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PTI govt adds Rs565 billion to circular debt

The solution is to make consumers pay the full price for thier electricity. Government should not subsidise energy, rather ensure energy is created at cheap prices. State owned companies should be selling it at just above cost price.

Only domestic consumers get subsidy up to first 300 units. Problem is 30% of electricity is lost in theft, transmission. In some cases like Peshawar and Hydrabad DISCO, its 50% or more.
So, Pakistan is going to be saved by Cartoon-e-Azam PM Imran Khan who within first year of his tenure:
  • Lost Kashmir after 72-years of Pakistani history.
  • Allowed India to carry out air strikes on a non-Kashmiri province for first time in nearly 50-years.
  • Allowed Indian Foreign Minister to become the Chief Guest at OIC for the first time in 51-years.
  • A sitting Army Chief made to beg for his extension.
  • A former Army Chief given the death sentence.
  • Devalued Pakistan's currency by around 40% in just one -year.
  • Decreased Pakistan's Nominal GDP by around $35 billion.
  • Imposed worst form of poverty on the nation.
  • Maligned China for plotting corruption in Pakistan via CPEC.
  • Backstabbed Turkey and Malaysia to get Saudi loan.
Please keep such heroes in Disneyland. Pakistan doesn't need this sort of bonga revolution where only Pakistan loses.

What are you smoking? You may have some disagreements with IK and you are entitled to hold such views. But IK is the Prime Minister of Pakistan and the position itself demands respect so cease your personal vendetta against him. I had my own grievances with his provincial Govt when the bureaucracy back in 2013 was a shamble and my attempt to bring in Chinese investment failed as a result. Guess what though, I don't hold that against him. My personal needs mean nothing in comparison to the national interests of Pakistan which is having stability in the country and a new face in the political scene that can change people's lives. I have more reason to moan, but I came to the conclusion his Govt just came into power and ruling a state is much different than standing in opposition. Pakistani people like you annoy me. You talk so much nonsense yet never provide a solution. You support traitors who have looted the country and when you criticize the Govt you never provide a solution.
  • When did IK lose Kashmir? Look beyond your one-dimensional mind. For the first time in decades, Pakistan is winning the narrative in Kashmir from the perspective of the international community.
  • The airstrikes carried out by India demonstrated one thing. How vulnerable their security apparatus is in the current period. Pakistan has built military power, India focused on building military force. What's the difference between the two. Military force involves the mere collection of building up troops and war waging materials; military power is about optimal utilization of force. It entails the understanding of your adversary, the nature of warfare, domains of war and how it would be fought. I am not a military expert but from my limited understanding, I know the strength of our electronic warfare capabilities baffled India last year. During that episode, PAF destroyed the invincibility myth of the IAF. One thing is for certain the Indian military has the mindset of fighting a counterinsurgency war, but their operational preparedness for conventional war has stagnated since the 1990s. Our budget is much smaller but we have used it efficiently. The credit should be given to the military and IK. Our Prime Minister didn't cry to the American's he responded boldly.
  • What planet are you living on? When did Imran Khan invite the Indian Foreign Minister to the OIC? The event was held in Abu Dhabi and they invited the Indians. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing but what is more dangerous is blind stupidity.
  • The Army Chief wouldn't have gained his extension without the support of the Govt. Come on you need to try harder.
  • The courts decided the judgment on General Musharraf. You must be a child because you don't understand what due process is and how democracy functions in a country. IK was elected by the people of Pakistan he doesn't have the power to direct the judiciary and their verdicts.
  • Pakistani's currency was devalued because all economies are subject to boom and bust periods. It happens in every financial instrument. When institutions distribute stock it takes months and that must have taken place before IK even took office. The chart doesn't lie so you can put that in your pipe and smoke it.
  • China is a close ally of Pakistan. I have defended this country for years in this forum especially in the case of Xinjiang probably more than any other member. As a result, I was labeled a Kaffir by some members. Their opinion means nothing to me. But let me tell you one thing. Pakistan's national interests should always be our top priority. Any Chinese company which signed an agreement on CPEC which was not to our benefit and they gave or received backhanders from politicians should be barred from investing in Pakistan and the agreement should be ripped apart.
  • We never backstabbed Malaysia or Turkey. Both of these countries messed up by inviting Iran and ignoring Saudi Arabia.
What are you smoking? You may have some disagreements with IK and you are entitled to hold such views. But IK is the Prime Minister of Pakistan and the position itself demands respect so cease your personal vendetta against him. I had my own grievances with his provincial Govt when the bureaucracy back in 2013 was a shamble and my attempt to bring in Chinese investment failed as a result. Guess what though, I don't hold that against him. My personal needs mean nothing in comparison to the national interests of Pakistan which is having stability in the country and a new face in the political scene that can change people's lives. I have more reason to moan, but I came to the conclusion his Govt just came into power and ruling a state is much different than standing in opposition. Pakistani people like you annoy me. You talk so much nonsense yet never provide a solution. You support traitors who have looted the country and when you criticize the Govt you never provide a solution.
  • When did IK lose Kashmir? Look beyond your one-dimensional mind. For the first time in decades, Pakistan is winning the narrative in Kashmir from the perspective of the international community.
  • The airstrikes carried out by India demonstrated one thing. How vulnerable their security apparatus is in the current period. Pakistan has built military power, India focused on building military force. What's the difference between the two. Military force involves the mere collection of building up troops and war waging materials; military power is about optimal utilization of force. It entails the understanding of your adversary, the nature of warfare, domains of war and how it would be fought. I am not a military expert but from my limited understanding, I know the strength of our electronic warfare capabilities baffled India last year. During that episode, PAF destroyed the invincibility myth of the IAF. One thing is for certain the Indian military has the mindset of fighting a counterinsurgency war, but their operational preparedness for conventional war has stagnated since the 1990s. Our budget is much smaller but we have used it efficiently. The credit should be given to the military and IK. Our Prime Minister didn't cry to the American's he responded boldly.
  • What planet are you living on? When did Imran Khan invite the Indian Foreign Minister to the OIC? The event was held in Abu Dhabi and they invited the Indians. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing but what is more dangerous is blind stupidity.
  • The Army Chief wouldn't have gained his extension without the support of the Govt. Come on you need to try harder.
  • The courts decided the judgment on General Musharraf. You must be a child because you don't understand what due process is and how democracy functions in a country. IK was elected by the people of Pakistan he doesn't have the power to direct the judiciary and their verdicts.
  • Pakistani's currency was devalued because all economies are subject to boom and bust periods. It happens in every financial instrument. When institutions distribute stock it takes months and that must have taken place before IK even took office. The chart doesn't lie so you can put that in your pipe and smoke it.
  • China is a close ally of Pakistan. I have defended this country for years in this forum especially in the case of Xinjiang probably more than any other member. As a result, I was labeled a Kaffir by some members. Their opinion means nothing to me. But let me tell you one thing. Pakistan's national interests should always be our top priority. Any Chinese company which signed an agreement on CPEC which was not to our benefit and they gave or received backhanders from politicians should be barred from investing in Pakistan and the agreement should be ripped apart.
  • We never backstabbed Malaysia or Turkey. Both of these countries messed up by inviting Iran and ignoring Saudi Arabia.

