire with ( the question is if Kurds can indeed trust Erdogan?).

Turkey also now realizes that it was a grave mistake to let jihadists inter Syria through Turkey. It also realizes that funding the jihadists with papers and weapons was an even bigger mistake. And as you say yourself, there is nothing hindering these jihadists from poiting their barrels at Turkey one day once they realize they can not win against the Kurds in Syria.
Well. Krg is not signing weapon deals so they cannot win this by plain firepower but they can solve it without war hopefully, cant write much)
@Syrian Lion

^^^^ Is this map accurate which shows %90 of the Turkish border is controlled by Kurds ?

And another question. Let's say Assad wins the conflict and kicks all the FSA from Syria. Would he let the Kurds have autonomous region in Syria as this means he would lose control of the most of the oil fields ?
I think he will let kurds to stay autonomous if he kicks FSA out. Why? because kurds didnt really attack him, while at the same time they were enemies to al-qaeda and a middle finger to Turkey. This is how Assad will think and for that, he will let them stay autonomous.

Erdogan is willing to accept autonomy for Kurds to support the rebels in Syria. He is indeed a hypocrite. He can't think 2 days ahead of himself, he doesn't know Syrian war will end someday what ever the result is, and then he will be dealing with a larger, more powerful autonomous Kurdistan, with probably advanced weapons they captured or received from rebels and their foreign supporters, right in southern border of Turkey. The zero problem with neighbors has turned in to zero friendship with neighbors. :tdown:

And Kurds won't be the only problem, the flux of 'Jihadis' who are willing to launch 'holy' attacks on 'Kafir Secular Turkey' will be another problem.
Turkey has no foreign strategy, their opinion changes every few months.
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So do you think that the Syrian Kurds, who were not even considered as Kurds, allowed to call themselves Kurds or speak Kurdish (the language was not recognized and oppressed) and severely discriminated by the Syrian Arab Ba'ath party for the past 50 years, will suddenly forget all that?

There is no point to even talk about the Child-Murderer and the future of Syria in the same sentence because he has no future in Syria. The 2 million Syrian Kurds or so and their small territory will probably obtain autonomy and good for them.

The Kurdish "problem" is much bigger in Turkey, Iran and Iraq since their territories are much, much bigger and they are much more numerous as well.

Besides all GCC/Arab states should kick out foreign anti-Arabs - not sure you are one so apologizes beforehand.
I think he will let kurds to stay autonomous if he kicks FSA out. Why? because kurds didnt really attack him, while at the same time they were enemies to al-qaeda and a middle finger to Turkey. This is how Assad will think and for that, he will let them stay autonomous.

How they are middle-finger to Turkey. PYD as for now never done anything against Turkey like KRG.

Turkey has no foreign strategy, their opinion changes every few months.

lol, look who is saying, Your foreign strategy is determined by random bearded mullahs.
Well. Krg is not signing weapon deals so they cannot win this by plain firepower but they can solve it without war hopefully, cant write much)

If I am not mistaken, did not the central government in Baghdad need the approval of KRG for some newly bought heavy armory? In return the KRG asked for a percentage of that heavy armory? I will see if I can find the source
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