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Putin to Modi: Together we'll scale new heights


Feb 28, 2013
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Russian President Vladimir Putin hopes he and Narendra Modi can push bilateral ties to new heights, just as the two countries did last time when BJP was in power.

In his message of congratulations to Mr. Modi, the Russian leader recalled that it was with a BJP government that he had signed the “historic” Declaration of Strategic Partnership.

Mr. Putin “highly praised the traditionally friendly relations between Russia and India that are based on the Declaration of Strategic Partnership, which was signed when BJP was in power and which defined the course of bilateral cooperation for years ahead,” according to the Kremlin.

Mr. Putin stressed that the Declaration had “historic significance,” as borne out by “the impressive results of productive joint work” since its signing in 2000 and “large-scale mutually beneficial projects accomplished in the economic, military-technical, scientific, cultural and humanitarian spheres.”

Mr. Putin voiced confidence that together with Mr. Modi they “will be able to multiply the achievements of the past period,” the Kremlin said.

Putin to Modi: Together we'll scale new heights - The Hindu
Modi is kinda like Putin. Both are strong, autocratic and no bs kinda guys.
Long live India-Russia Friendship
All for strongest ties ever with Russia, China and Japan. I guess these three countries are most inportant in Mod's list.
Putin is awesome. :cheers:

The BRICS are getting a lot of strong leaders now. This seems like a good sign.

This is a great sign.

We can leave our negative past and forge stronger ties with each other within BRICS and also with other countries around the world.

My only point is that we i.e. Russia, India and China need to involve Brazil and South Africa more seriously into this. They are partners at a very macro level which may need to change if we have to unite as a strategic bloc in the future.

Military diplomacy is another area where we need to focus.

While these countries have different threat perspectives from ours, a military-to-military relation helps in building strong trust.

RIC is that ways integrated but BS are not.

That has to be seen.

After a decade of suffering misery, we finally have a powerful, no-nonsense leader whose ruling style is similar to Xi, Putin and Netanyahu combined.

Something must be done about the plan to integrate the 5Rs: our currencies. If we can somehow manage to make 1 Rupee = 1 Ruble = 1 Renmibi = 1 Rand = 1 Real, and start trading in each others' currencies, we may be able to save our economies from the rise and fall of the USD.

Russians are planning a pipeline addition through your country that will ensure that both you and we feel safe about our energy securities.

If that deal goes through, our dependence on the unstable Middle East will reduce and we can move on to more serious issues both domestic and international.
Russia, China and Japan is the Future... I genuinely believe that!!! We have to develop Asia as THE block!
Putin is awesome. :cheers:

The BRICS are getting a lot of strong leaders now. This seems like a good sign.

Probably the leader who was perceived as a weak one in that list was MMS.... Now with Modi replacing him, almost all the leaders in BRICS are strong...... But only draw back MMS the economist is missing..... and let us remember the very purpose of BRICS.....
Probably the leader who was perceived as a weak one in that list was MMS.... Now with Modi replacing him, almost all the leaders in BRICS are strong...... But only draw back MMS the economist is missing..... and let us remember the very purpose of BRICS.....

Well it is quite an irony isn't it? The economist expert PM destroyed the country's economy that he himself had built under Narasimha Rao's rule.
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