What are you smoking? You may have some disagreements with IK and you are entitled to hold such views. But IK is the Prime Minister of Pakistan and the position itself demands respect so cease your personal vendetta against him. I had my own grievances with his provincial Govt when the bureaucracy back in 2013 was a shamble and my attempt to bring in Chinese investment failed as a result. Guess what though, I don't hold that against him. My personal needs mean nothing in comparison to the national interests of Pakistan which is having stability in the country and a new face in the political scene that can change people's lives. I have more reason to moan, but I came to the conclusion his Govt just came into power and ruling a state is much different than standing in opposition. Pakistani people like you annoy me. You talk so much nonsense yet never provide a solution. You support traitors who have looted the country and when you criticize the Govt you never provide a solution.
  • When did IK lose Kashmir? Look beyond your one-dimensional mind. For the first time in decades, Pakistan is winning the narrative in Kashmir from the perspective of the international community.
  • The airstrikes carried out by India demonstrated one thing. How vulnerable their security apparatus is in the current period. Pakistan has built military power, India focused on building military force. What's the difference between the two. Military force involves the mere collection of building up troops and war waging materials; military power is about optimal utilization of force. It entails the understanding of your adversary, the nature of warfare, domains of war and how it would be fought. I am not a military expert but from my limited understanding, I know the strength of our electronic warfare capabilities baffled India last year. During that episode, PAF destroyed the invincibility myth of the IAF. One thing is for certain the Indian military has the mindset of fighting a counterinsurgency war, but their operational preparedness for conventional war has stagnated since the 1990s. Our budget is much smaller but we have used it efficiently. The credit should be given to the military and IK. Our Prime Minister didn't cry to the American's he responded boldly.
  • What planet are you living on? When did Imran Khan invite the Indian Foreign Minister to the OIC? The event was held in Abu Dhabi and they invited the Indians. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing but what is more dangerous is blind stupidity.
  • The Army Chief wouldn't have gained his extension without the support of the Govt. Come on you need to try harder.
  • The courts decided the judgment on General Musharraf. You must be a child because you don't understand what due process is and how democracy functions in a country. IK was elected by the people of Pakistan he doesn't have the power to direct the judiciary and their verdicts.
  • Pakistani's currency was devalued because all economies are subject to boom and bust periods. It happens in every financial instrument. When institutions distribute stock it takes months and that must have taken place before IK even took office. The chart doesn't lie so you can put that in your pipe and smoke it.
  • China is a close ally of Pakistan. I have defended this country for years in this forum especially in the case of Xinjiang probably more than any other member. As a result, I was labeled a Kaffir by some members. Their opinion means nothing to me. But let me tell you one thing. Pakistan's national interests should always be our top priority. Any Chinese company which signed an agreement on CPEC which was not to our benefit and they gave or received backhanders from politicians should be barred from investing in Pakistan and the agreement should be ripped apart.
  • We never backstabbed Malaysia or Turkey. Both of these countries messed up by inviting Iran and ignoring Saudi Arabia.

