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Putin Orders Massive Strike Against Saudi Arabia If West Attacks Syria

The genocide of Arabs lunatic member here is at it again.

Did you not read what the maniac wrote? ONLY Makkah, Madinah and Al-Quds among the Arab lands will be safe. The Arabs who don't live in those cities, meaning potentially nearly all 450 MILLION of us, will perish!

How horrible.


I guess being from Makkah makes me safe.

The paper tiger is going to attack all of KSA. We are doomed indeed.
Did you not read what the maniac wrote? ONLY Makkah, Madinah and Al-Quds among the Arab lands will be safe. The Arabs who don't live in those cities, meaning potentially nearly all 450 MILLION of us, will perish!

How horrible.


I guess being from Makkah makes me safe.

The paper tiger is going to attack all of KSA. We are doomed indeed.

just make sure war alarms work properly as soon as early warning alarm ring i will hide myself in our villa's underground water tank . to be save from Syrian Russian missiles .
Russia is a joke of a country too busy waging war against homosexuals.

Did you not read what the maniac wrote? ONLY Makkah, Madinah and Al-Quds among the Arab lands will be safe. The Arabs who don't live in those cities, meaning potentially nearly all 450 MILLION of us, will perish!

How horrible.


I guess being from Makkah makes me safe.

The paper tiger is going to attack all of KSA. We are doomed indeed.

We've got your back.

We can send you some old Uzi's if you need them for street fighting bro.
just make sure war alarms work properly as soon as early warning alarm ring i will hide myself in our villa's underground water tank . to be save from Syrian Russian missiles .


We will both escape to the Hijazi mountains or the volcanic areas or settle on one of the 1150 islands. Or maybe try to dig under the Rub' al Khali and this way enter China.

What is better to hide in, in your opinion 7abibi? The vast greenery/mountains/tropical areas of the provinces of Hijaz, Asir, Bahah, Najran, Jizan or the wadis and hills of Najd?

Maybe the northern areas next to Kuwait and Iraq would be more safer? Or the vast Eastern Province?

I am yet to make a decision because we can't possibly all fit into Makkah, Madinah and Al-Quds.

The borders will be closed so no escaping to non-Arab lands.

Maybe the Iranians will be merciful and let us swim across the Gulf. Or maybe we all have to go towards Yemen and Oman and from there on try to swim across the Arabian Sea to Pakistan/India or Africa.

I don't know?

dnt knw y but this guys looks like james bond the way he walks his eyes..nd holds guns!!
anyone who felt same!! :P
Prescription for loossening up OP

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Dont think its true Russia in not that reckless. nor is Saudi Arab that weak in military terms.
What countries would act? Apart from Pakistan (who has a defence agreement with Saudi Arabia) and maybe some smaller gulf nations I cant think of any others.

Let alone Pakistan, which wouldn't move a musule because of fear of being nuked by giant even US will have to abort Syrian adventure if Putin refuses to back down.
Anyway, how will Russia conduct massive strikes on Saudis


1. Only one Aircraft carrier

2. Target outside combat radius of Su-30's

3. Target outside range of stand-off weapons

4. Protection provided by US. Contrary to what some people might think, shooting down a squadron of tupelov or Sukhoi is not going to trigger WWIII.

5. And most important. Syria does not has such an overwhelming weight in strategic calculus of Russia that it would dedicate substantial assets against Saudi. IFF Russia want to do so, it could flatten Saudi's even with Conventional weapons( Refueling + unescorted bombers + Su-35 with Cruise missiles firing from Iraqi Airspace) . Moot question would be, Is it ready to pay the prize that such action would entail?
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