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Publishers, 2 others stabbed in Bangladesh in latest attacks on secular voices

Jaisa koroge waisa Bharoge. Innocent kader mollah was hanged to death because of these murtad. Now Malik ul maut Hunting you down like a dog. Finally kader mollah soul getting some peace. Fi nari jahanama khalidina fiha
Another obscure secular voice dies and the whole western media up in arms.While BDs r dying in the hands of a secular regime everyday. Before today BDs hardly knew such people. Something is seriously at play here it seems. Does the BAL regime even have the ability to contemplate what's going on? Looking at the post of a bigoted BAL activist that i quoted below , it seems they don't.

Btw secular writers and bloggers in BD r agent provocateurs and tend to work for the highest bidder among foreign agencies.

In BD radicalization happens in waz mahfils. Maulana moududi first started radicalization of Muslims by mixing politics with religion. Instead of finding ways how to better integrate with society their agenda is to how to alienate people. Later the Islamic radication taken more degrees on it. These are funded from western radical intelligence(KSA PK). From JeI group people are learning how to harm one another. You and I have no time for this nonsense. But there are jobless people who earn through religious institutions. If the religion is at stake they wont have anything to survive. So they devote their time to find out who is their anti. If you go on bloggers pages there are plenty of radical people. But initially it was found out that Shibir and BNP activists were reveling the social status of bloggers to harm ganojagaran mancha. ABT members were arrested. Avijit and co all are unknown to us. But they made hit list who's piece they want. It seems they are popular. Global media publishes these within hours because according to them religions are BS and these people are killed for imaginary purpose of backward people. These radicals are also learning from global radication of other countries and UK returnees are also taking their part.
Bangladesh blogger murders: UK man and two others arrested - BBC News


Here comes the chapati nutcase with his bucket load of lies. Does BAL have a 50 cent like internet trolls now? If so, they r really pathetic at it.
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Another obscure secular voice dies and the whole western media up in arms.While BDs r dying in the hands of a secular regime everyday. Before today BDs hardly knew such people. Something is seriously at play here it seems. Can the BAL regime even have the ability to contemplate what's going on? Looking at the post of a bigoted BAL activist that i quoted below below, it seems unlikely.

Btw secular writers and bloggers in BD r agent provocateurs and tend to work for the highest bidder among foreign agencies.

Here comes the chapati nutcase with his bucket load of lies. Does BAL have a 50 cent like internet trolls now? If so, they r really pathetic at it.

Bhai aage dheko kita hoi. Ai haram malooner zaat khuttar maut morbo.
Another obscure secular voice dies and the whole western media up in arms.While BDs r dying in the hands of a secular regime everyday. Before today BDs hardly knew such people. Something is seriously at play here it seems. Can the BAL regime even have the ability to contemplate what's going on? Looking at the post of a bigoted BAL activist that i quoted below below, it seems unlikely.

Btw secular writers and bloggers in BD r agent provocateurs and tend to work for the highest bidder among foreign agencies.

Here comes the chapati nutcase with his bucket load of lies. Does BAL have a 50 cent like internet trolls now? If so, they r really pathetic at it.

I hope you become human one day. Instead of following anti humanity route. And Chapati seems to be your favorite weapon. All this kupa kupi. Your brothers are going hell everyday and you still dont have any idea?

BAL regime even have the ability to contemplate what's going on?

Maybe next time its your turn to answer in third degree whats going on.
@bongbang If Jamaat is behind this then please explain us why there is no terrorism in Bangladesh when BNP comes to power! They don't vanish into thin air or killed off in attacks. Most are arrested and then hanged. Thus, the "they want to destabilize the government" theory doesn't work.

Hasina wants to bring an ideology that isn't ours. And thus when someone brings something foreign, the locals become more violent. Europe right now is a clear example of it and proves that no matter how much "humane or educated" one is, they will reject any foreign source that might threaten their ideology.

@Luffy 500 These aren't secular bloggers, they are atheist bloggers who insult religion, the majority's religion. Some reason the global media don't call them what they are but won't mind jumping on to the "Islamists extremist" branding.
Also, in our country, there is a rule against offending religion but Hasina would rather jail someone who undermines her authority or insult her family than that and call she is a defender of "free speech". Any country that charges people for sedation has no "free speech" at all. These so called "free speech" atheist bloggers seem to not care about it.

