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Pulwama and the ugly face of Modi’s Hindutva regime

Chakar The Great

Apr 25, 2018
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United Kingdom
It is now all out in the open. Irrefutable documentary evidence has surfaced proving that the Pulwama terrorist incident in February, 2019 and the subsequent Balakot false-flag operation, which Indian Prime Minister Modi exploited to defame Pakistan and win the elections, were actually planned by Modi himself and executed by his henchman Home Minister Amit Shah.

The leaked Whatsapp chats between India’s Republic TV Chief Arnab Goswami and former Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) chief executive Partho Dasgupta have revealed that the former had prior knowledge, not only of the Pulwama terror attack, but also of New Delhi’s conspiracy to conduct airstrikes against Pakistan days before they took place.

Running over 1,000 pages, Goswami’s WhatsApp chats are part of Mumbai Police’s charge sheet, submitted before a court, in a case pertaining to alleged manipulation of Television Rating Points (TRPs) by Republic TV. In a conversation with Dasgupta on February 23, 2019, Arnab Goswami said that “something big will happen”. When the latter asked if it was about “Dawood”, Goswami replied, “No sir, Pakistan. Something major will be done this time.” This referred to the airstrikes that were going to be conducted in order to influence the Indian voters in the parliamentary election later that year. More shockingly, earlier on February 14, 2019, immediately after the Pulwama attack, Goswami had texted Dasgupta, saying it worked well for his channel’s TRPs.

The text messages of Arnab Goswami, who is notorious for his close links to the Modi government, have established that both the Pulwama attack and the Balakot false-flag operation were part of a devilish plan masterminded by the Modi-led Hindu supremacist BJP government to pander to the raw nationalist passion of Hindu voters in order to win the ensuing elections.

A gut-wrenching aspect of the false-flag operation orchestrated by the BJP leadership to malign Pakistan is that all the soldiers slaughtered in Pulwama belonged to the lower castes. This is not surprising given the fact that it is the Brahmin elite now in the corridors of power in New Delhi—an elite who consider the low caste Dalits and tribals as sub-humans and no better than animals, to be disposed of at will.

India’s own media has come down hard on the Modi government for having conspired to kill low caste soldiers by providing to paid mercenaries and hirelings arms and ammunition which are used only by the Indian Army. They have highlighted how cruelly and inhumanly Indian soldiers, belonging to low caste backgrounds, were butchered in the Pulwama attack by their own government for narrow political interests.

Indian media reports have given details of the 40 Indian soldiers butchered in the Pulwama blast. All of them hailed from lower-caste communities, including 19 troops from Other Backward Classes (or backward castes); seven from scheduled castes; five from scheduled tribes; one high-caste Bengali; three Jat Sikhs; and one Muslim. To cover up its criminal intent, the BJP government never disclosed the caste and class details of those Indian soldiers killed in Pulwama.

Video footage of the Pulwama attack showed weapons which were of American origin: M16s with a telescopic optic, LMG with night vision devices, and laser range finders. Questions have rightly been raised as to how these kinds of weapons as well as 350 kilograms of explosive could be moved through numerous check posts manned by large contingents of security forces all over the Kashmir valley. And how is it that the footage of the attack appeared on social media minutes after the attack, along with the information that the improvised Explosive Device(IED) was used in the blast?

The only conclusion one can draw from these details is that it was an inside job conceived, planned and executed by the extremists in the seat of power in Delhi. It also proves how far the ultra-nationalist RSS-BJP ruling clique in India can go in the pursuit of its nefarious political design to malign Pakistan.

It is relevant to add here that even at the time of the occurrence of the Pulwama terror attack, Islamabad had rejected India’s malicious propaganda, highlighting the fact that the biggest beneficiary of the incident was the BJP government which secured a landslide victory in the ensuing Lok Sabha elections. It was a deeply-laid conspiracy to whip anti-Pakistan sentiment in order to ensure Modi’s election victory. The special significance of Arnab Goswami’s WhatsApp transcripts lies in the fact that they confirm how the whole enterprise from Pulwama to the ‘false-flag’ operation to Modi’s massive electoral success was scripted and ruthlessly acted upon.

Driven by narrow considerations of domestic politics, the present Hindutva regime in New Delhi has embarked on a course of action that poses a serious threat to regional peace and security. It is time the international community took notice of the roguish policies of Narendra Modi who is gradually pushing South Asia to the brink of a devastating war.
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