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PTM holds rally at Bannu, calls for unity among Pakhtun leaders

KPK gave 2/3rd mandate to pti while ptm barely got 2 seats out of which it lost one in the provincial elections

Will Islam allow people to forsake it and convert to another religion or atheism?

There are many theocratic states where people from minority religions are discriminated.

Pakistan was created based on religion not due to ethnicity.

Great. I am like you too.
Hi Rajiv how are you doing

So am I. I'm not the Pakistani government just a man that wants freedom of the oppressed Irish and Scottish people

And? So what?

My country and we do ad we please dont you worry your cow piss, filled brain.

Pakhtoons are a large part of GOP,

Pakistan is our home, go cry me a river fascist scum.

Not to mention pakhtoons make up major political and economical, makeup of Pakistan. So much for their bullsh$t
These Rajivs and Ashits know nothing about Pakistan do they even know that even kpk which is majority pashtun province isnt exactly a Pashtun only province and has multiple ethnicities?
I'd wager most pashtun support PTI, and even ANP rather than PTM.
I've asked this question to the imam at the masjid I go to, and he told me yes. However, I'm not a scholar, so i will not get into debating theology with you.

Great. I am a great proponent of Indian Muslims embracing Christianity to avoid discrimination. This is one question which was always unclear to me.

Sure, but if it comes down to it, they can end the discrimination by simply converting. I'm not justifying the discrimination, but so long as a choice exists, your argument is invalid. With an ethno state, no such choice exists.

Your argument supports my case.

Take the case of Pakistan. It has Pushtuns and Indic races. Even though both are Muslims there will always be conflict. Same is the case with Afghanistan where there will always be conflict between Pushtuns and Tajiks/Uzbek.

But if you divide Afghanistan & Pakistan into three states based on ethnicity like Indic, Pushtun, Tajik/Uzbek the conflicts will be resolved.

Bangladesh is a good example of how mono ethnic states can prosper.

Bangladesh is also succeeding in converting all its people to Islam.

When did I state otherwise?

You did not but I mentioned it to high light the flawed basis on division. It should have been divided based on ethnicity rather than religion.

That depends, do you support ethno states? If yes, then we aren't alike.

I support multi cultural, multi ethnic and multi religious states.

But if there is no choice then ethnic states are better than religious states.

KPK gave 2/3rd mandate to pti while ptm barely got 2 seats out of which it lost one in the provincial elections

The key question is what did PTI + PTM + ANP got versus what PPP + PML got in KPK.

It should be looked as Pusthun vs Indic
Great. I am a great proponent of Indian Muslims embracing Christianity to avoid discrimination. This is one question which was always unclear to me.

I couldn't care less what Indian muslims choose to do. In fact, I couldn't care less about what anyone else does, so long as it doesn't affect me or those I care about.

Your argument supports my case.

Take the case of Pakistan. It has Pushtuns and Indic races. Even though both are Muslims there will always be conflict. Same is the case with Afghanistan where there will always be conflict between Pushtuns and Tajiks/Uzbek.

But if you divide Afghanistan & Pakistan into three states based on ethnicity like Indic, Pushtun, Tajik/Uzbek the conflicts will be resolved.

It does not, because in the end, the actual problems within Pakistan and Afghanistan are rooted in economic and political issues, not ethnic. Ethnicity is only used as a scapegoat, just like the rest of the world.

There is literally no evidence that an ethnic division would end conflict. In fact it's actually quite a bigoted world view, as it assumes all people of a single ethnicity have the same world view. There is a reason why Iraqi Kurds do not like Syrian and Turkish kurds, and in fact, there is a reason why the Kurds have never been able to unite under a single flag and have often fought against each other (political differences).

Another example, other than the Kurds, is what happened in South Sudan, where everyone said that splitting the Arab north with the African South would solve all of the country's problems...it did not, and in fact, things got worse in many ways.

Bangladesh is a good example of how mono ethnic states can prosper.

Bangladesh is also succeeding in converting all its people to Islam.

Both of these statements are factually incorrect.

BD is prosperous, because it is located in a strategic position, and it is neighboring one of the biggest markets in the world. Both of the factors have allowed BD to receive massive amounts of FDI, this has nothing to do with ethnicity.

And there is also a sizable and growing chunk of religious minorities in BD, including Hinduism and christianity.

