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Pulwama mastermind D.E.A.D!

Commentary on this thread remind of those old PTV commentary on hockey matches ..
Lol your clown media.. Abdul rashid ghazi died in 07

Cheers, doc
Oh hello, try looking at name again Rashid Vs Rasheed . At least you of all should understand the difference or you need us to explain you the difference.

Abdul Rashid Ghazi has been dead since 2007.

After negotiations Allegedly failed, the military decided to take an action against, and it began as Pakistan Army Special Forces (SF), Pakistan Army Rangers, and Special Service Group (SSG) stormed the mosque. Ghazi himself remained in seminary with a few students. He called for a safe way in which he would not be humiliated like his brother, but government denied his requests. The Pakistan Ministry of Interior reported that he was killed on 10 July 2007 during Operation Silence. According to the ISPR, the body of was found in the basement of the Lal Masjid.
Bro stop ejaculting prematurely, there is a different name. Rashid Vs Rasheed it's the later one which is killed. Gosh do you even read and who was that idiot who put up wrong name here

everyday is a funeral day for india.i hope they will find remains of these soldiers and perform funeral duties.lol finally they killed abdul rashid ghazi after he died 12 years ago.hahaha
Great , anathor one. Keep it up, try reading name again

Abdul Rasheed Ghazi? Seriously? :o:
We thought Musharraf got him killed years ago. Pak Army killed him.
That could easily be a faked photo circulated in social media, don't believe unless it is released officially. And don't worry our officials won't pull out wrong pics of a survivor and say it's of Kashmir to get sympathy.

funny thing is that according to indian news, master mind killed is still abdul rasheed ghazi.
Cumon use a little brain and do little search and reaad instead of blaberring . There is a difference in names Rashid Vs Rasheed . You will know once you search it. Later one is killed by IA
Oh hello, try looking at name again Rashid Vs Rasheed . At least you of all should understand the difference or you need us to explain you the difference.


Bro stop ejaculting prematurely, there is a different name. Rashid Vs Rasheed it's the later one which is killed. Gosh do you even read and who was that idiot who put up wrong name here

Great , anathor one. Keep it up, try reading name again

Your India Times was showing picture of Abdul Rashid Ghazi the dead guy from 2007, they've deleted the news now.
This is why Indian news outlets have become a joke to us.
And now the new blunder.
After reading and clarification of so. Many posts one thing is clear, if there own 120 plus kids are killed they are angry, blame India. If Indian soldiers are killed they are happy trolling.
Happy that they died , well you are not human then you are a terrorist.
Be it kids or trained soldier or anyone if you are happy when some one dies you will get best results in Islam. I took this word so I will be trolled but whatever I understand, no religion teaches to kill. If yours does you better watch out because you ignited yougest country of 1.3 billion. Don't be happy be scared.

Your India Times was showing picture of Abdul Rashid Ghazi the dead guy from 2007, they've deleted the news now.
This is why Indian news outlets have become a joke to us.
And now the new blunder.
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Old you don't believe in the pics unless they are official. These pics roam all around social media and yes inndian media is stupid your. Is not better either. But at least they took the correct name at least you should research don't you think ?
After reading and clarification of so. Many posts one thing is clear, if there own 120 plus kids are killed they are angry, blame India. If Indian soldiers are killed they are happy trolling.
Happy that they died , well you are not human then you are a terrorist.
Be it kids or trained soldier or anyone if you are happy when some one dies you will get best results in Islam. I took this word so I will be trolled but whatever I understand, no religion teaches to kill. If yours does you better watch out because you ignited yougest country of 1.3 billion. Don't be happy be scared.


Old you don't believe in the pics unless they are official. These pics roam all around social media and yes inndian media is stupid your. Is not better either. But at least they took the correct name at least you should research don't you think ?
Guys, no need to waste time replying to this Indian. It's like explaining to a toddler why the earth is round when it looks flat outside.
After reading and clarification of so. Many posts one thing is clear, if there own 120 plus kids are killed they are angry, blame India. If Indian soldiers are killed they are happy trolling.
Happy that they died , well you are not human then you are a terrorist.
Be it kids or trained soldier or anyone if you are happy when some one dies you will get best results in Islam. I took this word so I will be trolled but whatever I understand, no religion teaches to kill. If yours does you better watch out because you ignited yougest country of 1.3 billion. Don't be happy be scared.


Old you don't believe in the pics unless they are official. These pics roam all around social media and yes inndian media is stupid your. Is not better either. But at least they took the correct name at least you should research don't you think ?

Using your own logic.

Officially and the majority of Pakistan are against terrorism and have condemned the Palwana deaths. Don't go for few attention seekers, which are no bodies in Pakistan. Pakistan knows and has dealt with it's huge losses to empathize.

