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Putin to Modi: Together we'll scale new heights

Well it is quite an irony isn't it? The economist expert PM destroyed the country's economy that he himself had built under Narasimha Rao's rule.

True.... And what was the difference between He as a FM and as a PM..

1) As a FM he had Narasimha rao as his leader who didnot have majority and authority and he had all the freedom in his economic polciies
2) As a PM he had sonia as his leader and she had majority (with her petty politics) and she had the veto power on every decision he has to make
3) As FM he was doing some thing which he had great knowledge and vision... and he had to concentrate only on Finance Ministry and economic reforms of the nation, where as as a PM he had to do many other things which he had no idea of or he was not comfortable of.....
True.... And what was the difference between He as a FM and as a PM..

1) As a FM he had Narasimha rao as his leader who didnot have majority and authority and he had all the freedom in his economic polciies

Actually, Mr. Sanjaya Baru says otherwise. He clarified that Narasimha Rao despite his seats handicap was a far more decisive PM and that allowed MMS to work without any hindrance in reforming Indian economy at that point of time. If you read the book 'ACCIDENTAL PRIME MINISTER', you will see that the narrative that Rao would seem like Putin compared to what MMS has been in the last 10 years.

2) As a PM he had sonia as his leader and she had majority (with her petty politics) and she had the veto power on every decision he has to make

MMS was never legitimate PM. He was simply ordered to be the PM by Sonia who could use his extreme gentleness and pacifist nature as a tool to control. If you remember, MMS was appointed through Rajya Sabha rather than fighting head on. The real PM was slated to be Sonia Gandhi but because it would piss people off to have a foreigner rule India, she stepped aside and used a control medium in MMS.

3) As FM he was doing some thing which he had great knowledge and vision... and he had to concentrate only on Finance Ministry and economic reforms of the nation, where as as a PM he had to do many other things which he had no idea of or he was not comfortable of.....

The problem is, he didn't know what to do and was ordered not to do anything.

Remaining a mute spectator as the leader of a nation is hardly something people would appreciate, while the entire country is crying and burning with scams, scandals, looting, terrorism and riots. If he was a good many truly he would at least once oppose in the public.

Technically Sonia had no power over MMS till he was officially the PM. He could have easily used his good image and cultivated and consolidated respect among Congress MPs to sideline and defang the Nehru family once and for all. If he had done that, people would have loved and respected him.

What pissed the nation off was that while he was to speak something for the horrendous injustice happening against the nation, he remained silent but started mudslinging and talking nonsense against a chief Minister (Modi ji) who had proven his credentials more than once.

Which PM would call a press conference to talk crap about an opposition leader?

That is the other politicians' job. PM's job is to stand strong for the country and protect it. That is why it is called the Top Job of India.

And that is exactly the reason why NaMo could destroy the Nehru dynasty's fortress like a raging hurricane.

He took the battle head on like a true leader against not one family but almost the entire nation's corrupt and communal politicians. He stood and fought like a Lion against multiple opponents who were fighting to stop him rather than talk to people about their problems.

Modi was candid in talking about national issues of crime, poverty, terrorism, unemployment, rapes, robbery, scams etc and finding solutions for it while Sonia and her pets were busy mudslinging him all along.

Simply put, people were awed by the command that Modi has for the people while all others only thought of themselves.
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NAMO should take up the offer and take it to its logical end..the past govts are accused of not taking a staand and not throwing its weight with anyone.
Actually, Mr. Sanjaya Baru says otherwise. He clarified that Narasimha Rao despite his seats handicap was a far more decisive PM and that allowed MMS to work without any hindrance in reforming Indian economy at that point of time. If you read the book 'ACCIDENTAL PRIME MINISTER', you will see that the narrative that Rao would seem like Putin compared to what MMS has been in the last 10 years.

MMS was never legitimate PM. He was simply ordered to be the PM by Sonia who could use his extreme gentleness and pacifist nature as a tool to control. If you remember, MMS was appointed through Rajya Sabha rather than fighting head on. The real PM was slated to be Sonia Gandhi but because it would piss people off to have a foreigner rule India, she stepped aside and used a control medium in MMS.

The problem is, he didn't know what to do and was ordered not to do anything.

Remaining a mute spectator as the leader of a nation is hardly something people would appreciate, while the entire country is crying and burning with scams, scandals, looting, terrorism and riots. If he was a good many truly he would at least once oppose in the public.

Technically Sonia had no power over MMS till he was officially the PM. He could have easily used his good image and cultivated and consolidated respect among Congress MPs to sideline and defang the Nehru family once and for all. If he had done that, people would have loved and respected him.

What pissed the nation off was that while he was to speak something for the horrendous injustice happening against the nation, he remained silent but started mudslinging and talking nonsense against a chief Minister (Modi ji) who had proven his credentials more than once.

Which PM would call a press conference to talk crap about an opposition leader?

That is the other politicians' job. PM's job is to stand strong for the country and protect it. That is why it is called the Top Job of India.

And that is exactly the reason why NaMo could destroy the Nehru dynasty's fortress like a raging hurricane.

He took the battle head on like a true leader against not one family but almost the entire nation's corrupt and communal politicians. He stood and fought like a Lion against multiple opponents who were fighting to stop him rather than talk to people about their problems.

Modi was candid in talking about national issues of crime, poverty, terrorism, unemployment, rapes, robbery, scams etc and finding solutions for it while Sonia and her pets were busy mudslinging him all along.

Simply put, people were awed by the command that Modi has for the people while all others only thought of themselves.

Word is Arun shourie will be Finance and Arun Jaitley will be Foreign...if that is the case...this is a Block Buster Ministry ..
Lots of ex IB and RAW folks going to end up in national security team... I can't wait to know who the Cabinet will be...
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