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PTI's Fawad Chaudhry: Pakistan has Afghan blood on his hand !!!

I didnt abuse you, nor am I a youthia like you, a patwari like tameem, a jiyala or a bajwa supporter.

God has given me enough brain cells to understand, that all of them are class A bastards whose suck the devils dick for their own benefits.

But tell me how in the name of G.d can you support a chutiya like IK?
Can you contradict what I said about IK and Bajwas love affair?
This right here - the quicker people realise that nome of the options available are actually good, the better.

Imran Khan could've been probably one of the best of what we had seen, but his lack of situational awareness and naivety made him try to pursue really stupid things. Ultimately some of them were too unacceptable for a leader to have.

And the other bastards are well known for how useless they are.
Dont insult our martyrs.. ive lost friends, my father, 2 brothers shed sweat and blood.
Capt Fahd, who embraced martyrdom just a few days back is my neighbor. Fine young man..
Dont insult our heroes for your chutiya IK.
Ask the families of the soldiers you abuse for your idiotic politicians and their daddys like Bajwa.

No, but this clown passed legislation to legalize millions of afghanis.
Chutiya, are you incapable of reading.. where have I said anything against our soldiers or martyrs, chutiya misquoting me..
You Don’t insult our martyrs by defending your crooked generals.where have I in any way said anything towards our heroes.. The army leadership are to blame who use the young soldiers and officers as cannon fodder.. spending funds on lavish luxuries instead of protection and appropriate weapons for our young soldiers..

Corrupt generals change the narrative to suit them..

Who should I vote for GHQ perhaps?

I was told Afghan are brothers in 80s. I was also told Afghan Taliban and Arab mujahideen are true soldiers of islam.

After U turn of 9/11 I am now told Alqaeda are terrorists, Afghan Taliban are stubborn but we need them. I was told TTP are bad tribals then I was told they are supported by RAW then I was told we need to negotiate with them then I was told we need to fight them. Then I was told when US leaves Afghanistan everything will be ok. Now I am told nothing is OK. Everyone is bad except GHQ.

I was also told Zardari Nawaz are corrupt with links to RAW. Now I am told they are good and Uzair baloch is innocent. Now I am told IK is bad and people like Arshad Shareef are a menace.

Cult of GHQ needs to mentally organize itself first and come up with a policy rather than being a bull in a China shop.
I 100% agree with this frustration - they are all over the place without sticking to a single narrative.

But I would independently analyse the situation yourself and criticise policies that deserve criticism. Loyalty isn't to any specific party but to the country as a whole.

Establishment ultimately needs to wake up out of its boomer mentality, that's really the only hope we have. These political fronts don't mean anything.
I didnt abuse you, nor am I a youthia like you, a patwari like tameem, a jiyala or a bajwa supporter.

God has given me enough brain cells to understand, that all of them are class A bastards whose suck the devils dick for their own benefits.

But tell me how in the name of G.d can you support a chutiya like IK?
Can you contradict what I said about IK and Bajwas love affair?


I dont care if you claim not to abuse me and then call me a youthia. I leave it to Allah SWT.

Regarding IK, I hate his policies but I regard him better which is my right. But your attitude and many like you who become so protective of GHQ have turned us away and many like me.

Sahaba Karam can be questioned but not the pious GHQ is the message we get. The generational hatred your stubbornness has introduced for this institution will not go away for a long time.
Chutiya, are you incapable of reading.. where have I said anything against our soldiers or martyrs, chutiya misquoting me..
You Don’t insult our martyrs by defending your crooked generals.where have I in any way said anything towards our heroes.. The army leadership are to blame who use the young soldiers and officers as cannon fodder.. spending funds on lavish luxuries instead of protection and appropriate weapons for our young soldiers..
I didnt call you a chutiya (considering you are one helluva washel) but seems you got offended coz i used that word for your cocaine sniffing baap, pinky peernay k najaiz bachay.
Go cry about bajwa somewhere ahl e choot walid youth.


I dont care if you claim not to abuse me and then call me a youthia. I leave it to Allah SWT.

Regarding IK, I hate his policies but I regard him better which is my right. But your attitude and many like you who become so protective of GHQ have turned us away and many like me.

Sahaba Karam can be questioned but not the pious GHQ is the message we get. The generational hatred your stubbornness has introduced for this institution will not go away for a long time.
Frankly Id blame all of these assholes on clowns like bajwa and zia. They are the main culprits for propping up these chutiyas every 2 decades.
I didnt call you a chutiya (considering you are one helluva washel) but seems you got offended coz i used that word for your cocaine sniffing baap, pinky peernay k najaiz bachay.
Go cry about bajwa somewhere ahl e choot walid youth.