You did not but I mentioned it to high light the flawed basis on division. It should have been divided based on ethnicity rather than religion.

Ethnic division assumes all people of an ethnicity share a similar ideology and world view, not only is this a bigoted world view, it is also flawed.

A state created based upon a shared ideology is far more likely to succeed, than a state based upon ethnicities, due to shared political views.

I support multi cultural, multi ethnic and multi religious states.

But if there is no choice then ethnic states are better than religious states.

You second statement is both logically and factually wrong.

I support multiculturalism and multiethnic societies as well.

The key question is what did PTI + PTM + ANP got versus what PPP + PML got in KPK.

It should be looked as Pusthun vs Indic
It should not. PTI rules Punjab, because Punjabis voted PTI. PTI rules KPK, because KPK voted PTI.

PTI may have a Pashtun as the head of his party, but his party is multiethnic. ANP and PTM lost their last elections, precisely because they tried to use the race card, instead of addressing the underlining socioeconomic issues that KPK and Punjab face. PTI won, because they had a message of national unity, and equal progress across Pakistan.
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Saw a few pictures, seems like PTM enjoys good support in the area. Right of peaceful assembly is protected by our constitution and it's good everyone is given space to protest.
It does not, because in the end, the actual problems within Pakistan and Afghanistan are rooted in economic and political issues, not ethnic. Ethnicity is only used as a scapegoat, just like the rest of the world.

There is literally no evidence that an ethnic division would end conflict. In fact it's actually quite a bigoted world view, as it assumes all people of a single ethnicity have the same world view. There is a reason why Iraqi Kurds do not like Syrian and Turkish kurds, and in fact, there is a reason why the Kurds have never been able to unite under a single flag and have often fought against each other (political differences).

Another example, other than the Kurds, is what happened in South Sudan, where everyone said that splitting the Arab north with the African South would solve all of the country's problems...it did not, and in fact, things got worse in many ways.

Your argument is like the position during cold war when people said Germans can never unite. Yes political forces tried to divide them but today Germans are a signle & a strong nation. This is going to be repeated in the case of Koreans, Pushtuns and Kurds. Politics can delay but cannot prevent ethnic unity forever.

It should not. PTI rules Punjab, because Punjabis voted PTI. PTI rules KPK, because KPK voted PTI.

PTI may have a Pashtun as the head of his party, but his party is multiethnic. ANP and PTM lost their last elections, precisely because they tried to use the race card, instead of addressing the underlining socioeconomic issues that KPK and Punjab face. PTI won, because they had a message of national unity, and equal progress across Pakistan.

You are misreading the elections. PTI won in KPK because Pushtuns see IK as their great Pushtun leader.

PTI won in Punjab as there are sizable Pushtuns in Punjab too. IK himself is a Pushtun from Punjab.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Below is the approximate Pashtun population of Pakistan. The population of FATA has been grossly understated in Census 2017 (IDPs during operation in South Waziristan exceeded 1.5 million). According to my calculation the population of FATA has to be around 8-10 million. Furthermore, the percentage in my estimation of Pashtuns in non-Pashtun areas has also been very conservative, however, i am of the opinion that the below numbers give us some idea of the population of Pashtuns in Pakistan.

I have come across many studies that puts Pashtun population solely in Karachi at around 7 million. Furthermore, in case of Punjab, there is Pashtun indigenous population in Attock and Mianwali district, in addition to the migration of Pashtuns to major cities of Punjab due to economic reasons. Finally, war on terror has pushed many pashtuns to Sindh and Punjab which has to be considered.
Good development.

Pushtuns are a lost Jewish tribe.

Pushtuns deserve their own home land like Israelis and Kurds.

Sikhs also deserve Indian punjab as their homeland. Majority of them are more happy with Pakistan then India.
Great. I am a great proponent of Indian Muslims embracing Christianity to avoid discrimination. This is one question which was always unclear to me.

Your argument supports my case.

Take the case of Pakistan. It has Pushtuns and Indic races. Even though both are Muslims there will always be conflict. Same is the case with Afghanistan where there will always be conflict between Pushtuns and Tajiks/Uzbek.

But if you divide Afghanistan & Pakistan into three states based on ethnicity like Indic, Pushtun, Tajik/Uzbek the conflicts will be resolved.

