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Purpose of S-400 and Rafale is to hit Pakistani aircraft inside Pakistani air space



This is just Kashghar AB, not Hotan or Ngari Gunsa AB. Never talk bigger than your size.
Pakistan has its own 700km BABUR land based Cruise Missiles to turn Indian S400s into crap of metal ( only a few countries in the world and Pakistan is one of them )
Turkey is Insha'Allah going to join the club with "Gezgin" as the motor problem is being solved...
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If India is stupid enough to place S-400 near the border then it will be extremely vulnerable to drone swarm attacks.
Do not underestimate the stupidity of a military that cannot even properly assemble aircraft with Russian kits or one which shoots down its own helicopters in training
I don't know how we counter it but one thing I do know is that the guys in PAF are safely ten times the professional than this turban wearing clown who brought nothing but failure and humiliation instead of success for his country when it actually mattered the most

Rest talks are cheap and we get them a lot from clowns like Dhanoa
What motivation does he have once his most sacred place was desecrated by the very military he's a member of????? These folks won't cut their hair - no parts of the body are spared - till they take revenge for the killing of one of their "gurus" by a Mughal Emperor....

If I were from the Indian General Staffs I wouldn't have put any of these "turbans" in any important positions...
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“If you have 72-80 aircraft, it will match whatever F-16s the Pakistanis have got. It will be good for deterrence,”
This is why a swarm of drones and a massive missile deterrence is needed. I'm sure our military is on the ball here and planning for this.

@PanzerKiel @Windjammer
This from the same joker...and don't forget to add the Raptor of the East to the kill list.


Who is the "Ashok Swain" equivalent for Pak and China? Or Is India the only country blessed with them?
This is why a swarm of drones and a massive missile deterrence is needed. I'm sure our military is on the ball here and planning for this.

@PanzerKiel @Windjammer
Please leave it to the Turkish folks!!!! HALE/MALE drones will attack by firing swarm of drones - each with it's own "intelligence", "mission", "vision", "motivation", "dedication", "fire power" etc. in a "net-centric" environment...
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If the additional rafales are 70% of the cost of the first deal then we are looking at $6.5 billion deal to buy 36 more rafales.

MY UNDERSTANDING is this deal is pending Rafale F4 version acheiving FOC before india places order.
At a guess 2022 for delivery starting 2025.

For those suggesting FC31 negates S400 . that ciould not be more ironic. THE S400 was designed with takingOUT USA F35 5th generation fighters so FC31 is perfect for FC31 detterance.

BESIDES who says you even getting this chinease fighter........ could be a decade away

And t quote you pakistanis it will take another 5 years to evolve operationally = year 2035 ie 15 years away for PAF to have answer to S400 & Rafale


Rafale & S400 is hear now ( S400 starting delivery next year.)
This thread is a reminder of the future between the two countries if Pakistan does not get its economy on track. The distance between acquisitions and their counter will only get larger. Regardless of how competent you take your armed forces to be, without sufficient funds, introduction of counter measures is going to be a real up-hill task with precious funds being diverted from other pressing needs which in turn will make sure no real improvement in the overall economic situation. It's a vicious cycle.

Pakistan needs some serious reforms in education and industry to improve its economic situation. As long as it has a nuclear bomb, a strong deterrent is already in place.
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