That's why you don't entertain PMLN trolls. They have literally no brains to discuss anything.
So, Pakistan is going to be saved by Cartoon-e-Azam PM Imran Khan who within first year of his tenure:
  • Lost Kashmir after 72-years of Pakistani history.
  • Allowed India to carry out air strikes on a non-Kashmiri province for first time in nearly 50-years.
  • Allowed Indian Foreign Minister to become the Chief Guest at OIC for the first time in 51-years.
  • A sitting Army Chief made to beg for his extension.
  • A former Army Chief given the death sentence.
  • Devalued Pakistan's currency by around 40% in just one -year.
  • Decreased Pakistan's Nominal GDP by around $35 billion.
  • Imposed worst form of poverty on the nation.
  • Maligned China for plotting corruption in Pakistan via CPEC.
  • Backstabbed Turkey and Malaysia to get Saudi loan.
Please keep such heroes in Disneyland. Pakistan doesn't need this sort of bonga revolution where only Pakistan loses.
First of all these points are off topic, and there are respective threads in which these issues have been and can be discussed. Secondly I have repeatedly replied to these bolded points but you just run away, as I think you yourself know these are nonsense:

Since you have uttered this non sense again I will have to add my reply here point by point:
Lost Kashmir after 72-years of Pakistani history.
The AJK is still with Pakistan and IOK is with India - the LOC is the same as your great leader left it for us. The Inidan parliament changed laws for Kashmir, and just for your information Pakistani PM has no jurisdiction on the Indian parliament. Secondly, by this logic Chinese President Xi Jinping then also lost Ladhak to India?
Allowed India to carry out air strikes on a non-Kashmiri province for first time in nearly 50-years.
This is now a new shameful low from you that even the most cuckoo red liberals and N League supporters have not uttered in their hatred for the Armed forces. No one allowed any strikes! The PAF and armed forces are responsible for Pakistan's internal and external security, and there is no evidence or even a far fetched suggestion that the Pakistani PM allowed India to violate its airspace. It was an act of aggression which was solidly replied by authority of PM, when Indian army HQ was bombed in Kashmir and 2 of their AC shot down, with one pilot captured and beaten down. Pakistan came out on top in this minor skirmish ; but in your hatred you are now stooping even lower and losing sanity.
A former Army Chief given the death sentence.
Really? Have you lost touch with reality this badly now :crazy:. Courts hand out sentences, NOT the PM. The case was prepared by Nawaz Sharif govt, and it was concluded on orders of Justice Asif Khosa. How can you blame PM for the out come of a case now? Anyway the sentence has been overturned by LHC, so will you now say the opposite about PM?
Now LHC has overturned it, isnt it fair to say the previous 3rd time PM was so clueless about constitution that he couldn't form the the special courts per constitution? I mean a military dictator walked away from a sentence because of PMLN incompetenece right? Or is this now also PM IK's fault?
A sitting Army Chief made to beg for his extension.
Whole Pakistan knows who is the one begging :lol:. The journey from 'Vote ko Izzat' to 'Boot ko Izzat':omghaha:
Allowed Indian Foreign Minister to become the Chief Guest at OIC for the first time in 51-years.
Already replied:

Backstabbed Turkey and Malaysia to get Saudi loan.
Its a foreign policy decision which is PMs prerogative. Had Pakistan gone to the summit you would have said that the PM now backstabbed Saudia and UAE; the biggest economic partners of Pakistan. Due to Pakistan's economic situation, thanks to PMLN and PPP govts, we have to make such compromises.
Anyway nothing beats what Nawaz Sharif did by attending Modi's inauguration ceremony like his minion and turned Pakistan into a client state of India:
On top of it he was the first PM of Pakistan to ever attend the inauguration ceremony of an Indian PM ! And that too of Modi !

