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Public Relations Campaign Targets Hizbullah, Pours Technological, Economic Capabiliti



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Sep 13, 2010
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From Al Intiqad by Nidal Hamedeh-Paris

Talks about "Israeli" preparations for media warfare in the year 2011 have prevailed among French political and media arenas, which according to sources is a warfare that includes the European continent that aims at improving the image of the Zionist Entity.

French sources said the "Israeli" Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Lieberman summoned his entity's ambassadors in Europe and gave them clear instructions to make use of public relations experts to improve the image of the Zionist state in European public opinion, setting the 16th of July 2011 as a deadline to this mission for the "Israeli" embassies in Paris, London, Madrid, Copenhagen, The Hague, Oslo, and Rome.

The mission, according to sources, is to draw up a list of 1,000 people who are sympathetic to "Israel" from the major European capitals. These people will be in constant contact with the public and inform them of the "Israeli" positions on the different issues and explain "Israel's" policy.
Those "sympathetic allies" would take part in pro-"Israel" demonstrations whenever required, and would also be required to issue statements defending "Israel's" policies, publish articles in local newspapers to buff up its image and influence public opinion.
This year, "Israel" has allocated a significant budget for this campaign, which would be placed under the control of its embassies in the European countries concerned (a doubled budget for each embassy).

The "Israeli" Ministry of Foreign Affairs will present three types of support for this campaign: Political letters on the "Israeli" position from the so-called Peace Process and the settlements (to demonstrate "Israel's" commitment to the alleged process), in addition to featuring "Israel's" technological progress, as well as the "Israeli" economic and tourism sectors. The tourism aspect aims at defining the Jewish state as a tourist destination with many sacred places which Christians long to visit and will cover up the conflict with the Palestinians, be it the occupation, violence, separation wall, land confiscation, home demolitions or other aggressions that take place on daily basis.

Simultaneously, the "Israeli" embassies will try through those allies to raise controversial issues and developments of Middle Eastern countries, such as the question of human rights in Syria and Iran, and the escalating power of Hizbullah.

At the end, a big question mark remains on the identity of the one thousand "sympathetic allies", while undoubtedly we will be witnessing unusual movements to some supports of the Zionist entity soon. Some of these supporters are well-known and have public appearance in which they declare their supportive stances to "Israel", while others prefer to remain away from the limelight.

Some in the French capital say it is a regular strategic cause that every country carries its own public relations campaigns, which is part of France's policy. But in the case of the Zionist Entity, doubling its efforts in this domain proves that the "Israeli" leaders and authorities realize that their policies are passing through tougher phases (as "Israel's" image has been deteriorating in the European continent due to its policies).

Some, on the other hand, respond to this theory and say that no matter how important "Israeli" media campaigns become, its government has lost on the level of affecting the European public opinion, because in case "Israel" wants to improve its image, the change should be in its policies rather than its media.

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