Wanna know why, because they are like Kim Kardashian, controversy is the source of rice on their plate, because they have no jobs at all and lack any ability to get one either.

I hope you become human one day. Instead of following anti humanity route. And Chapati seems to be your favorite weapon. All this kupa kupi. Your brothers are going hell everyday and you still dont have any idea?
This reply to his comment proves that you are nothing but a troll.
If Jamaat is behind this then please explain us why there is no terrorism in Bangladesh when BNP comes to power! They don't vanish into thin air or killed off in attacks. Most are arrested and then hanged. Thus, the "they want to destabilize the government" theory doesn't work.

Jamat or whatever the radical ideologies are borrowed from western/Islamic countries. The more violent their ideologies will go, our jamati dog/swines will be more radicalized. With BNP they stay in power so wont do much violent. Also I never said that jamatis are doing this directly but they are ideological father of all BD Islamic militants or radical ideologies.

This reply to his comment proves that you are nothing but a troll.

Luffy is a nut case anti BD wahabi jihadi. Im sure if he is interrogated properly many truths will come out about these killings. His ideology is to take a fight with everyone and his stinky ideologies down to everyone's throat. He doesnt need a proper reply. Irritating brainwashed animal/insect. He deserve a bullet in the forehead.
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সঙ্কট আদর্শের, রাজনীতির: দীপনের বাবা

Published: 2015-11-01 13:41:12.0 BdST Updated: 2015-11-01 14:33:30.0 BdST

মর্গ থেকে প্রকাশক ফয়সল আরেফিন দীপনের মৃতদেহ বুঝে নিয়ে তার বাবা অধ্যাপক আবুল কাসেম ফজলুল হক আবারও বলেছেন, কেবল আইনের বিচারে একের পর এক হামলা বা হত্যার সমাধান হবে না, এ সঙ্কট থেকে বাঁচতে আদর্শগত, রাজনৈতিক সমাধান প্রয়োজন।

রোববার সকালে দীপনের লাশের ময়নাতদন্তের পর দুপুরের আগে তার লাশ পরিবারের সদস্যদের কাছে হস্তান্তর করা হয়।

ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় বাংলা বিভাগের অধ্যাপক আবুল কাসেম ফজলুল হক, দীপনের শ্বশুর ডা. জালালুর রহমান ও বন্ধু আজিজুল ইসলাম ওয়ালি এ সময় মর্গে উপস্থিত ছিলেন।

ময়নাতদন্ত ও বিভিন্ন আনুষ্ঠানিকতা শেষে জাগৃতি প্রকাশনীর প্রকাশক-মালিক ফয়সাল আরেফিন দীপনের মরদেহ তার স্বজনদের কাছে হস্তান্তর করা হয়েছে।

আগের দিন শাহবাগের আজিজ সুপার মার্কেটের তৃতীয় তলায় জাগৃতি প্রকাশনীর কার্যালয়ে এর কর্ণধার ফয়সল আরেফিন দীপনের রক্তাক্ত লাশ পাওয়া যায়। এই প্রকাশনী থেকে বিজ্ঞানমনস্ক লেখক অভিজিৎ রায়ের ‘বিশ্বাসের ভাইরাস’ বইটি প্রকাশিত হয়েছিল, যিনি নিজেও গত ফেব্রুয়ারিতে একই কায়দায় হামলায় নিহত হন।

দীপনের লাশ উদ্ধারের কয়েক ঘণ্টা আগে রাজধানীর লালমাটিয়ায় অভিজিতের বইয়ের আরেক প্রকাশনা শুদ্ধস্বরের কার্যালয়ে হামলা হয়। সেখানে প্রকাশক আহমেদুর রশীদ চৌধুরী টুটুলসহ তিনজনকে কুপিয়ে আহত করে হামলাকারীরা।

