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Putin favours Russia, Belarus unification

If Soviet Empire emerges once again it will be very very shocking to the whole world.
As America is going down new world blocs are forming even Saudi Arabia is starting to break away from the us and in September when they veto the Palestinian bid the break off is going to really start. Russia is also rebuilding the ussr China is having more influence and Europe is looking away from the us more and more each day.

American empire is going down and the entire world knows it. The us just has energy for one more punch and that is it.

Very nicely said, but i doubt usa had even energy for one more punch.
^^^^^ Central Asia wanted to stay with Russia, so did Belarus, Ukraine was about 60/50 on staying with Russia the blacks wanted to leave this was suppose to be the new USSR until Yeltsin killed it.

In the coming 15-20 years, most of these will be reunited..They dont have much option and Putin is really willing..
Interesting times for whole world ahead..
To the West yes, to China, maybe but to India? I don't think it should be. Afterall they did help you when USSR was still around and strong.

India will rejoice the emergence of a strong Russian union (dont know what they will call this )..
India will rejoice the emergence of a strong Russian union (dont know what they will call this )..

The world is better off being multipolar in my own opinion. I personally would like to see Russia get back some of its former glory.
Another question would be Mongolia during the cold war it was a buffer zone between Russia and China in the future, I could Mongolia being apart of china.
Question: Why does Putin want a USSR? Reunification rarely happens. And if I am not mistaken, some of the ex-Soviet states don't like Russia. Examples, Ukraine, Georgia, Estonia, and maybe others for reasons known to themselves. So, the question is - how? This really seems like a pipe dream if you ask me.
Question: Why does Putin want a USSR? Reunification rarely happens. And if I am not mistaken, some of the ex-Soviet states don't like Russia. Examples, Ukraine, Georgia, Estonia, and maybe others for reasons known to themselves. So, the question is - how? This really seems like a pipe dream if you ask me.

He's going to start off with Belarus and Kazakhstan first, Remember now when the USSR was crumbling the central Asian states wanted to stay with Russia, after that another likely option would Armenia, Putin has been trying to stop Ukraine from getting into the EU it's succeeding.
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