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PTI to commence Hydro project 20,000MW electricty in Nya Pakistan

The Punjab has the world’s biggest canal system and with so much energy, small hydropower projects can be constructed at 500 different places across the province. It is the best way to utilise the flowing water through such mechanical devices like watermills, sawmills, dock cranes, besides other ways. Also, hydro-electricity is the futuristic means to produce electricity at lower costs and less wastage.

Punjab Signs MoU with China for Hydropower Projects | Green & White

if you have ever travelled by canal for 10 to 20 kms you will see a point made by the britishers 100 years back for the hydro projects which we couldnt utilized uptil now :P at lahore canal you can experience that point near thokhar niaz baig while going from mall road to thokar niaz baig :omghaha:
These are only small hydro projects of 10-20 MV (even that is very optimistic)
You havent answered any of my quiestions. Still waiting for the answers
Speakers are not to discuss party politics, their role is above this thing ( if you know something about Parliamentary practises )

Rumour is this is what they should get if there is no electricity theft, but if provinces fail to reduce electricity theft Federal govt will deduct money from their taxes to compensate theft

Since when have the development projects in the Province , Party Politics ?

Electricity Production is not Party Politics, Mr. Genius.
These are only small hydro projects of 10-20 MV (even that is very optimistic)
You havent answered any of my quiestions. Still waiting for the answers

Kuch na honay se kuch hona behtar hai :D how many these small hydro projects of even 10-20 MV punjab govt made in last 5 years ?? :D ohhhh may be the money was invested in metro bus :cry::yay:
Nandi-Pur,Chichu ke Malian and Ghazi brotha extension these were the three projects directly motivated by Punjab Government. Rest Chashnnup extension program was the imitative of PAEC.
GHAZI BROTHA PROJECT IS A MESS, yes it does produces cheap electrcity of 1400 MW but 80% affected people and area is KPK yet they receive ZERO royality. its a mess because 56 km channel is used to divert whole of indus through fertile land and hugely populated areas. at cost of over 3 billion dollars..bhasha dam would have cost the same in 1996 ! or nelam jehlam project would have costed 1/5 of it at that time.
but then why was it made..royality!..punjab gets free royality while sacrifying nothing..
why do u think kalabgah is hated by KPk, coz ZERO royality to KPK and huge population affected
the whole system of royality based upon power plant is flawed, why do u think bhasha and other hydro projects are stand still "fight for royalities"
they should base royality on areas affected not power house.

lastly, will PML N follow the agrrement to provide electricity on population basis that it made with PPPP, according to that the recevable to KPK is 16%(1700MW, if production is 10,000mw!)
but KPK is given only 1100MW
even though we are producing 3200mw(excluding the ghazi brotha which is 80% situated in KPK)
Kuch na honay se kuch hona behtar hai :D how many these small hydro projects of even 10-20 MV punjab govt made in last 5 years ?? :D ohhhh may be the money was invested in metro bus :cry::yay:
That is not my answer? Do I need to rephrase them?
What? these both were investments of Chinese companies, it was the refusal of federal government to issue sovereign performance guarantees to the investors that they held back their investment. I would appreciate if you can provide me with the source of your information.
i am ghazi and pretty sure its impossible to extend its production, as design itself is limited.
personally its mess project, even though now its producing cheap electrcity but at its time it costed as much as any dam while displacing huge amount of population in KPK(80%) while making people lifes misreable due to ZERO royality and 56km channel in fertile land..cut short bhasha dam would displace less people would have costed only twice of brotha at that time having huge benefits of irrigation, storage...but it was made only to give punjab royality that all

WILL pml N govt pay over 200 billion rupees in royality that are pending to KPK??????????????
GHAZI BROTHA PROJECT IS A MESS, yes it does produces cheap electrcity of 1400 MW but 80% affected people and area is KPK yet they receive ZERO royality. its a mess because 56 km channel is used to divert whole of indus through fertile land and hugely populated areas. at cost of over 3 billion dollars..bhasha dam would have cost the same in 1996 ! or nelam jehlam project would have costed 1/5 of it at that time.
but then why was it made..royality!..punjab gets free royality while sacrifying nothing..
why do u think kalabgah is hated by KPk, coz ZERO royality to KPK and huge population affected
the whole system of royality based upon power plant is flawed, why do u think bhasha and other hydro projects are stand still "fight for royalities"
they should base royality on areas affected not power house.