However the opinion is this is something India had coming because of oppression from such a huge presence of forces in IOK and will get worse until India realizes there is no military solution to Kashmir. What you regard as militants are considered freedom fighters by Kashmiris and Pakistanis. When you kill one there will be several more to replace them, this is what happened with Burhan Wani, he became a freedom fighter when his brother was murdered by Indian forces. And it is because of this background and ideology that whenever a freedom fighter/militant is neutralized there will be more to take his place.

Modi gov is not helping in this regard and will continue to make things worse.

Pakistan has had it's own issues with militancy and it is one of the few country's that have overcome it. Only way to end it is by defeating the ideology. Our enemies were using so called jihadi's as proxies and once we defeated their ideology that they are not holy warriors on a righteous cause but instead minting money from sponsors they lost supporters. However despite what you believe, internationally Kashmir is a recognized legitimate cause and don't see any efforts or way India can reverse it, at least under Modi Jee.
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Go who, the guy who died 12 years ago? :lol:

I am sure, there is only one guy called Imran Khan in entire Pakistan, just like how there is just one Ghazi Abdul Rasheed. After Lal Masjid Abdul was killed in 2007, parents just stopped naming their sons, Abdul.
But according to your media he masterminded the attack :D

I am sure, there is only one guy called Imran Khan in entire Pakistan, just like how there is just one Ghazi Abdul Rasheed. After Lal Masjid Abdul was killed in 2007, parents just stopped naming their sons, Abdul.
But according to your media he masterminded the attack :D
Hey Horus nothing is going to happen, our media screwed up big time with half baked knowledge, as my friend singha said to me in another forum

All those waiting for a response

The response will be the same as in Kandahar, Mumbai I, Mumbai II, Kargil, Parliament attack etc.

Please go back to doing whatever you were doing before this latest one happened, and wait for the next one and then the next one. And then start all over again on how we are not prepared, we need to become a 1000 trillion economy, Modi needs 4 more terms, the time is not right... you get the drift.

and some other excuses

today not enough brahmos - we need 1500 to be comfortable
tomorrow not enough dhanush - need atleast 2000 saar
day after tomorrow not enough PGMs
next week - hey not enough 155mm ammo
next to next week - we need to stockpile more POL as war reserve
next month - delay in delivery of russian spares , elections or some dignitary is visiting
Using your own logic.

Officially and the majority of Pakistan are against terrorism and have condemned the Palwana deaths. Don't go for few attention seekers, which are no bodies in Pakistan. Pakistan knows and has dealt with it's huge losses to empathize.

However the opinion is this is something India had coming because of oppression from such a huge presence of forces in IOK and will get worse until India realizes there is no military solution to Kashmir. What you regard as militants are considered freedom fighters by Kashmiris and Pakistanis. When you kill one there will be several more to replace them, this is what happened with Burhan Wani, he became a freedom fighter when his brother was murdered by Indian forces. And it is because of this background and ideology that whenever a freedom fighter/militant is neutralized there will be more to take his place.

Modi gov is not helping in this regard and will continue to make things worse.

Pakistan has had it's own issues with militancy and it is one of the few country's that have overcome it. Only way to end it is by defeating the ideology. Our enemies were using so called jihadi's as proxies and once we defeated their ideology that they are not holy warriors on a righteous cause but instead minting money from sponsors they lost supporters. However despite what you believe, internationally Kashmir is a recognized legitimate cause and don't see any efforts or way India can reverse it, at least under Modi Jee.

Please don't lie, not even one policitian condemned attack. See what your pm said he could have warned India that is agreeable but not saying even few words against attack clearly shows his and everyone around him who wrote his speechs mentality bro , don't lie and try to be smart.
Where as name one attack on pakistaP by terrorism where India did not condemned or regretted the attack.
Not worth arguring bro.

Guys, no need to waste time replying to this Indian. It's like explaining to a toddler why the earth is round when it looks flat outside.
Thank you for admiring. At least I recognize it's earth and not heaven. TC.

Hey Horus nothing is going to happen, our media screwed up big time with half baked knowledge, as my friend singha said to me in another forum

All those waiting for a response

The response will be the same as in Kandahar, Mumbai I, Mumbai II, Kargil, Parliament attack etc.

Please go back to doing whatever you were doing before this latest one happened, and wait for the next one and then the next one. And then start all over again on how we are not prepared, we need to become a 1000 trillion economy, Modi needs 4 more terms, the time is not right... you get the drift.

and some other excuses

today not enough brahmos - we need 1500 to be comfortable
tomorrow not enough dhanush - need atleast 2000 saar
day after tomorrow not enough PGMs
next week - hey not enough 155mm ammo
next to next week - we need to stockpile more POL as war reserve
next month - delay in delivery of russian spares , elections or some dignitary is visiting

Yep your correct, it's never enough but at least we win the wars we start after preparing. Khuda Hafiz.
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