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Punjab divided into smaller provinces.

I am Pakistani above all. I live in Punjab.
I hate the negativity with which other provinces view us. Even people from jnoobi Punjab hate us.
Punjab is very massive it needs to be divided at least into three province. What does it matter, all would remain in Pakistan. The seats remains the same. The Senate remains the same. You have 3 c.m's that can monitor Punjab better. Better chance of development.
Less hatred among provinces and equal Distribution of assets among Punjab.
If I would have my way. , I would give kalabagh region to kpk, and ask them to built kalabagh dam and sindh can control it. But for this we need vision.
As long as it remains in Pakistan, and it is better for people, then it can be done. There is no harm.
Nothing is going to happen if Punjab divides further. I only need Pakistan. Nothing else.
To hell with my nationalism. I am only Pakistan above all.
Because Karachi is the largest city of Pakistan and the commercial capital. It deserves federal attention as none of it's so called elected representatives are honest with it.

It is a cash cow that everyone loots, at least with federal government control there will be a lot more scrutiny than the current lot of corrupt idiots we have at provincial and local levels.

Would be interested to hear your views on this certainly. Whenever you feel like it of course. I also think the set up can indeed be tweaked, but the current lot has to go.

I will make a separate thread and tag you in it,
I am Pakistani above all. I live in Punjab.
I hate the negativity with which other provinces view us. Even people from jnoobi Punjab hate us.
Punjab is very massive it needs to be divided at least into three province. What does it matter, all would remain in Pakistan. The seats remains the same. The Senate remains the same. You have 3 c.m's that can monitor Punjab better. Better chance of development.
Less hatred among provinces and equal Distribution of assets among Punjab.
If I would have my way. , I would give kalabagh region to kpk, and ask them to built kalabagh dam and sindh can control it. But for this we need vision.
As long as it remains in Pakistan, and it is better for people, then it can be done. There is no harm.
Nothing is going to happen if Punjab divides further. I only need Pakistan. Nothing else.
To hell with my nationalism. I am only Pakistan above all.
Alhamdulillah, Punjab has always been resistive to ethno-nationalism due to our diversity and emphasis on religion.
Alhamdulillah, Punjab has always been resistive to ethno-nationalism due to our diversity and emphasis on religion.
We think that it is.
But it is not.
I too belong to one of the modern punjabi families. It is never on the front but it is there. The punjabi nationalism I mean ...
Being in majority one does not find this out.
But nationalism is there.
Because Karachi is the largest city of Pakistan and the commercial capital. It deserves federal attention as none of it's so called elected representatives are honest with it.

It is a cash cow that everyone loots, at least with federal government control there will be a lot more scrutiny than the current lot of corrupt idiots we have at provincial and local levels.

Would be interested to hear your views on this certainly. Whenever you feel like it of course. I also think the set up can indeed be tweaked, but the current lot has to go.

Doesn't it create rift with other province? Isn't it better to divide Karachi into two provinces and treat all provinces equally? What your views about provinces with 75 lakh to one crore population and make it law as population increases new provinces will be made automatically? Just wanted to know your views.

I am Pakistani above all. I live in Punjab.
I hate the negativity with which other provinces view us. Even people from jnoobi Punjab hate us.
Punjab is very massive it needs to be divided at least into three province. What does it matter, all would remain in Pakistan. The seats remains the same. The Senate remains the same. You have 3 c.m's that can monitor Punjab better. Better chance of development.
Less hatred among provinces and equal Distribution of assets among Punjab.
If I would have my way. , I would give kalabagh region to kpk, and ask them to built kalabagh dam and sindh can control it. But for this we need vision.
As long as it remains in Pakistan, and it is better for people, then it can be done. There is no harm.
Nothing is going to happen if Punjab divides further. I only need Pakistan. Nothing else.
To hell with my nationalism. I am only Pakistan above all.

Some really nice ideas specially about Kalabagh Dam. That's the way problems can be solved.
Btw why only punjab, i am for dividing all the provinces at divison level.
Do not touch the provinces, actually abolish them all together.
Pakistan's districts should be made autonomous on deciding how to run day to day affairs and manage implementation of regulations.
Federation should be only limited to defence, foreign affairs and legalization.

