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Putin says Russian city Volgograd may become Stalingrad again

@Fukuoka vs @vostok ........LMAO ,this is one for the books :pop::yay:

Without Stalin and his idiotic purges the Soviet Army wouldn't have fared so badly at the beginning of Barbarossa...He was an epic failure,a mad man,dangerous to the Russians and non Russians alike.
Again JEWS destroying everything and blaming all on the goyims

Russia was totally bled dry by the JEWS Lenine & Trotsky death squads, that's why they were so weak

Nothing to see with Stalin

Communism created by the JEWS has made lost at least 60 years of development to Russia & China
I think it's true, maybe Stalin stopped the jewish death machine.

But now the medias blame all on the russians for the millions of death in Ukraine, which is false as Trotsky did this
During the Great Depression in America, as well as in USSR starved to death hundreds of thousands, maybe - millions of people. But nobody remembers this and does not call American presidents bloody murderers. It was very difficult time. USSR and other countries suffered huge casualties in those years. All compounded by the fact that Western countries refused to accept gold for machines and technology (then started industrialization in the USSR) and demanded grain. Stalin had no way out - he gave grain, which is why a lot of people died throughout the USSR. But if Stalin had not done this, if industrialization was not finished at the right time - than Soviet Union would die. There would be no chance in the coming world war.
During the Great Depression in America, as well as in USSR starved to death hundreds of thousands, maybe - millions of people. But nobody remembers this and does not call American presidents bloody murderers. It was very difficult time. USSR and other countries suffered huge casualties in those years. All compounded by the fact that Western countries refused to accept gold for machines and technology (then started industrialization in the USSR) and demanded grain. Stalin had no way out - he gave grain, which is why a lot of people died throughout the USSR. But if Stalin had not done this, if industrialization was not finished at the right time - than Soviet Union would die. There would be no chance in the coming world war.

490,000 kulaks were deported out of which 15% died . I doubt it was hundreds of thousands as the grain had been good and the famines were tales of hearst press and far ukrainian right. Again I have big reservations of Khrushchev and Brezhnev's revisionism .My granduncles always felt that soviet leaders were being influenced by Andropov,suslov and Shelepgin who were jewish. And some of the KGB material my uncles had access seemed to indicate that the motives of Andropov were not benevolent but to prepare the collapse of USSR. Even soviet defector anatoliy golitsyn confirmed some plan like this made in 50's and 60's and it seemed that khrushchev did not know what was happening in the KGB and just a puppet for public show. yes, hundreds of thousands did die in the gulags and stalin's firing squads. 800,000 was the number.
During the Great Depression in America, as well as in USSR starved to death hundreds of thousands, maybe - millions of people. But nobody remembers this and does not call American presidents bloody murderers. It was very difficult time. USSR and other countries suffered huge casualties in those years. All compounded by the fact that Western countries refused to accept gold for machines and technology (then started industrialization in the USSR) and demanded grain. Stalin had no way out - he gave grain, which is why a lot of people died throughout the USSR. But if Stalin had not done this, if industrialization was not finished at the right time - than Soviet Union would die. There would be no chance in the coming world war.
Only USSR starved to death actually, but it's because of the millions of deaths caused by Trotsly & Lenine
Only USSR starved to death actually, but it's because of the millions of deaths caused by Trotsly & Lenine

Where did America’s missing millions go? Holodomor Lessons — RT News

However, since the population of the country was increased by immigration in the 1920s, the population should have increased by 11.3% by the 1940s due to population growth. With all factors taken into account, USA's population in 1940 should have been 141.856 million people. In reality, it was only 131.409 million. Out of the 10,447,000 missing people, only 3.054 million can be accounted for by change in migration dynamics.

Thus, in accordance to the above calculations, 7 million 394 thousand people are simply missing at the start of 1940. There are no official explanations of this fact. Personally, I highly doubt that any official explanations will ever appear.

Our scientist reminds us the awful reality of that crisis undervalued by American historians, but mysteriously well-recorded by great writers like Erskine Caldwell or Horace McCoy. With so many people unemployed, moneyless and helpless, deprived of their land, and for so many years, how could the demographic bill have not been high?

USA erases memory of its own Holodomor - English pravda.ru

Jewish Bernanke admits the Federal Reserve started the great depression:
Bernanke: Federal Reserve caused Great Depression

So ,it means great depression was engineered by wall street bankers and rothschild :
How a Group of International Bankers Engineered the 1929 Crash and the Great Depression | Hidden History
Where did America’s missing millions go? Holodomor Lessons — RT News

However, since the population of the country was increased by immigration in the 1920s, the population should have increased by 11.3% by the 1940s due to population growth. With all factors taken into account, USA's population in 1940 should have been 141.856 million people. In reality, it was only 131.409 million. Out of the 10,447,000 missing people, only 3.054 million can be accounted for by change in migration dynamics.

Thus, in accordance to the above calculations, 7 million 394 thousand people are simply missing at the start of 1940. There are no official explanations of this fact. Personally, I highly doubt that any official explanations will ever appear.

Our scientist reminds us the awful reality of that crisis undervalued by American historians, but mysteriously well-recorded by great writers like Erskine Caldwell or Horace McCoy. With so many people unemployed, moneyless and helpless, deprived of their land, and for so many years, how could the demographic bill have not been high?

