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Putin Orders Massive Strike Against Saudi Arabia If West Attacks Syria

Dont think its true Russia in not that reckless. nor is Saudi Arab that weak in military terms.

Although this news is fake, but even if it was true, KSA wouldn't have many ways to retaliate. What can they do if Russia target their infrastructure with ballistic missiles? They can't intercept them nor can they use their air force since 2 countries are far from each other and also, Russia doesn't have any military base in ME for KSA to target it. So they can basically do nothing unless U.S enters the game.
Although this news is fake, but even if it was true, KSA wouldn't have many ways to retaliate. What can they do if Russia target their infrastructure with ballistic missiles? They can't intercept them nor can they use their air force since 2 countries are far from each other and also, Russia doesn't have any military base in ME for KSA to target it. So they can basically do nothing unless U.S enters the game.

Ballistic missiles have pathetic accuracy ( high CEP ) and are considered useless without a Nuke.
Although this news is fake, but even if it was true, KSA wouldn't have many ways to retaliate. What can they do if Russia target their infrastructure with ballistic missiles? They can't intercept them nor can they use their air force since 2 countries are far from each other and also, Russia doesn't have any military base in ME for KSA to target it. So they can basically do nothing unless U.S enters the game.

Ballistic missiles don't win wars, they never will. Conventionally speaking is what matters here, ballistic missile rain is the stupidest idea to win a war. Yes you can say they can make the inevitable winking costly but that's about it.
Ballistic missiles don't win wars, they never will. Conventionally speaking is what matters here, ballistic missile rain is the stupidest idea to win a war. Yes you can say they can make the inevitable winking costly but that's about it.

Well, it's not about 'winning a war' against KSA, it's just about striking KSA as a punishment, which the news is supposed to imply.
It's a false news anyway, doesn't make any difference.
Lol, we brought the Russians down their knees during Afghanistan war. I don't think they are welling to taste the same on a different time.

False news btw.
You could do nothing in that war , it was US made stinger missile that did the work.
You could do nothing in that war , it was US made stinger missile that did the work.

lol Butt hurt...:omghaha::rofl:

Here dedicate your russian friend in hell

Fook America, Fook Israel:omghaha:




^^^ when u become civilized, then we can talk

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Anyway, how will Russia conduct massive strikes on Saudis


1. Only one Aircraft carrier

2. Target outside combat radius of Su-30's

3. Target outside range of stand-off weapons

4. Protection provided by US. Contrary to what some people might think, shooting down a squadron of tupelov or Sukhoi is not going to trigger WWIII.

5. And most important. Syria does not has such an overwhelming weight in strategic calculus of Russia that it would dedicate substantial assets against Saudi. IFF Russia want to do so, it could flatten Saudi's even with Conventional weapons( Refueling + unescorted bombers + Su-35 with Cruise missiles firing from Iraqi Airspace) . Moot question would be, Is it ready to pay the prize that such action would entail?

Well I guess if russia want to do any attack againsy ksa weapon of choice would be kh-55 and the platform can be as far away from ksa as 2500-3000 km .
Also I doubt they use any sukhoi for such operation they probably fire them from their ships and submarine or perhaps some tu-160

And as for the range of this plane ,well I guess this can help
The Tu-160 is equipped with a probe-and-drogue in-flight refueling system for extended-range missions, although it is rarely used. The Tu-160's internal fuel capacity of 130 tons gives the aircraft a roughly 15-hour flight endurance at a cruise speed of around 850 km/h (Mach 0.77, 530 mph) at 9,145 m (30,003 ft).
lol Butt hurt...:omghaha::rofl:

Here dedicate your russian friend in hell

Fook America, Fook Israel:omghaha:




^^^ when u become civilized, then we can talk


Well ,first adding smilies won't add to the weight of your discussion. Also posting some irrelevant picture wont change the fact that what made russia retreat from Afghanistan.

About being civilised well our manner and how we express our idea in the forum talk for itself.
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Well ,first adding smilies won't add to the weight of your discussion. Also posting some irrelevant picture wont change the fact that what made russia retreat from Afghanistan.

About being civilised well our manner and how we express our idea in the forum talk for itself.

Was the video I posted earlier heavy on you that you didn't have a single word to utter. We And our American:usflag: and EU allies f@kd the $h!t out of you and your russian friends

Let me post the video of that Saudi soldier once again.

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Russia won't just strike KSA like that.
WTH are you people thinking? The saudis can defend themselves and :usflag: will intervene. Don't forget an attack on KSA will enrage alot of muslims.
Off-Topic: I am not a fan of KSA's government but Plz stop the Anti-Arab comments.
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