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PTI sit-in nothing more than a farce: Pervez Rashid


Feb 2, 2007
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LAHORE: Criticising the Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf’s decision to block Nato supplies through Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Federal Information Minister Pervez Rashid said Saturday that the party’s rally in Peshawar was “nothing more than a farce.”

The PTI, which governs northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province – a key route for Nato supplies to pass through to Afghanistan – had called for a sit-in rally in Peshawar after a US drone hit a seminary in the province’s Hangu district on Thursday, killing at least six people including senior commanders of the Haqqani network.

Speaking to reporters in Lahore, Rashid said: “The problem cannot be solved by waging a war against the US or the Taliban. Peace dialogue and negotiations are the only solutions.”

Rashid said that Pakistan cannot afford to pick a battle with friendly nations by blocking Nato supplies through the country Pakistan.

He further said that PTI chief Imran Khan and his party have an incongruity in its policies and actions over the drone attacks issue.

He accused the PTI of taking money in aid from the US on one hand, and threatening to block Nato supplies on the other hand.

The PTI should “stop taking dollars from the US” before issuing threats to stop Nato supplies, he said.

PTI sit-in nothing more than a farce: Pervez Rashid - DAWN.COM

Minister for Information and Broadcasting Senator Pervaiz Rashid has asked the United States and Taliban to leave Pakistan alone as it can’t afford anymore drone and suicide attacks.

He said the PTI chief Imran Khan should not play with the fire because sometimes these things prove counterproductive.
He said Imran Khan after raising slogans of blocking the Nato supplies in Peshawar came back to Bani Gala in his Prado. He said he is quite confident that the PTI will never block the Nato supplies.

“Imran Khan’s heart is with the Taliban, while his sword is with the US,” the minister said while talking to media persons here at a local hotel after a ceremony.
He said many participants of the PTI’s sit-in in Peshawar were ministers in the Pervez Musharraf’s government. He said Sheikh Rashid used to call Musharraf ‘Murshid’, adding that the words which he used don’t suit him.

He said the government does not want to create difficulties for the Pakistanis living in Nato countries by deteriorating our relations with the Nato countries.

The minister said Pakistan don’t want to fight with anyone including the United States and Taliban. He said the PML-N government was against the drone strikes from day one and the party’s leadership has conveyed Pakistan’s point of view about the drones at the world forums. He said the government wants to resolve the drones issue through diplomatic channels. He said all the problems are solved only through diplomatic channels throughout the world.

Pervaiz Rashid said the government wants friendly relations with all the neighbouring countries which is in the benefit of everyone.

To a question, he said proceedings against former president General (R) Pervez Musharraf have started and now the matter is in the court. He said the PML-N government has never started proceedings against anyone for taking revenge.

Meanwhile, talking to a news channel, Pervaiz Rashid said the anger of the Pakistani people on drone strikes is justified as these attacks are against the country’s solidarity.

The minister said like other problems, the issue of drone strikes has also been given to the PML-N in legacy, adding that this problem will have to be resolved through diplomatic channels.

He said the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government by staging sit-ins could not hide its failures. He said the KP government which is running with the financial assistance of the US is protesting against the US which is ‘hypocrisy’. He said the government will not rest until the drone attacks are halted permanently.

Pervaiz Rashid asks US and Taliban to leave Pakistan alone

:omghaha: A sign of US Aid seen in Peshawar on 21st November.


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Retarded nooras and ancestral "kamis" at it again. Most of U.S aid programs are from previous governments...

So suppose U.S aid is building a hospital in some remote KPK area. They started building hospital in 2010..and now PTI comes in, what must it do? Stop hospital project midway and say "No, you can't build this?" ...What kind retarded savages these kami want Pakistanis to look?

U.S aid is a different thing...and American policies are a different thing. Call West wrong where it is..otherwise corporate with them. That is how "human civilization" works (but nooras and gutter-living "kami" won't know a thing about 'civilization').

In middle-ages, Christendom HATED Islamic People...yet it didn't stop them from benefiting from the achievements, knowledge, and discoveries of Islamic Civilization...Why? Because again..that is how we "humans" are wired to work.

I am against drone attacks..and many other policies of the U.S government...but does it mean that I hate U.S? or Americans? Absolutely no. I admire America, its medicine, its civil liberties, its contributions to human progress, its technology etc etc...but at the same time I raise my voice against its wrong policies (Or atleast those policies which *I* think are wrong). Why do I behave like this? because again, that is how "humans" are wired to work and perceive reality..but "kamis from gutter-living families" won't understand this ;)

U.S aid helping local communities is not a problem. Americans droning tribal areas is a problem.

