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Putin: Russia 'Working on' Dalai Lama Visit

China shouldn't be against the Dalai Lama having visits to other countries, the man should be free to visit and travel to anywhere he wants, except for China, unless he wants to turn himself in for treason against the state and spend the rest of his days trying to reach nirvana in a secluded field. :)
Now isn't every country is doing things to offend China leaving few countries. BTW why haven't China already attacked us, who is stopping you to do so ?
Now isn't every country is doing things to offend China leaving few countries. BTW why haven't China already attacked us, who is stopping you to do so ?

The reverse can be said, so why isn't others attacking China, who is stopping them?

U have copies but russians have original product ;) and u still need dem :).
so dont post pics of weapons etc
Russia might not like China growing so powerful but it won't have an armed conflict with China to protect Vietnam. Even at the height of its power, and having signed a formal defense treaty, USSR simply sold out Vietnam and did nothing when China spanked you in 1979.

In today's world, China must get used to a little bit of hostility from its neighbors. This is a natural consequence of our meteoric rise. But at the same time, we must also get used to spanking our weaker neighbors more, because this is what keeps potential enemies off-balance and unwilling to risk an armed confrontation with China.


If you think Viet Nam expecting Russia, U.S to protect her that you are absolutely wrong. Viet Nam only need weapons from Russia or U.S and the rest Viet Nam can deal with it. Viet Nam has people who are willing to die, to served and protecting her at all cost.

Have you wonder why, after Viet Nam leaders visits Russia and things are suddenly changes? More than any countries, Russia has its own interest in Viet Nam for long time. Like I said earlier, no one willing accept and takes permission from China in SCS claims has been made.

China shouldn't be against the Dalai Lama having visits to other countries, the man should be free to visit and travel to anywhere he wants, except for China, unless he wants to turn himself in for treason against the state and spend the rest of his days trying to reach nirvana in a secluded field. :)

China only oppose any countries which are invite/allow Mr. Dalai Lama. Why China is afraid Mr Dalai Lama if its not do something completly wrong?

U have copies but russians have original product ;) and u still need dem :).
so dont post pics of weapons etc

It's OK, Russia will demonstration what a difference between fake and real.

Does Russia really cares to being harm its relationship with China? If its does, then Russia did not changes its status with China lately.
Read the post I am quoting. I know you can't read, but give it a try.

Dude dont know what the problem is with you Chinese guys, on 1st page one is openly declaring to attack the entire world in one go, on another page the other is inviting the entire countries to attack them.

One piece of advice, at least go through the post before making ur valuable comment, and the guy u quote knows to read English better than u.
By attacking Vietnam and splitting india into many smaller countries, China will enhance our power and keep a potential enemy -- Russia -- from risking an open conflict with us. No need to feel bad for Vietnam or india of course because you already openly confronted us thinking that we are so peaceful we will never spank you silly. Well, you thought wrong -- and Russia's move is forcing China to get more aggressive too!

Think twice before you make any post from now on, Viet Nam will invite NATO steps in and China will be surrounded by all potential military power such as U.S, Russia, India, Japan, Korea, SEA and NATO.

China better treat Mr Dalai Lama as well, there is nothing to hide for China after him visit Mr Putin.
There is a big difference between countries who are uneasy because China is so powerful and countries who will actually fight China to the death.

If it was so easy india will jump right out and absorb all of China nuclear warheads so USA and Russia can continue the fight ;)

To all chinese guys, the truth is your CCP failed in convincing the world about your peaceful intentions and peaceful rise.
The Phillipines row, Aquino successfully pictured you as an aggressor. There a Ring and web that is coming around China and soon it will strangulate you.
The picture will come clear within months and until then Chinese posters can do these empty rhetorics and warnings.

Last but not the least they can now claim even stars since Chinese watched stars while they are sleeping.:rofl:
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