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Putin wants Russia and China to join forces against the West


Jun 28, 2010
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Putin wants Russia and China to join forces against the West
Putin wants Russia and China to join forces against the West - English pravda.ru

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in China on Tuesday, June 5th, for a two-day official visit. Putin plans to sign more than a dozen of various bilateral documents during his meetings with Chinese officials. On June 6-7, he will take part in the Beijing summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, RIA Novosti reports.

During his visit to China, Putin will coordinate the positions of the two countries on Syria and Iran. As for the SCO, the sides will discuss the questions related to the penetration of extremists to Central Asia.

Putin is making the trip to China against the background of the surging crisis on the financial market and the increasing pressure that the West has been putting on Russia and China in terms of the Syrian and Iranian problems. To crown it all, the withdrawal of NATO's troops from Afghanistan may put the national security of the two countries at risk. The discussion of the most serious problems of international politics will show to which extent Russia and China are close to each other.

The two powers do not accept the policies of the West the main goal of which is to change "non-democratic" regimes. China and Russia share similar views on Syria and Iran. The same can be said about the role of the United Nations in international affairs. Moscow and Beijing stand against the interventions in Arab countries bypassing the UN.

However, Russia promotes integration via the Eurasian alliance, the Collective Security Treaty Organization. China is less interested in these organizations. According to Chinese experts, Putin wants to get Russia involved in integration processes in Europe in the first place. Asia comes second for the Russian administration, they say.

China's People's Daily newspaper published Putin's article prior to his visit to the Celestial Empire. During his presidential campaign, Putin presented his program in the form of seven lengthy articles in the press.

The article published in the Chinese newspaper says that the commodity circulation between Russia and China in 2011 set a record level - $83.5 billion. By 2015, Russia and China plan to reach $100 billion and $200 billion - by 2020, Putin wrote.

Even though the Russian-Chinese trade has reached a record level, Russia is not happy with the structure of it. Moreover, the structure of this trade hurts Russia's national pride. For China, Russia has become a supplier of raw materials and metals. In return, Russia imports technological products from China. It would not be correct to blame China for that, though. Chinese investors are concerned about the unfavorable climate for foreign entrepreneurs in Russia.

China needs more natural gas. Nevertheless, the agreement about the pipeline transportation of gas, which was achieved last year, has not materialized. Vice Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said that the two countries still differ on prices.

Putin did not leave this issue out of attention in his article. He reminded of the launch of the Russian-Chinese oil pipeline, which already transported 15 million tons of oil last year. He also reminded of the long-term contract (25 years) for the shipment of Russia's electric power to China.

It is worthy of note that the role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has been growing in the world during the recent years. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is going to arrive in Beijing too to take part in the conference of the organization. Putin intends to hold a separate meeting with him. Putin will also have a meeting with Afghan President Khamid Karzai.

Wait a minute ! Russia always claim that India is a superpower. So where is India ? Why hasn't India joined the Moscow-Beijing axis against the Imperial West ? Is India TOO WEAK to be qualified as a team member ?
why are u bringing India into a thread about Putin visiting China for?

Putin already said India is a upcoming superpower. He doesnt need to say it every year for trolls like you.

Plus India is not against the West, like China and Russia are.
India is a Non aligned country u hafizz troll... Even if Russia had asked we wont have joined.... Btw Y didnt china asked Pak to join against west? Is it cos Pak is not even on map of china?
Troll get a life
Wait a minute ! Russia always claim that India is a superpower. So where is India ? Why hasn't India joined the Moscow-Beijing axis against the Imperial West ? Is India TOO WEAK to be qualified as a team member ?
The superpower of weapon imports,Russia likes,USA likes,France likes,UK likess,but China dislikes because India refuses our low-quality weapons。:cry:
India is not interested in becoming a part of West-Russia rivalry . They are both close and important to us .

Btw , In the long run i do not think Russia will ever be completely anti-west . The cold war is over and their relations with the west particularly Europe have vastly improved . Disagreements will remain and quarrels will happen but no cold war like situation .
why are u bringing India into a thread about Putin visiting China for?

Putin already said India is a upcoming superpower. He doesnt need to say it every year for trolls like you.

Plus India is not against the West, like China and Russia are.

What is the reason for getting so upset? Look, sooner or later india will be bound to declare its allegiance to the west and Russia knows it.
You need to grow up to understand Indian diplomacy. After independence when we were to week, we didnt joind any of them, why should we join now. India does not belive in being followers, we belive in being leaders. Ekla chalo re.
What is the reason for getting so upset? Look, sooner or later india will be bound to declare its allegiance to the west and Russia knows it.

Will only happen after we destroy bhangladesh ;)

ontopic : Putin is clever.. He is just inviting China so as to increase the bargaining power vis-a-vis USofA.. Let's see if China falls for this trap :lol:
What is the reason for getting so upset? Look, sooner or later india will be bound to declare its allegiance to the west and Russia knows it.
can u explain? how we will be bound to join side? we believe in a multipolar world. bipolarity is not our cup of tea.
wake me up when india gets an independent foreign policy.
until then, india is merely a pawn in the anglo-american chess game.

there are only 3 countries global geopolitics revolves around, US, russia and china.

as much as indians like to think that they are important, the reality is they are an afterthought.
only if india gets an independent foreign policy will the world start to take india as serious as china and russia.
until then, india is still a western colony.

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