We must protest against the bad while appreciate the good. What is the problem here, anyone?

BTW, U.S aid doesn't have anything to do with 'executive operations' of U.S government 8-)
Look at this PML-N mentality.

Look at the their jalsas and their promises to end drone strikes and see how they have transformed into PPP version 2 on every issue.

The more you let them ruin the country, the more you will see they are similar to PPP.

In extreme Pakistan wisdom, its either war with US or total slavery. Since we are taking 'aid', its our destiny to be killed by drones and utter humiliation it brings to the nation.

It all right to lie to the nation to get votes. Its all right to rig elections too. But when it comes to issues that can unite our nation, the nooras will play politics.

Just to let Nooras know Israel and Egypt are the biggest recipients of US aid. Are they letting US spy networks and drones to operate in their country?

Aid and development is an ongoing business. I know for sure there are many US AID projects in Punjab too. But since the Sharif family has signed up for slavery, you will not see much about it.

How can one deny one eternal truth. Those who loot their country, stash their millions abroad, will never find balls to stand up for the nation and look at a greater good.

Nawaz Sharif picture with Obama patting his back says it all. We have accepted humiliation and slavery and we will go out with full force to defend that we are slaves of US and will remain so.
So suppose U.S aid is building a hospital in some remote KPK area. They started building hospital in 2010..and now PTI comes in, what must it do? Stop hospital project midway and say "No, you can't build this?" ...What kind retarded savages these kami want Pakistanis to look?
Gracefully thank them and build the rest of hospital from your own funds :)

U.S aid is a different thing...and American policies are a different thing. Call West wrong where it is..otherwise corporate with them. That is how "human civilization" works (but nooras and gutter-living "kami" won't know a thing about 'civilization').
Ever heard "beggars can't be choosers"?

In middle-ages, Christendom HATED Islamic People...yet it didn't stop them from benefiting from the achievements, knowledge, and discoveries of Islamic Civilization...Why? Because again..that is how we "humans" are wired to work.
And the point of this is?

I am against drone attacks..and many other policies of the U.S government...but does it mean that I hate U.S? or Americans? Absolutely no. I admire America, its medicine, its civil liberties, its contributions to human progress, its technology etc etc...but at the same time I raise my voice against its wrong policies (Or atleast those policies which *I* think are wrong). Why do I behave like this? because again, that is how "humans" are wired to work and perceive reality..but "kamis from gutter-living families" won't understand this ;)
You should also admire their will to fight their enemies of state and adopt it.

BTW, U.S aid doesn't have anything to do with 'executive operations' of U.S government 8-)
The United States has a long history of extending a helping hand to people overseas struggling to make a better life. It is a history that both reflects the American people's compassion and support of human dignity as well as advances U.S. foreign policy interests.
U.S. foreign assistance has always had the twofold purpose of furthering America's interests while improving lives in the developing world. USAID carries out U.S. foreign policy by promoting broad-scale human progress at the same time it expands stable, free societies, creates markets and trade partners for the United States, and fosters good will abroad.
Who We Are | U.S. Agency for International Development
Aik to salla khud kuch nahi kerta or jab koi dorsa kerta ha to begaritoon ki tara tanqeed shuro ker deta hain. It was the job of the central government to take a stand yet, we know what happened in the US between Obama and Nawaz, some one above said beggars cant be choosers....... right and chaprsis cant be leaders.
Gracefully thank them and build the rest of hospital from your own funds :)

Ever heard "beggars can't be choosers"?

And the point of this is?

You should also admire their will to fight their enemies of state and adopt it.


Since federal govt. is indebted to US and Nato, might as well allow them to drone targets in islamabad and punjab. No?

Makes perfect sense..
Since federal govt. is indebted to US and Nato, might as well allow them to drone targets in islamabad and punjab. No?

Makes perfect sense..
Of course they will make drone strikes everywhere in Pakistan except from Islamabad (because of diplomatic fallout). Until we will keep providing sanctuaries to AQ and Haqqnis. Pakistan is on right foot if drone is conducted on Pakistani citizens. However, where would the moral ground be when the drone hits AQ/Haqqanis and OBL hiding in Pakistan? Had KPK LEAs acted before US and arrested the Haqqanis there wouldn't have been any drone attack in the first place. no?


