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PTI offers Seat of Deputy Chairman Senate to JUI-F

Turkey has a Presidential system, Pakistan has a parliamentary system.

Turkey's socio-economic dynamics are also different from Pakistan's (the biradri, feudal etc vote is not as much of an issue).

I don't think it is fair to compare the two. Imran Khan has a lot more constraints to work with than Erdogan.

Its in its first presidential system term, it used to be parliamentary and Erdogan rose through that system. I am not comparing extensively but the main point that imran khan could have raised his own cadre. Make PTI a proper institution. Why he worked so hard for 22 years if in the end he had to rely on the old crooked corrupt class of politicians that he promised to eliminate.
PTI has very little choice if it wants to change Pakistan within a reasonable amount of time

The people of Pakistan can help by overwhelmingly voting for PTI but we have so many jahils that it's a up hill task

So what do you do?

IK has to try to control and civilise his own party and the rest of Pakistani politics

But victory over the crooks is vital

i dont envy Imran Khan's job. on the one hand he wants to change things, most of his supporters are very idealistic, but in order to change things he has to be a little practical. if becomes too idealistic, then he fails and his supporters will leave him. if he becomes too practical, then his supporters will say he soldout and leave him.
Its in its first presidential system term, it used to be parliamentary and Erdogan rose through that system. I am not comparing extensively but the main point that imran khan could have raised his own cadre. Make PTI a proper institution. Why he worked so hard for 22 years if in the end he had to rely on the old crooked corrupt class of politicians that he promised to eliminate.

Turkey had its own challenges, like many there dont care about Islam. but Turks dont vote against their interests in the same quantity as Pakistanis as @AgNoStiC MuSliM rightly said. you still see so many PPP and PMLN supporters despite all the proof and convictions of their crimes. this is the population that Imran Khan has to lead and change in the long term.
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