USA erases memory of its own Holodomor - English pravda.ru

Jewish Bernanke admits the Federal Reserve started the great depression:
Bernanke: Federal Reserve caused Great Depression

So ,it means great depression was engineered by wall street bankers and rothschild :
How a Group of International Bankers Engineered the 1929 Crash and the Great Depression | Hidden History
:undecided: Maybe they've gone to Canada, or somewhere else
I don't think it's possible to hide 10 millions of dead people. Maybe they are old people diying, but not young workers diying of hunger
Only USSR starved to death actually, but it's because of the millions of deaths caused by Trotsly & Lenine
In America, there was a terrible famine in 1929-1933. Millions died, but, as you know yourself, censor does not permit to make research on this topic. But Americans very like to talk about the famine in the Soviet Union at the same time.
In America, there was a terrible famine in 1929-1933. Millions died, but, as you know yourself, censor does not permit to make research on this topic. But Americans very like to talk about the famine in the Soviet Union at the same time.

If I knew how, I would post that "THE JEWS DID THIS" animated GIF.
In America, there was a terrible famine in 1929-1933. Millions died, but, as you know yourself, censor does not permit to make research on this topic. But Americans very like to talk about the famine in the Soviet Union at the same time.

I don't think Famine has the meaning you think it has.

Wikipedia removed a conspiracy page that was not supported by references. Certainly you can still research the topic without Wiki.

Wiki and any other critical thinker will always instantly dismiss unsupported ideas.

Census numbers are not proof of deaths. They are proof of counted people.
I don't think Famine has the meaning you think it has.

Wikipedia removed a conspiracy page that was not supported by references. Certainly you can still research the topic without Wiki.

Wiki and any other critical thinker will always instantly dismiss unsupported ideas.

Census numbers are not proof of deaths. They are proof of counted people.
Many years in the Soviet Union also denied famine. So that details of the famine during the Great Depression in the United States, we know only after the fall of the American superpower, when censorship would stop and all "leaders of new times" will talk competing in speed about crimes of previous government.
In America, there was a terrible famine in 1929-1933. Millions died, but, as you know yourself, censor does not permit to make research on this topic. But Americans very like to talk about the famine in the Soviet Union at the same time.
Maybe indirectly, but i think it's not like the Holomodor, where we can see very skinny people and cannibalism
Maybe indirectly, but i think it's not like the Holomodor, where we can see very skinny people and cannibalism

There was no cannibalism. Most of those photos of cannibalism and skinny photos are from the volga famine of 1921-22(russian civil war) in which 6 million people died. There is not a single photo available of the 'holodomer' .

photo exhibition dedicated to 1932-33 Famine in Ukraine, organized by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in Sevastopol demonstrated photographs taken in the USA, not in Ukraine, Novyy Region news agency has reported.

The agency quoted the head of a Sevastopol pro-Russian party, Volodymyr Tyunin, who said that the exhibition entitled "The Ukrainian Holocaust" demonstrated six photographs, four of which had been taken in the USA during the Great Depression in 1935-36, and two others - in Russia.

Tyunin said that the exhibition was a complete fake which confirmed the fact that the SBU was trying hardest to worsen relations between Russia and Ukraine.

The last statement is quite debatable, however, after a simple Google-search it is possible to identify at least two of the photos as Dorothea Lange's Depression-era works.

'1932-33 Famine in Ukraine' photo exhibition is a fake?

Ukraine acknowledges fake photos in Holodomor exhibition

- News - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video

Then there is another good book by Douglas Tottle.

Fraud, Famine, and Fascism - The Ukrainian Genocide Myth from Hitler to
There was no cannibalism. Most of those photos of cannibalism and skinny photos are from the volga famine of 1921-22(russian civil war) in which 6 million people died. There is not a single photo available of the 'holodomer' .

photo exhibition dedicated to 1932-33 Famine in Ukraine, organized by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in Sevastopol demonstrated photographs taken in the USA, not in Ukraine, Novyy Region news agency has reported.

The agency quoted the head of a Sevastopol pro-Russian party, Volodymyr Tyunin, who said that the exhibition entitled "The Ukrainian Holocaust" demonstrated six photographs, four of which had been taken in the USA during the Great Depression in 1935-36, and two others - in Russia.

Tyunin said that the exhibition was a complete fake which confirmed the fact that the SBU was trying hardest to worsen relations between Russia and Ukraine.

The last statement is quite debatable, however, after a simple Google-search it is possible to identify at least two of the photos as Dorothea Lange's Depression-era works.

'1932-33 Famine in Ukraine' photo exhibition is a fake?

Ukraine acknowledges fake photos in Holodomor exhibition

- News - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video
It's not a shame you know to have famines. I've never blamed the russians for that, but rather Lenine & Trotsky

I'am what we can call a conspiracist, but i don't deny the facts. I just discuss the causes of the facts
It's not a shame you know to have famines. I've never blamed the russians for that, but rather Lenine & Trotsky

I'am what we can call a conspiracist, but i don't deny the facts. I just discuss the causes of the facts

See its not about shame . Like I said before,there is not a single photo of the holodomer produced till now. Almost all photos of so called 'holodomer' of 1932 are from the volga famine of 1921-22 and some from US great depression. You can research on this. I have always agreed with you that the bolsheviks were jews and killed millions ,especially in russian civil war when 12 million died because of the bolshevik madness.
Maybe indirectly, but i think it's not like the Holomodor, where we can see very skinny people and cannibalism
Starvation was and holodomer - was not. I wrote you that the grain needed to pay for machines, because the West refused to accept gold.
In America was the same famine, with millions of victims. Censorship prohibits to talk about it and conduct research for now.

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