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Putin attacked by topless women!

I am just wondering if MMS would have been there & he would have been attacked like this..........



He would just said "Thik hai" :P
Look at putins fae
How happy he sees by getting attacked by bare chested young women :lol:


I wonder if it was a young muslim woman in Burqa ..
How many terrorism charges she had faced for doing exactly same things while fully Clothed......
Admit it....the world is perverted from top to bottom...Its not burqa that annoys people...its a "Covered woman" that is the nuesence. Once she is naked.she an get away with attacking a whole group of world leaders
Look at their faces :omghaha:. Everyones mouth is wide open :rofl:.
Probably saying to himself....."Ohhhh it's good to be a president. !!


most probably just "Ohhhhhhh" u see brain cells simply stop functioning when they see such these things........ill explain later cant think

I Bet, those Security Guards who stopped the Girl from approaching Putin are LOSING there JOB :P

I wonder if it was a young muslim woman in Burqa ..
How many terrorism charges she had faced for doing exactly same things while fully Clothed......
Admit it....the world is perverted from top to bottom...Its not burqa that annoys people...its a "Covered woman" that is the nuesence. Once she is naked.she an get away with attacking a whole group of world leaders

Bhai tereme kuch jyada hi Dimag hai kya???

Fun thread ko toh kamsey kam "Fun" thread rehne de :disagree:
Putin looks very happy. He has the look of a boy who got a new toy for b'day in the first pic. :smokin:
Putin looks very happy. He has the look of a boy who got a new toy for b'day in the first pic. :smokin:


I Bet, those Security Guards who stopped the Girl from approaching Putin are LOSING there JOB :P

Bhai tereme kuch jyada hi Dimag hai kya???

Fun thread ko toh kamsey kam "Fun" thread rehne de :disagree:

but you cant deny what i said...
I don't want to be Putin... I want to be his bodyguard :D

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