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Pushed out of Pakistan, an Afghan boy clung to a parrot

I don't believe in divided Pakistan / Afghanistan
The area is similar to KPK minus security of police/military

At end of day failiure lies in not occupying region and growing pakistani border
If we had taken ownership of land , we could have changed preception with Schools and other approaches

The pockets of hate are brewing due to suspicion and lack of initiative
My religion does not teaches me to look away from such tragedies

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As much as a i feel bad for this kid i would love to know why US hasn't been able to bring peace to Afghanistan when one of the regional power is with them on Afghanistan issue.

Pakistan has meager resources and a dwindling economy, why don't Americans and Indians provide them asylum in their countries instead of writing such stories?
Who knew all it would take to throw these namak haram's out of the country would be a parrot
we need to send more refugees out of Pakistan to Afghanistan.. we hosted them for too long and still they hate and curse us .. they are snake even if we feed them milk they will bite us whenever they could.. so stop this emotional drama... our government is very slow in sending them back they should have almost finished it by now.. India is rebuilding afghan they have more land they could give these afghanis refuge in india and even indian citizenship...
It will also help change the demographic. :)
Bye bye terrorist afghans..... Take your damn parrots with you!
Settling into a country after 30 years would be difficult but they must understand Afghanistan is their home and they should have returned back to that country one day.
If they had actually borne true faith and allegiance to Pakistan, this would not have come.
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