@The Eagle This member seriously needs to be looked at. He has been spamming these points aimlessly in many threads in an offtopic manner, and then doesn't even has the spine to stand up for them.
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First of all these points are off topic, and there are respective threads in which these issues have been and can be discussed. Secondly I have repeatedly replied to these bolded points but you just run away, as I think you yourself know these are nonsense:

Since you have uttered this non sense again I will have to add my reply here point by point:

The AJK is still with Pakistan and IOK is with India - the LOC is the same as your great leader left it for us. The Inidan parliament changed laws for Kashmir, and just for your information Pakistani PM has no jurisdiction on the Indian parliament. Secondly, by this logic Chinese President also lost Ladhak to Inida! I have answered this the fourth time now

This is now a new shameful low from you that even the most cuckoo red liberals and N League supporters have not uttered in their hatred for the Armed forces. No one allowed any strikes! The PAF and armed forces are responsible for Pakistan's internal and external security, and there is no evidence or even a far fetched suggestion that the Pakistani PM allowed India to violate its airspace. It was an act of aggression which was solidly replied by authority of PM, when Indian army HQ was bombed in Kashmir and 2 of their AC shot down, with one pilot captured and beaten down. Pakistan came out on top in this minor skirmish ; but in your hatred you are now stooping even lower and losing sanity.

Really? Have you lost touch with reality this badly now :crazy:. Courts hand out sentences, NOT the PM. The case was prepared by Nawaz Sharif govt, and it was concluded on orders of Justice Asif Khosa. How can you blame PM for the out come of a case now? Anyway the sentence has been overturned by LHC, so will you now say the opposite about PM?
Now LHC has overturned it, isnt it fair to say the previous 3rd time PM was so clueless about constitution that he couldn't form the the special courts per constitution? I mean a military dictator walked away from a sentence because of PMLN incompetenece right? Or is this now also PM IK's fault?

Whole Pakistan knows who is the one begging :lol:. The journey from 'Vote ko Izzat' to 'Boot ko Izzat':omghaha:

Already replied:

Its a foreign policy decision which is PMs prerogative. Had Pakistan gone to the summit you would have said that the PM now backstabbed Saudia and UAE; the biggest economic partners of Pakistan. Due to Pakistan's economic situation, thanks to PMLN and PPP govts, we have to make such compromises.
Anyway nothing beats what Nawaz Sharif did by attending Modi's inauguration ceremony like his minion and turned Pakistan into a client state of India:
On top of it he was the first PM of Pakistan to ever attend the inauguration ceremony of an Indian PM ! And that too of Modi !

@The Eagle This member seriously needs to be looked at. He has been spamming these points aimlessly in many threads in an offtopic manner, and then doesn't even has the spine to stand up for them.

I've highlighted the important bits for you in red.

You're a nobody to me and not worth my time. Should I feel the necessity to converse with you, I'll quote you.

Until then, stop following me around like a poodle, regurtating the same nonsensical responses to which you don't even realise what I am referring to.
I've highlighted the important bits for you in red.
LoL are you ok mate? You do really need some help. Why did you just highlight the mean things I said about you? I know what you are thinking: that you have pulled some smartass comeback by bolding sentences, but rules of English language still do not change as the context of the post is still there. Secondly, even taken out of context the highlighted parts are still talking about you i.e YOU are the subject!. I think you need to get some basic English language and general education, and understand the concept of subject and verbs. Here this is from me for free:

You're a nobody to me and not worth my time. Should I feel the necessity to converse with you, I'll quote you.

Until then, stop following me around like a poodle, regurtating the same nonsensical responses to which you don't even realise what I am referring to.

This is an open forum where every member can post - you are not special. This is not a private space where you can ask for privacy. Your posts are public here so their replies are going to be public as well whether you like it or not. I have refuted your nonsense, and like a coward idiot you don't have the intellectual capacity and spine to refute even one of them. Begging me to ignore you is not going to work!
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