Aik to salla khud kuch nahi kerta or jab koi dorsa kerta ha to begaritoon ki tara tanqeed shuro ker deta hain. It was the job of the central government to take a stand yet, we know what happened in the US between Obama and Nawaz, some one above said beggars cant be choosers....... right and chaprsis cant be leaders.
Pakistan is the only country who gets funded by US$$$ to fight their "own" war in the name of CSF. We rant that US doesn't trust Pakistan, why should they when Pakistan has been "selling" the arrested AQ operatives to US rather than cooperating with her.
It's useless to say anything for IK, he is just a kid. His party is ruling KPK, which means police, toll plaza, checkposts, loading unloading places etc all are under his government yet he is doing sit in in KPK, while asking KPK government to stop containers? all he needed an order from CM KPK for everyone to block the supply at KPK. Rather then sit-in. It's a political play, where two jokers are fooling their supporters, and followers happily becoming fools.

But again, Federal Government should devise a plan, what if USA don't accept Pakistani Demands (which even ch. nisar accepted they aren't accepting)? Will they go to Security Council? Will they stop Containers? Will they shoot down the drones? Will they kick out USAID? Just protesting shows Pakistani side is week, or Government & ARMY hiding something from the people of Pakistan. Is it some kind of blackwater organization planning something inside Pakistan, for which Federal Government showing weakness? or there is some agreement between, where they can't stop? or our intelligence is also involve in it? What it is? People of Pakistan wants answers, so they can also help government.. Otherwise, people of Pakistan will only doubt on them.. nothing more..
Since federal govt. is indebted to US and Nato, might as well allow them to drone targets in islamabad and punjab. No?

Makes perfect sense..
sure if political mouth pices of TTp, ( PTI +JI) opposing any militry action on terrorists, just like LAL masjid, & doing full of lies prapoganda?sure then why not, if there is a hakeem ulhha living & dinning with pakistanis, blood 24/7 in where around in even islamabad?

It's useless to say anything for IK, he is just a kid. His party is ruling KPK, which means police, toll plaza, checkposts, loading unloading places etc all are under his government yet he is doing sit in in KPK, while asking KPK government to stop containers? all he needed an order from CM KPK for everyone to block the supply at KPK. Rather then sit-in. It's a political play, where two jokers are fooling their supporters, and followers happily becoming fools.

But again, Federal Government should devise a plan, what if USA don't accept Pakistani Demands (which even ch. nisar accepted they aren't accepting)? Will they go to Security Council? Will they stop Containers? Will they shoot down the drones? Will they kick out USAID? Just protesting shows Pakistani side is week, or Government & ARMY hiding something from the people of Pakistan. Is it some kind of blackwater organization planning something inside Pakistan, for which Federal Government showing weakness? or there is some agreement between, where they can't stop? or our intelligence is also involve in it? What it is? People of Pakistan wants answers, so they can also help government.. Otherwise, people of Pakistan will only doubt on them.. nothing more..
even though, i m not a supporter of PMLn, but i agree with your post!
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So by Your Retard Logic it is OK to let your Family members Get Killed , since you owe the killer some money ... No wonder people Hate you guys.
Explosions in N. Waziristan, Kurram kill five, injure six - DAWN.COM
if you are unable to take action, against these killers ?
who are killing pakistanis, everyday then you cant question any one killing them any where?

killer doesnt owe only the money, but he wants you take out the killer of of his, whole family to bring him in court of law, but since you are hidding him in your home, he has the the power to destroy your home, he is just doing it?
why were these militant bieng given safe heavens in KPK or even anywhere in pakistan?
Actually this government is the biggest farce. No foreign policy, no defence minister, no foreign minister, no ambassador to US and soon no Army chief.

When govt is like that, it has no right to criticize.

A govt in this position would have clearly outlined its policies on drones, economy, terrorism and law and order. What to talk about policy, they are even going back on promises they made in election campaign.

When will Pakistan come out of this suffocation to really focus on economy, industry, education for its children? I would advise Nawaz Sharif to go on a foreign visit. He cant lead. He has proved in last five months.

Actually PTI dharna has kicked the lazy a$$es of PMLN. They thought by giving lollypop to the people PPP style, people will forget and they will go on doing their business amassing wealth and consolidating their business contacts abroad.

They are afraid of Brits and Americans. They cant confront. With PTI dharna, it has forced them into doing something. The best they can do is throw Pervaiz Rahseed at us. Read his statements and you will forget its PPP or PMLN governemnt.
Actually this government is the biggest farce. No foreign policy, no defence minister, no foreign minister, no ambassador to US and soon no Army chief.

When govt is like that, it has no right to criticize.

A govt in this position would have clearly outlined its policies on drones, economy, terrorism and law and order. What to talk about policy, they are even going back on promises they made in election campaign.

When will Pakistan come out of this suffocation to really focus on economy, industry, education for its children? I would advise Nawaz Sharif to go on a foreign visit. He cant lead. He has proved in last five months.