আজিজ সুপার মার্কেটে জাগৃতি প্রকাশনীর কার্যালয়ে ছেলের লাশ পাওয়ার পর দীপনের বাবা বলেছিলেন, লালমাটিয়ায় যারা হামলা করেছে, তারাই তার ছেলেকে হত্যা করেছে বলে তার বিশ্বাস।

“আমি কোনো বিচার চাই না। আমি চাই শুভবুদ্ধির উদয় হোক। যারা ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতাবাদ নিয়ে রাজনীতি করছেন, যারা রাষ্ট্রধর্ম নিয়ে রাজনীতি করছেন, উভয় পক্ষ দেশের সর্বনাশ করছেন। উভয় পক্ষের শুভ বুদ্ধির উদয় হোক।… জেল-ফাঁসি দিয়ে কী হবে।”

রোববার এ বিষয়ে দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করলে ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের বাংলার শিক্ষক আবুল কাসেম ফজলুল হক বলেন, ক্ষোভ থেকে তিনি ওই বক্তব্য দেননি; বলেছেন নিজের বিবেচনাবোধ থেকে।

“দেশের ভেতর যদি শুভ বুদ্ধির উদয় হয় তাহলে সমস্যার সমাধান হতে পারে। বিচার দিয়ে আইন আদালত দিয়ে আমরা শাস্তি দিতে পারি একজনকে। কিন্তু জাতীয় উন্নতি দরকার। সেজন্য গতকাল যে কথা বলেছি যৌক্তিক বিবেচনা করেই বলেছি। সেটা কোনো আবেগের উত্তেজনার কথা নয়।”

মামলা করবেন কিনা জানতে চাইলে তিনি বলেন, “নিয়ম অনুযায়ী মামলা করব। আমি আইন মেনে চলি। ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় অথরিটি বলেছে একটা দরখাস্ত লিখে দিতে। আমি আজ না পারলে আগামীকাল লিখে দেব।

“কিন্তু তার মানে এই নয় যে, আমি এটার ওপর নির্ভর করি। আমি শুভ বুদ্ধির জাগরণ চাই। সমাজে, রাজনীতিবিদ ও বুদ্ধিজীবীদের মধ্যে।

এর আগে চলতি বছর চার লেখক-ব্লগার হত্যার ঘটনায় দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করলে অধ্যাপক আবুল কাসেম বলেন, “ঘটনা ঘটছে। এজন্য সরকার চেষ্টা করছে রীতি অনুযায়ী। আমার কাছে মনে হয় এটা আদর্শগতভাবে, রাজনৈতিকভাবে সমাধান করতে হবে। তারপরে আইনগতভাবে। তা না হলে এটা সমাধান হবে না।”

লাশ হস্তান্তরের সময় হাসপাতালে উপস্থিত তথ্যমন্ত্রী হাসানুল হক ইনুর কাছে সাংবাদিকরা জানতে চান- আইনশৃঙ্খলা রক্ষায় সরকারের ব্যর্থতা ছিল কিনা।

উত্তরে তিনি বলেন, “যে হারে নাশকতা ও অন্তর্ঘাতমূলক ঘটনা ঘটছে, সে বিবেচনায় আইন-শৃঙ্খলা রক্ষাকারী বাহিনী গত সাড়ে ছয় বছরে চমৎকার কাজ করতে পেরেছে। জঙ্গি তৎপরতা এতটুকু রূপ নিতে পারত না যদি এর পেছনে রাজনৈতিক পৃষ্ঠপোষকতা না থাকত।”

জাসদ সভাপতি ইনু বলেন, “যুদ্ধাপরাধীদের বিচারের সময় বিএনপি নেত্রী খালেদা জিয়া নীরবতা পালন করার মধ্য দিয়ে তাদের প্রশ্রয় দিচ্ছেন। তারপরও আমরা বলব, আমরা তো আগুন যুদ্ধকে থামাতে পেরেছি। আমরা তো কাউকে ছাড় দিচ্ছি না।”
Jamat or whatever the radical ideologies are borrowed from western/Islamic countries. The more violent their ideologies will go, our jamati dog/swines will be more radicalized. With BNP they stay in power so wont do much violent. Also I never said that jamatis are doing this directly but they are ideological father of all BD Islamic militants or radical ideologies.
You are just disillusioned kid who believes that secularism solves everything. Jamaat doesn't need to do shit, when a very very small minority comes and pisses of the extreme majority, they do get more anti to that minority.

