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PTI Haqeeqi Azadi March Oct 2022 - News and Updates

IK asking for elections is not enough. He should request no less than resignation of Bajwa and his core commanders along with ECP chief

Bajra and Anjuman along with Faisal Naseer and Fahim Raza must be court martialed and hung. They must be hung naked after going through torture as that is their favorite past time or MO.

The rest of the top brass must resign and exit GHQ naked with their faces blackened and heads shaved on a convoy of donkeys as awam throws those cheap bata chappals that are made of hardened plastic.

Nothing less.
Today IK openly ridiculed ISI DG. Rightly so. This moron represents the worst of present establishment. While Talibans knock on Swat all over again, he is busy doing political press conferences....
Whose ever-suggested press conference needs to be thrown out of his job. First Khan used to use neutral and other words now he has gotten direct.
Imagine our pride and fear of our enemies, ISI, is reduced to some half drunk looking DG sitting defending his bosses and defaming the most powerful politician in Pakistan. I just never thought I would see this day. Imagine the celebration in the capitals that once feared ISI and are now laughing nonstop.

Rana sanaullah I will protect my people and it’s my fundamental right and I will react the way u will attack mind it and I repeat I will react the way u will attack I challenge and remind u our forefathers gave their lives for azadi and we will sacrifice ours for haqeeqi azadi - Ali Amin Gandapur

Imagine our pride and fear of our enemies, ISI, is reduced to some half drunk looking DG sitting defending his bosses and defaming the most powerful politician in Pakistan. I just never thought I would see this day. Imagine the celebration in the capitals that once feared ISI and are now laughing nonstop.
They are the ones that are probably worrying the survival of the status quo. With PA and ISI running the Foreign policy they could make deals with one another that were mutually beneficial. Once Pakistani Politicians come under the influence of their electorate all of that ends. People will send the politicians back to home if they don't listen to them. And contrary to the popular belief IK is a war hawk when it comes to Kashmir.
Banning the live coverage of PTI H.Azaadi March on all electronic media channels has resulted in more people joining the March who earlier would have stayed and watch the March at home on televisions.

Everything these thickheads plan falls by the wayside and results in more support for PTI and Khan.
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