Frankly Id blame all of these assholes on clowns like bajwa and zia. They are the main culprits for propping up these chutiyas every 2 decades.
How conveniently you forget the chutiyas NS and SS and BZ…
PTI has become a contagious disease that makes you worship Taliban Khan through persoanlity politics. Will any of them criticise aspects of his policies. All of them are sheep and repeat the same line of Bajwa, Bajwa, without looking at the entire picture in this region.

They are no different to Nawaz Sharif worshippers now.

Literally only good thing he has going for him is the ability to give speeches due to his charm and national support.

You will vote for IK, but at the same time complain about the Afghan Taliban and the Durrand line?

That's not really logically consistent.

It was IK's poor optics by publicly blaming Pakistan for terrorism internationally, and compromising national security that got him taken out. I support him but with these policies he's not a viable candidate and neither are the rest.

Military should just declare martial rule, do a press conference and clear everything up.
even Iranians were stunned when Imran blamed Pakistan for terrorism inside Iran while he was visiting Iran as a prime minister.
I wonder what he smokes because I will like to try that stuff for laugh and giggles at parties.

I didnt call you a chutiya (considering you are one helluva washel) but seems you got offended coz i used that word for your cocaine sniffing baap, pinky peernay k najaiz bachay.
Go cry about bajwa somewhere ahl e choot walid youth.

Frankly Id blame all of these assholes on clowns like bajwa and zia. They are the main culprits for propping up these chutiyas every 2 decades.
nicely put sir. they will keep complaining about Bajwa but they still got governments in two provinces . see what they have achieved so far? using the provincial resources for rallies only.
I am sure they will be wiped out of KPK at this dismal performance.
How conveniently you forget the chutiyas NS and SS and BZ…
Since they both grow up in Gay headquarter, they were having full access to the rooms of fuglly haram khors wives and daughters, from where they able to film many xxx videos which these taklas are using to blackmail them back, you often found many of their kids cursing pinki peerni here on PDF who with special power of black magic able to reveal the true faces of generals and generals ranis 😆😆😆 inko bhonkny do let them reveal their true faces

I am sure they will be wiped out of KPK at this dismal performance.
Elections karwa lo bhai pata chal kay ga
Lol cats are already brought back by uniformed mother sellers…
Is bar awam chutia nhi banny wali
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Thanks for posting this.

No wonder every politician in Pakistan is corrupt to the core and uses nefarious anti-Pakistan methodology to get the PM seat, your beloved IK and PTI included.
It seems to me the vast majority of common Pakistanis are more scared of its Army than it is of the Pakistani Taliban or even the Afghan Taliban .

The whole political spectrum in Pakistan included .
even Iranians were stunned when Imran blamed Pakistan for terrorism inside Iran while he was visiting Iran as a prime minister.
I wonder what he smokes because I will like to try that stuff for laugh and giggles at parties.
Exactly why I believe all these political parties are useless in their own individual regard.

PTI could've been a good party but it's spearheaded by a naive, pacifist, and idealistic man who maligns his own country in a hostile political environment. His job is to defend this country and further our interests. Not the opposite.

Being naive and pacifist in a ruthless environment like ours is suicide.
both sides of political parties are pro or anti taliban presuming that TALIB said this or did that.
But do we have any proofs? We have fence on border with army manning them, how is it possible for TTP to enter pakistan. Means these TTP are Pakistani.
Also what are the views of Kabul/Kandahar govt
Do they have same feelings for us as we do for them, is it because of actions of ours like the drone attack.

We in pakistan have no transparency in decision taken and that’s why these opposing views

Why this dumb man hyphenating Afghanistan and Pakistan?

Listen from 5:45 till 6:52 - he just openly sided with Taliban against his own country. He supported Taliban/Afghanistan narrative and accused Pakistani leadership for playing with Afghan Blood.

Seriously...No one has any lost love with that shithole country.

IK is primarily responsible here. People rightly called him Taliban Khan. When he was in government, his *** was still used to be found in Afghanistan, I still remember that.

Why do I think that recent hot situation b/w Afg and Pakistan was deliberately created by Taliban to send a message to Pakistan that "look we are not happy - bring our boy back in power or border will remain destabilised"

This is nasty stuff......
In four years, PTI took more foreign loans than in the previous governments of forty years . The biggest corruption kings and the worst thieves were actually PTI government mafia
even Iranians were stunned when Imran blamed Pakistan for terrorism inside Iran while he was visiting Iran as a prime minister.
I wonder what he smokes because I will like to try that stuff for laugh and giggles at parties.

nicely put sir. they will keep complaining about Bajwa but they still got governments in two provinces . see what they have achieved so far? using the provincial resources for rallies only.
I am sure they will be wiped out of KPK at this dismal performance.
IK ‘s achievement is the organic educated middle class movement PTi - and PTIs downfall will be following the loose vowel megalomaniac IK.

In a way, IK will be the death of any hope in Pakistan for an educated equality based leadership and the incumbent system of feudalism, extremism and elitism will rule forever
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