Jamaat didn't create JMB, it was AL, the hatred it raised created JMB. But then again Hasina brainwashed you people to believe that everything bad happens in Bangladesh is Jamaat's fault and hanging "war criminals" just ahead of elections will solve it.
Luffy is a nut case anti BD wahabi jihadi. Im sure if he is interrogated properly many truths will come out about these killings. His ideology is to take a fight with everyone and his stinky ideologies down to everyone's throat. He doesnt need a proper reply. Irritating brainwashed animal/insect. He deserve a bullet in the forehead.
You aren't doing the same by name calling. I have seen the comments in this thread and it was you who started it.

Besides, there is a common hate for atheists in Bangladesh and the reasons are those I mentioned in this thread (previous comments). That's not only him, that's me and a lot of the people here.
I have always said it and will keep saying. RATS ATTRACT COBRAS. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR HOUSE SNAKE FREE, KILL ALL THE RATS. ISLAMOPHOBIA by SO CALLED BLOGGERS will only attract more radicalism if they are not monitored by Govt. Get them peacefully before Radicals find them
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You are just disillusioned kid who believes that secularism solves everything. Jamaat doesn't need to do shit, when a very very small minority comes and pisses of the extreme majority, they do get more anti to that minority.

Jamaat didn't create JMB, it was AL, the hatred it raised created JMB. But then again Hasina brainwashed you people to believe that everything bad happens in Bangladesh is Jamaat's fault and hanging "war criminals" just ahead of elections will solve it.

JMB or whatever is created through BNP JeI nexus to destroy BAL. Which backfired in 2005


Loyal dogs of Khaleda
Bangla Bhai denied his reported involvement with Bangladesh Chhatra League. "I supported it when I was in school. As a college student, I joined Islami Chhatra Shibir (an Islamist student organisation allied with Jamaat-e-Islami). When I finished my study in 1995, I quit Shibir because Jamaat accepted female leadership although it said it considered female leadership sacrilege."
The Daily Star Web EditionVol. 4 Num 338

During his student life, Rahman entered his political career by joining the Islami Chhatra Shibir and later its patron, Jamaat-e-Islami. In the early 1980s, he studied at Madina Islami University in Saudi Arabia and worked at the Saudi embassy in Dhaka for five years from 1985.
The Daily Star Web EditionVol. 4 Num 342

You aren't doing the same by name calling. I have seen the comments in this thread and it was you who started it.

Besides, there is a common hate for atheists in Bangladesh and the reasons are those I mentioned in this thread (previous comments). That's not only him, that's me and a lot of the people here.

You are new member here or not? Or I said before you are duplicate id of someone? You and idiot khalid newazi same people. Do I have to prove here anything new here. I come here for time pass only. I know members here whom are what just stfu, any discussions arent new here all are going on for a while and related to previous many threads and incidents. Dont act smart which you are not.
I never understood the logic of these radicals. Atheism in Bangladesh is less than 1% of the population, while Islam at 90% (and still growing). Exactly why should you be hurt from the words of such a small minority?
I never understood the logic of these radicals. Atheism in Bangladesh is less than 1% of the population, while Islam at 90%. Exactly what is there to be hurt about from the words of such a small minority?
sorry, according to them, 96% of Bangladeshis atheist because they don't follow what they preach
sorry, according to them, 96% of Bangladeshis atheist because they don't follow what they preach
That seems to ridiculous to believe, one short stay in Dhaka is enough to say otherwise.
A man is free to practice whatever he wish. Islam has no problem with it. Allah has given free will to chose his destiny.

If you want to be a murtad, mushrik or worship shaitan then go ahead so long you do not interfere with other people business, in this case Islam. Who has given authority to these lunatic to criticize Islam. These bigot think just because maloon hasina imposed Bengali mushrik infused secularism on Muslim, they have license to criticize Islam.

Khula bazaar faisat ni, je ja khusi Islamer kilaf koibe aar muslamanra angol chosbo.

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