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Punjab Assembly Dissolved

He's like the Andrew Tate of Pakistan

On a serious note though, Imran Khan has pulled such a massive amount of people out of the matrix, it's actually shocking.
Almost all of the 220 million people in Pakistan have had their eyes opened to this.
Just thinking about the influence he has had makes you really understand the danger he poses to the Estab

I'd say roughly 180 million people have had their eyes opened by this. That's actually more people influenced by Imran Khan than by the likes of Andrew Tate.
worshippers of devil, also believe that he,s the savior,

Elections are waste of money. We need to spend money on development rather than on useless politics.
when ever the elections are held?
if imran the jew lover does not win 100% , according to his twisted mind .
he will be on twitter the next minute- giving a call to his zombies,
and the cycle will continue of pakistan,s turmoil.---- elections rigged, back to streers saga
imran wont stop till he fully destroy pakistan .economically and militarly...

The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz leaders have said that Chief Minister Pervaiz Elahi was the one who had asked them to go for a vote of confidence, claiming that he was not in favour of dissolving the Punjab Assembly.

“We also had assurance from 10 MPAs that they would not vote for Elahi as they were against the dissolution of assemblies,” a senior Punjab Assembly parliamentarian said in the wake of media reports that party’s Quaid Nawaz Sharif expressed his annoyance with the leaders over making false claims regarding the numbers game.
A former provincial minister and party MPA said that some PTI MPAs did not want the assemblies to be dissolved, and had assured them that they would not vote for Elahi as voting for the CM meant instant dissolution of the Punjab and K-P assemblies. However, he said that later the MPAs agreed to vote for Elahi only after they were assured that the Punjab Assembly would not be dissolved.

He accepted that these statements had caused embarrassment for the party, as it made them look rudderless and weak.
if imran the jew lover does not win 100% , according to his twisted mind .
he will be on twitter the next minute- giving a call to his zombies,
and the cycle will continue of pakistan,s turmoil.---- elections rigged, back to streers saga
imran wont stop till he fully destroy pakistan .economically and militarly...


What a twisted & sick mindset is this ? What if IK is proved to be an honest person and better human being then most on judgement day ? Where will you hide then ?

I think we can agree or disagree on policies, but I don't understand why PMLN / PPP followers has a habbit of hitting below the belt. When they are out of logic and out of arguments, they always bring personal life and start attacking it.

You have to talk with reason. Tell everyone why almost every economist even the anti-Imran economists are telling that IK managed the economy superbly and why Ishaq Dar is a total disaster. Dar single handedly has destroyed Pakistan's textile sector, agriculture sectory, poultry and many more fields. 1000s of industries / factories closed. The idiot has blocked LC's for essential raw material that is used for export oriented industry. Plus he is filled with ego, even PMLN folks are trying to tell him to undo his mistakes but he is not listening. He is destroying everything. So, i suggest try to come out of Bugz-e-imran, this ego is destroying the country already. Its high time we need to step back and admit that we were all wrong opposing him. Its never too late to accept one's mistakes.
He's like the Andrew Tate of Pakistan

On a serious note though, Imran Khan has pulled such a massive amount of people out of the matrix, it's actually shocking.
Almost all of the 220 million people in Pakistan have had their eyes opened to this.
Just thinking about the influence he has had makes you really understand the danger he poses to the Estab

I'd say roughly 180 million people have had their eyes opened by this. That's actually more people influenced by Imran Khan than by the likes of Andrew Tate.
Dont compare a paedophile, rapist and a human trafficker filth to someone like Imran Khan. Sharam karo

What's there to say
Assemblies Tenure will end in August
Elections after 2 months in November
No set rule that 60 days have to pass once assemblies Complete time in mid August.
You can very much have them in September or even in august if October is not suitable due to the crop season.
Regardless the point was breaking assemblies only in election year is to make local party members get enough time to get funds and arrears and when they are ready to relinquish powers so they can play sympathy card that they don't fight for power.... their replacements don't have much and time to make any difference and they get portrayed more of an usurper or opportunist in a street dwellers eye.

سُنا ہے کہ کیپٹن صفدر نے تحریک انصاف کے کچھ اراکین پنجاب اسمبلی سے خفیہ میٹنگ کی اور کہا کہ آپ لوگ نوازشریف کا ساتھ دیں اور اعتماد کے ووٹ کے وقت غیرحاضر رہیں۔ اراکین اسمبلی نے جواب دیا: نوازشریف نے اپنی بیٹی تمہیں دی ہے، ہمیں نہیں جو ہم اس کا ساتھ دیں۔
No set rule that 60 days have to pass once assemblies Complete time in mid August.
You can very much have them in September or even in august if October is not suitable due to the crop season.
Regardless the point was breaking assemblies only in election year is to make local party members get enough time to get funds and arrears and when they are ready to relinquish powers so they can play sympathy card that they don't fight for power.... their replacements don't have much and time to make any difference and they get portrayed more of an usurper or opportunist in a street dwellers eye.
You had no problem when army toppled the government 1 year before election year
Things moving fast and getting interesting....this breaking of PA has turned out to be master stoke by IK. If Mqm quits federal govt , President will ask Showbaaz Sharif to take vote of confidence in NA
The funniest thing in all of this is how wildly off all the 'analysts' were with their sources.

From Pervez Elahi striking a deal with N and double crossing PTI, to PTI MPA's crossing sides, to Imran Khan himself just blackmailing according to 'zaraye', all of the sham propagandists have been caught with their pants down.
The funniest thing in all of this is how wildly off all the 'analysts' were with their sources.
There is silence, frustration and extreme shock in their tweets. Entire pdm pro media, are now blaming each other. Some of them putting blame on Nawaz sharif absence or someone now blaming Showbaaz Sharif for not going for elections in May.

They still cant believe that how Pervaiz Elahi and IK bamboozled them with vote of confidence.
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