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Punjab Assembly walon ki haisiat

What a shame these are women are doing this just to get attention.. what kind of gov and power is in Pakistan very shameful just watching stuff like is this disgraceful .
What a shame these are women are doing this just to get attention.. what kind of gov and power is in Pakistan very shameful just watching stuff like is this disgraceful .

Now the real reason..why these women threw shoes at that person is not shown..this is called selective journalism...

Every country has its fair share of misogynist politicians telling women not to drive or have abortions and to wear or not to wear a burqa or contest elections. However, Pakistan beats them all with the likes of Sheikh Alauddin, Member of the Punjab Assembly, who is not only openly misogynist, but is also ill-mannered enough to call his colleagues — female members of the Punjab Assembly — all kinds of offensive names. The names are so impolite that not only did some of the TV channels refuse to air his tirade against women MPAs uncensored, but the Speaker of the Punjab Assembly, Rana Muhammad Iqbal, even had to request that those nasty bits be removed from the records.
Female MPAs protested against his spiel about the non-virtuous nature of his female colleagues but when he refused to stop, Seemal Kamran, an MPA from the Pakistan Muslim League-Q, threw a shoe at Alauddin and all hell broke loose. Ms Kamran was barred from entering the assembly premises by the speaker the following day and was involved in a skirmish with the security guards. Later, when she tried to file an FIR against Sheikh Alauddin for harassment and misconduct at the workplace, she was told that an FIR can only be filed against an MPA after directions from the Speaker of the Assembly.

No one is whining or complaining when that @$$hole of a politician abuses women openly calling them what not...but if a woman responds by throwing a slipper, that is bad...
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