Bangladesh is a good example of how mono ethnic states can prosper.

Bangladesh is also succeeding in converting all its people to Islam.

You did not but I mentioned it to high light the flawed basis on division. It should have been divided based on ethnicity rather than religion.

I support multi cultural, multi ethnic and multi religious states.

But if there is no choice then ethnic states are better than religious states.

The key question is what did PTI + PTM + ANP got versus what PPP + PML got in KPK.

It should be looked as Pusthun vs Indic
Another Rajiv exposes himself
PTI has a national mandate from Chitral to Karachi
Its a nationalist party with its core being the under 30 voter from all over Pakistan

Your argument is like the position during cold war when people said Germans can never unite. Yes political forces tried to divide them but today Germans are a signle & a strong nation. This is going to be repeated in the case of Koreans, Pushtuns and Kurds. Politics can delay but cannot prevent ethnic unity forever.

You are misreading the elections. PTI won in KPK because Pushtuns see IK as their great Pushtun leader.

PTI won in Punjab as there are sizable Pushtuns in Punjab too. IK himself is a Pushtun from Punjab.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Below is the approximate Pashtun population of Pakistan. The population of FATA has been grossly understated in Census 2017 (IDPs during operation in South Waziristan exceeded 1.5 million). According to my calculation the population of FATA has to be around 8-10 million. Furthermore, the percentage in my estimation of Pashtuns in non-Pashtun areas has also been very conservative, however, i am of the opinion that the below numbers give us some idea of the population of Pashtuns in Pakistan.

I have come across many studies that puts Pashtun population solely in Karachi at around 7 million. Furthermore, in case of Punjab, there is Pashtun indigenous population in Attock and Mianwali district, in addition to the migration of Pashtuns to major cities of Punjab due to economic reasons. Finally, war on terror has pushed many pashtuns to Sindh and Punjab which has to be considered.
PTI in Punjab won because of its anti corruption agenda not because IK is a Pashtun
The nationalist Pashtun hate pti

I'd wager most pashtun support PTI, and even ANP rather than PTM.
Just look at results of ptm in the fata elections
Then all ethnicity in India seeking for independence should get their Independence from India.

Agree. East of Indus merges with India while West of Indus merges with Afghanistan and Iran.

Another Rajiv exposes himself
PTI has a national mandate from Chitral to Karachi
Its a nationalist party with its core being the under 30 voter from all over Pakistan

Yes. PTI is winning as Pushtuns are everywhere across Pakistan.
Good development.

Pushtuns are a lost Jewish tribe.

Pushtuns deserve their own home land like Israelis and Kurds.
Pashtuns being a "lost Israeli tribe" has long been debunked through genetics.

Its called Afghanistan..
Afghanistan can hardly be considered a Pashtun ethno-state, Pashtuns make up about 40% of the population of Afghanistan and it is the Tajiks who dominate the military and government.

Take the case of Pakistan. It has Pushtuns and Indic races. Even though both are Muslims there will always be conflict. Same is the case with Afghanistan where there will always be conflict between Pushtuns and Tajiks/Uzbek.

But if you divide Afghanistan & Pakistan into three states based on ethnicity like Indic, Pushtun, Tajik/Uzbek the conflicts will be resolved.
What do you define as "Indic" or "races"? There are no relevant ethnic tensions within Pakistan.

Bangladesh is a good example of how mono ethnic states can prosper.
I see, is that why you are living in a multi-cultural country, talking about prosperous 'mono-ethnic' Bangladesh.

You are misreading the elections. PTI won in KPK because Pushtuns see IK as their great Pushtun leader.

PTI won in Punjab as there are sizable Pushtuns in Punjab too. IK himself is a Pushtun from Punjab.
Oh, so the 4% Pashtun population of Punjab resulted in the victory of PTI in Punjab. Are you hearing yourself?
Agree. East of Indus merges with India while West of Indus merges with Afghanistan and Iran.

Yes. PTI is winning as Pushtuns are everywhere across Pakistan.
Not really pti won because of a nationalist and anti corruption wave in Pakistan among the youth
PTI won by the biggest margin in north western potohar belt of Punjab
Agree. East of Indus merges with India while West of Indus merges with Afghanistan and Iran.
Were you just not advocating for ethno-states? According to your rationality and logic, India should be divided into 30 different states.

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