Every district should have its own cricket team.
Doesn't it create rift with other province? Isn't it better to divide Karachi into two provinces and treat all provinces equally? What your views about provinces with 75 lakh to one crore population and make it law as population increases new provinces will be made automatically? Just wanted to know your views.

It wouldn't create a rift with another province because no provinces will exist. Everyone accepts Karachi is a cosmopolitan multicultural city, it belongs to all the peoples of Pakistan, not just one province or ethnicity. And trust me, your average Karachite will be pleased with having federal control.

With regards to creating more provinces, I honestly don't see the point in having so many provinces, on top of the divisions, districts, sub-districts and union councils. What will these new provinces do that can't be devolved to the district/metropolitan level?

If from the very beginning, we had more provinces then I would agree with you that it would be a good idea about having laws that as population increases so too the provinces but now if we try to create more provinces, I am certain that the demand for them will be based on ethnic and linguistic terms, while some people are very sensitive about dividing one province or another. Better to get rid of them altogether and let the people at the local level have their say.

And like @BATMAN said, the federal government can look after defense, foreign affairs etc.
i think inspite dividing provinces which is quite controversial as its only for political abuse. Why not first focus on local body system once we have it. people will become much more aware about democracy then we can opt for more province if we will do it now it will just result in more thieves and less influence of federal govt.
Oh yes, devolution of power is important. From centre to province to districts
Only Punjab needs to be divided. Punjab is causing alot of problems. It's a flawed system when 1 province has that much clout.

All other provinces can remain intact.
Typical reply from some one who is not from Punjab. Why Punjab only is the big question.

Why not a Karachi Hyderabad province.

What about the puahtoon province in Baluchistan.

What about hazara province.

What about given FATA the status of a province.

Despite it's biggest size and population, Punjab is leading all other provinces in every department is it health education, law and order , infrastructure etc .
Oh yes, devolution of power is important. From centre to province to districts
Already more then enough powers have been given to provinces under 18 amendment.
Now let provinces do justice with their duties and provide resources to districts and divisions.
Punjab is very massive it needs to be divided at least into three province. What does it matter, all would remain in Pakistan. The seats remains the same. The Senate remains the same.
No dear, division of Punjab in 3 will lead to bigger disaster for smaller provinces.

Each province has same seats in senate, it means the existing Punjab will get 3 times seats in Senate.
If I would have my way. , I would give kalabagh region to kpk, and ask them to built kalabagh dam and sindh can control it. But for this we need vision.
In which capacity any CM Punjab can allow to give its land to kpk.
Dams in Pakistan are already under federal cpbtrol. Why allow any single province to have control over dams.
Punjab Yes! But not in linguistic line (e.g. siraiki province).

Sindh too must be divided and Karachi made into a separate province - may going east to Port Qasim, West to Gadani. Otherwise Karachi city as separate province on it's own.
They should first make Sind and Bacluchistan provinces at least 2 for sind and 4 for baluchistan as its land is more.. kpk also 2 and fata one province than if all provinces agree to their division than and only than punjab should be made 2 provinces.. Its all BS drama for making more money and thats y they are demanding more provinces so that they can get more budget for their pockets.. Punjab should build kala bagh dam no matter who is worried only traitor are not allowing its development and later when water will become scarce then they will c wat mistake they made..
We Pakistani are good in dividing ourselves on ethnic; caste; religious grounds and we think as if dividing tactics will change the conditions and fate of people lol.
No province should be big enough that it alone decides who will rule over entire Pakistan, otherwise you have Nasoor Sharif type situation who is the choice of Punjab but hardly manages any votes from anywhere else. Under the current census Punjab has a population which is 52% of Pakistan, this means it should be split into two provinces of 20-30% each.

This measure isn't to target Punjab specifically, but to break the monopoly of one province. If tomorrow KPK or Sindh have so much population that they comprise of more than 50% of Pakistan then they should be split too.
So what is the logic in dividing region into smaller provinces when population of Punjab region will remain half and whoever win the votes of Punjab will again make it to central government?
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