lastly, will PML N follow the agrrement to provide electricity on population basis that it made with PPPP, according to that the recevable to KPK is 16%(1700MW, if production is 10,000mw!)
but KPK is given only 1100MW
even though we are producing 3200mw(excluding the ghazi brotha which is 80% situated in KPK)
Apparently even Punjab wasn't receiving any royalty
Mangla dam, Ghazi Barotha project: Punjab to demand royalty
By: AAJ News Archive, Uploaded: 29th August 2009
Punjab Finance Minister Tanveer Ashraf Kaira on Friday said the Punjab government would formally demand the royalty of Mangla dam and Ghazi Barotha hydropower project. Talking to reporters here, he said under the constitutional provisions, Punjab is entitled to get the profits of Mangla dam and Ghazi Barotha power project.He said that we will also take up the issue of Mangla royalty in the NFC meeting as the federal government has already declined to entertain the royalty claim of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir,” said the minister. He said they could claim the royalty of Mangla on the grounds that its power was generated in Punjab.
He said the Punjab government has not yet worked how much amount the province would get of Mangla dam hydel profit. However, the payable by Wapda on account of Ghazi Barotha is Rs 18 billion at the rate of Rs 3 billion per year. Ghazi Barotha project was commissioned around six years ago. Kaira said that Punjab fully supports the net hydel profit payment to the NWFP. Wapda and the NWFP government must resolve this issue, he added.
When asked that former Punjab chief minister Ghulam Haider Wyne was signatory to the document in which he had forfeited the Punjab royalty over Ghazi Barotha, the minister said that it was an unconstitutional step taken by the then chief minister.
Mangla dam, Ghazi Barotha project: Punjab to demand royalty | AAJ News
Speakers are not to discuss party politics, their role is above this thing ( if you know something about Parliamentary practises )

Sharam ani chia ap ko esay coment detay hoa ..jab k pml n k punjab assembly k speaker bus khushamdi kar rahay hain Munafiq e ala k ... 15 computer lagyain gain chootay miyaan saab k andar ,..insaan ha ya alien ha sala
Since when have the development projects in the Province , Party Politics ?

Electricity Production is not Party Politics, Mr. Genius.

he is telling Pti's policy to tackle electricity dumbo

Sharam ani chia ap ko esay coment detay hoa ..jab k pml n k punjab assembly k speaker bus khushamdi kar rahay hain Munafiq e ala k ... 15 computer lagyain gain chootay miyaan saab k andar ,..insaan ha ya alien ha sala

Pmln kahan sey a gaye ??? Are you going to judge everything against Pmln ??
he is telling Pti's policy to tackle electricity dumbo

Pmln kahan sey a gaye ??? Are you going to judge everything against Pmln ??

i was just answering that u guys say that speaker should be neutral ... btw they have all the power they want ..they rule punjab and federal ..i live in punjab so for all my problems i will blame them
I have traveled many time to swat, Kalam, Mangora , Behrin etc. one thing i notice the river of sawat . do you guys notice how fast water flowing , only thing to do is close the width of it canal and fix the turbines at every 500 meters on all sawat river , it can easily generate electricity of almost all pakistan.........
Kuch na honay se kuch hona behtar hai :D how many these small hydro projects of even 10-20 MV punjab govt made in last 5 years ?? :D ohhhh may be the money was invested in metro bus :cry::yay:

you think small, you will get smaller.

Hydro power in Pakistan is not a consistent 24 hour source.

Our canals and dams are primarily meant for supply water for agri use. Thus they open only during sowing season.

And they should.

Because the other choice is much bleaker than in case of even the worst loadshedding.

Pakistan would suffer famine and a big one if we foolishly use up our water when it is not needed for agri use.

It is time we get very very serious about our energy needs and not behave as those who put large dildo in a blind woman thinking that she would not know.

The only way forward for Pakistan's energy needs for nesxt 30-40 years can be fulfilled by coal (imported and local) and nuclear (if we quit being $tupid and sign NPT).

Every other option including solar and wind is going to give tiny bits of power that will not satisfy anyone and instead make everyone more hungry and more frustrated.

We should be happy that IK is talking about big projects.

and not get involved in this $tupid and childish Punjab-vs.-KP debate.

you think small, you will get smaller.

Hydro power in Pakistan is not a consistent 24 hour source.

Our canals and dams are primarily meant for supply water for agri use. Thus they open only during sowing season.

And they should.

Because the other choice is much bleaker than in case of even the worst loadshedding.

Pakistan would suffer famine and a big one if we foolishly use up our water when it is not needed for agri use.

It is time we get very very serious about our energy needs and not behave as those who put large dildo in a blind woman thinking that she would not know.

The only way forward for Pakistan's energy needs for nesxt 30-40 years can be fulfilled by coal (imported and local) and nuclear (if we quit being $tupid and sign NPT).

Every other option including solar and wind is going to give tiny bits of power that will not satisfy anyone and instead make everyone more hungry and more frustrated.

We should be happy that IK is talking about big projects.

and not get involved in this $tupid and childish Punjab-vs.-KP debate.


you did a very good speech my friend hydro projects are made on the run of the river they are not made by damming water to produce electricity and i have seen the Mighty indus river and other rivers around in beautiful valleys of GB and KPK my self all we need is a visionary leadership whole could utilize these natural sources in a efficient way :smart:

by your logic we should not go for any dam in future n make tarbela and Mangla dam only for Agri use :omghaha: and uninstall the machinery of Tarbela and Mangla DAM and stop further extension of Tarbela and mangla rising projects :rofl:

Problem is not the shortage of water dude problem is the Slit which is filling the both Dams and the life of both dams is around 20 to 25 years left and by every year storage capacity of both dams decreasing :D
I have traveled many time to swat, Kalam, Mangora , Behrin etc. one thing i notice the river of sawat . do you guys notice how fast water flowing , only thing to do is close the width of it canal and fix the turbines at every 500 meters on all sawat river , it can easily generate electricity of almost all pakistan.........

But according to @FaujHistorian we should use those glacial water of rivers wisely and use it only for agri purpose :yay: dont be fool other wise we will not left with water :lol:
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