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PTI Lahore Protest (part of Azadi Movement)


Please don't mention the white paper. It is amateurish and nothing like what you would expect from a supposedly credible source-a government. For example, Marvi Memon compares Punjab's and KPK's tax collection in absolute figures despite despite vast difference in population, GDP and previous tax collection rates.

What was more retarded was Marvi Memon on Javed Chaudry's show. Javed was cheering on Memon when she said KPK was the second lowest tax collector in absolute terms (it is also the third highest). When the crime rate (in percentages) was discussed, he said Punjab was a bigger province. Is the common viewer that stupid? I'm ashamed that these people even get airtime.

Memon's attempt at ridiculing KPK's performance has eroded the little credibility the government had. Their rhetoric about the poor governance in KPK had some weight but as soon as the published a baseless report, it was clear that they have no concrete evidence. They are desperate.
Please don't tell this was also part of london plan @Horus @Leader @Jazzbot @mr42O:omghaha:
PTI got votes in lahore and came second in many constituencies so no big deal that he had a huge turn out.

The problem still remains PTI unable to close cities or nation with full affect. and Nawaz sharif not resigning.

this is just waste of money by PTI. waste of nations resources that could be utilized on KPK or elsewhere.
listen if you are at accusing with ur crap, am not PMLN jiayala, Imran Khan is an amateurish, idiot and entirely extremist type of politician. PPP Zardari has said it, everyone says it.

LOL. Just because this corruptocrat Zardari and other lifafa journalists say so, it means IK is amateurish? Wanna see real example of an amateur, look at Bilawal Bhutto :D

Regarding your pathetic point, of electables type dirty political accusations, I MUST say IMRAN KHAN AND PTI IS FAR MORE WORSE, IT TOOK OLD JAHANGIR TAREEN, KASURI, SHAH MAHMOOD QURESHI, JAVED HASHMI, AZAM SWATI, AND ALL THESE DAMN OLD ELECTABLE POLITICIANS IN ITS PARTY discarding the youth of Pakistan. So cut your crap out...
What about the newer one's that have never been in politics before like Asad Umar, Abrar ul Haq, Murad Saeed etc? Electables and opportunists come and go. Just look at that daghi Hashmi. He left PMLN to join PTI for power, became its president, only to leave PTI and join PMLN again for money. Typical baghi, then daghi.

Imran Khan has conveniently, got 'KHAN GROUP' party joined into it, while it was 80% Punjabis, 1 urdu speaking Dr Alvi, and rest Pashtuns as the original founders of PTI. The composition with old used politicians and KHAN Hacking of PTI has got the defeat it deserved in last elections.
LOL. Its entire composition is still Pakistanis. Can you say the same thing about composition of Pak cricket team, ethnic hater? Any Pakistani can join PTI, be it sindhi, balochi, punjabi, saraiki, mohajir, pathan, whatever!

Oh, really? Why are PTI candidates winning in by-elections over there?

listen if People popular vote was IK, total votes he got was 68 lac votes, while PMLN got more than 1.5 corore....now ur defeated types will accuse PMLN of rigging and fake votes, even if ur cut 50 lack votes it is still more than 1 core votes margin win as opposed to 68 lac total votes of PTI....so who is popular is u could know.
LOL. Read what FAFEN has to say about this:
Vote audit is necessary, Runner up can be winner & winner can be runner up in 99 constituencies
Vote audit is necessary, Runner up can be winner & winner can be runner up in 99 constituencies - FAFEN Member

lastly ANP, JUI_F, Achkzai, PPP, MQM, Baloch parties all support PMLN govt, so stop being a pretender that just because of some crowded rallies of PTI, Imran khan and PTI are the best ones...
If they really support PMLN that much, why not join it instead? :D

Why not accept this PTI and KPK govt FAILED and now are up to blaming PMNL govt and disturbing them...even its a re-election is it NEVER going to win again.
LOL. Failed parties cannot get many lakhs of people in rallies, first in Karachi, now Lahore, later in Mianwali and Multan.

IK should learn a lesson from what happened to Jamaat Islami, particularly in Punjab. JI could also bring tens of thousands of her die-hard supporters on the streets but cannot make them to vote.
Getting people to vote is not the problem at all. Real problem is how to get the required result from the votes casted.

'It doesn't matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes.'
Josef Stalin
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PTI got votes in lahore and came second in many constituencies so no big deal that he had a huge turn out.
FAFEN says after serious vote audit, runners up can be winners, lol:
Vote audit is necessary, Runner up can be winner & winner can be runner up in 99 constituencies - FAFEN Member

The problem still remains PTI unable to close cities or nation with full affect. and Nawaz sharif not resigning.
So? They are not anarchists as claimed by Noonis.

this is just waste of money by PTI. waste of nations resources that could be utilized on KPK or elsewhere.
Wasn't PM's visit to US total waste of money?
It means that IK and Pti dharna were running out of its life and interest, only cuz Lahore jalsa life has come back to Pti and PAT dharna again....second life into dharna's importance and Tahreek.

it could also mean that the N-leaguers were so blind that they thought its only 1000s of ppl sitting at the D-Chowk who have some problem with the system. this was to show that those at the D-Chowk represent a big chunk of the society.
Best part is that he never refrains from making a proper Pakistani bezti of these politicians.
lekin kehte hain na, Beizti Izzat walon ki hoti hai. Inn becharon ki toh izzat hi nahi rahi :sarcastic:
Ya I always love to listen HN. He talks hard and some time explains harsh reality of our country. Our politicians are corrupt and shameless as well so they deserve this kind of treatment.
It will be interesting to see the responses on PDF when the same old system carries on, no matter who is in power. :D
Regardless of numbers, It was a impressive show by PTI and also shows PTI' s street power..
i did the similar calculations. The Iqbal Park protest area is around 50,000 square meters (using google maps) including the triangular corners. With 3 ppl per square meter (see the link for better visuals), its atleast 150,000. If we account for the people outside and some high density zones, it is 200,000 plus. Nonetheless, any claim of less than 150,000 or greater than 250,000 is unscientific.

Static Crowd Density 1 | G. Keith Still

how dare you post facts ?!!!

just say that PTI and company had 2 million retards in their "tsumani", so these jahils will be satisfied

If you are a species that wakes up once every 12-months and then straight goes back to hybernation, then, it is only your problem. It is not anyone's responsibility to provide you knowledge.

I am sure you have straight gone back to sleep after writing this small post.

not all of your garbage is worth a reply

These are just a few examples. There's no denying, PTI worked a lot in KPK.
What did PMLN do? Did they do anything at all? They just blab, blab, ooh we're doing this, we're doing that, at the end it all disappears, everything except for the highly-flawed Metro Bus.
We still have floods in Punjab, gutters are still clogged, government schools suck, there's no electricity.

jahil PTIan,

first learn to read before spewing garbage.

why are you asking me about noon when I said they are corrupt?
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