Actually PTI dharna has kicked the lazy a$$es of PMLN. They thought by giving lollypop to the people PPP style, people will forget and they will go on doing their business amassing wealth and consolidating their business contacts abroad.

They are afraid of Brits and Americans. They cant confront. With PTI dharna, it has forced them into doing something. The best they can do is throw Pervaiz Rahseed at us. Read his statements and you will forget its PPP or PMLN governemnt.
if anti - terorism policy means, to surrender pakistani state to terrorists, stop the only killing machine of terrorists, giving them free offices, & announcing a death of a terrorists , murder of peace , better we shouldnt hve any policy at alll?
btw what is achived by doing , this lolly pop, dharni in peshawar?
just wait rain of drones will be in for more , terrorists & thier sympathizers?
what in the end , imran plans to do, JOINING TTp?
if anti - terorism policy means, to surrender pakistani state to terrorists, stop the only killing machine of terrorists, giving them free offices, & announcing a death of a terrorists , murder of peace , better we shouldnt hve any policy at alll?
btw what is achived by doing , this lolly pop, dharni in peshawar?
just wait rain of drones will be in for more , terrorists & thier sympathizers?
what in the end , imran plans to do, JOINING TTp?

So you are saying Ch. Nisar, NS and others are fooling whole nation by saying this government is against Drone attacks.

Even if we accept your analogy, question is not to kill the terrorist or not, Question is clear Anti-terrorism policy, this include clear Drone policy.

Ask Federal Government to have the balls and say these Drones are actually in favor of Pakistan, and Pakistan totally support USA for drone strikes. And if there are some civilian killings that is only collective damage. Which happens in the war.

That's another issue that USA back Afghan Intelligence is helping BLA, Lal Masjid fellows in disturbing Pakistan's situation, doing stuff like daily bomb blast in Quetta, and stuff like RWP.

PS: I think I clearly what I think about the dharna. Go back and read the first para
So you are saying Ch. Nisar, NS and others are fooling whole nation by saying this government is against Drone attacks.

Even if we accept your analogy, question is not to kill the terrorist or not, Question is clear Anti-terrorism policy, this include clear Drone policy.

Ask Federal Government to have the balls and say these Drones are actually in favor of Pakistan, and Pakistan totally support USA for drone strikes. And if there are some civilian killings that is only collective damage. Which happens in the war.

That's another issue that USA back Afghan Intelligence is helping BLA, Lal Masjid fellows in disturbing Pakistan's situation, doing stuff like daily bomb blast in Quetta, and stuff like RWP.

PS: I think I clearly what I think about the dharna. Go back and read the first para
i guss, you went to far on that?
BLA , LAL MASJID insurgents were brought, to dismentle a militry back govt, which was getting away , & becoming a power house, that was also the reason behind, the end of hossni mubarak,s govt in , eygpt?
but lets not go there, because thats past already?
fedrl givt is just in limbo, they cant decide what to next, so they hve just assigned CH.NISAR to do, the derailing ?
but the matter of fact, is clear even with bigger claims of talks to militants of PMLn, rightly they are not ready to give the dam ammnesty, to each & everyone of mullha TORABORA,s?
that is the iriking point for those, who are in the KPK govt, which they got just because of the support of millitants durring the genrl elections?
fedrl, govt should hve a clear policy that anyone carrying the gun within pakistani boundries, should lay down his weapons & should not be involved in any kind of terrorism in pakistan & as genrl whole world , any one not listening that, should be delt with the law of land?
if terrorists agree on that, then thats the best news in town, but as they are not listening then , fedrl govt should launch its offensive, to show the world that they not , support terrorists or terrorism?
if they show thier strong will to fight terrorism, i m sure the number of drone attacks will, not only decrese but also bring the chances of a sudden melt down?
if there are terrorists, been the target of pakistani official guns, then no one in world is worried & be trying to takeout the terrorists by thier own means?
now, if you are ready to give terrorists simple ammnesty, & a free hand to what ever thier agenda is, sorty this dam world is dumb, & not be listening any, cry carried out by any one?
drone attacks are just an issue, because of pakistani fedrl govt,s non fight against terror?
but PTI & JI are using it to thier political advantage, & to make terrorists happy, without knowning that time has gone when pakistani were concerned with american on slaught on islam, they just want peace from the terrorist of torabora, any one killing these terrorists, they this thier friend?
anyway main problem or no .1 issue of pakistan is the terrorism of TTp, & its not going to resolved by giving them the amnesties, or even talking to them , without any purpose?
till, TTp terrorism cant be , delt there is no way around to stop drones, sent by anyone?
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