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PTI Election Campaign: News & Updates.

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hi guys can any one tell me when pti jalsa will help in rawalpindi
because i want to be part of it

Have you any update about Dr Ansari?
From,what i have heard, for the first time Jhang will see a real political battle.

You've got that right! Its going to be one hell of a battle:
As regards to Dr Ansari he's a gem of a man. Honest, un-corruptible and highly educated - but what many would regard as a failed politician (Much like Khan sahb himself). Dr Ansari has never seen the corridors of power even though he's been contesting elections many years in Jhang. In the 90's he left the UK where he was training and returned as the only MRCP qualified doctor in the whole of Jhang. He did belong to a political family as his father had served in the Majlis-e-Shura of Zia-ul-Haq. Exacerbated by the dire situation in Jhang he left his medical practice and went into politics full-time simultaneously setting up a dairy farm to fund his political ambitions. When Musharraf took over he was the first politician approached in Jhang to join the then newly formed Q-league, he rejected on the grounds of this being undemocratic and that ticket instead went to Waqas and he subsequently went on to win his first election in 2002 - the rest they say is "history."
So what makes this the mother of all battles? This time NA-89 can go either way.
ASWJ - the so called political operations of SSP were founded in Jhang - It is its nucleus and center of power - They have 2 reasons of having a massive vote bank - 1 - Ideological - Jhang is a conservative society with many Madrassah's and a lack of formal educational institutes - especially middle and higher - it has no University. There are genuinely people who believe in the hate spewed by sectarian mullah's and believe shia's to be kafir. 2- is socio-economical - The shia although in minority - were especially powerful and were landed gentry. They had a choke hold on many lucrative administrative positions in Jhang epitomized by the shah Jewana familes - who are the major landed families in the whole of the Faisalabad division having political standing since the British. When Waqas was awarded the N-league ticket - shockwaves were sent as ASWJ traditional ally has delivered a fatal blow - Ludhianvi quickly announced betrayal and open opposition in the whole of Punjab - something that may count to be costly against Nawaz Sharif's party.
The current MNA and electables in Jhang consist of "new money" Business conglomerate. They have found success as they presented them selves as progressives and practical people. For Na-89 the notorious former federal minister Sheikh Waqas Akram - fronts this group. To be honest he was young energetic and very articulate when he first came on the scene. People had genuine hopes from him. However, his image has taken a battering. People have noted that these business conglomerates have used their political influence to further their business goals and used politics as a cash-cow whilst neglecting development even though they've periodically enjoyed the highest offices in the land. The fake degree case was the final nail in the coffin bringing shame at an international level - although Waqas "won" his appeal he decided to step down in favour of his father to contest this seat on a N - ticket. His father seems to be a weaker candidate - opening up the contest.
PPP- Have always been traditionally weak in Jhang with many candidates avoiding the ticket altogether as a liability and choose to contest as independent. Sheikh Waqas toyed with the PPP to the very end in Jhang flirting away only to dump them at the end for their bitter rivals N-league. This left PPP compromised and their candidate is a chap called Peer Syed Agha Tahir Gillani. He's a monied Peer who is banking on a hodge podge of aliances with other sunni peers for electoral strength - overall hes a lightweight.
The last genuine candidate is Dr Abdul Jabbar Khan - An unusually successful homeopathic Doctor contesting from the Jamaate Islaami ticket.Many speculated that PTI would forgo this seat as part of "seat adjustment" with JI. However, as that hasn't materialized JI will be contestin directly on this seat. As mentioned previously Jhang is very conservative and the JI candidate can acts as a major spoiler most likely eating into the PTI and ASWJ vote bank.
Yesterday was the N-league Jalsa where Shahbaz Sharif attended- Saima akhtar Bharwana, Ghiulam Bibi Bharwana, Sheikh Waqas and his father, Sheikh Yakoob and Khalid sargana all attened as this was a round of Jasla endorsing all candidates in Jhang. - Note all these politicians were previosuly in Q leagues and have unceremoniously switched sides. The Jalsa was not as succesful as expected furthering speculation that other parties have made real inroads into vote banks of the electables. PTI's grand jalsa will be on the 5th of May as part of "Faisalabad" division. This will be the real test of Jhangvies to see if they are willing to accept a "Naya Pakistan." Other things going PTI's way are traditional backing of Shia votes to Waqas are not guaranteed any more since he joined N-league. Also TUQ supporters because he's not contesting elections may lean towards Dr abol Hassan ansari as they are more idiologically similar.
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Thank you for very informative post. My friends and my old man who's staying in Pakistan just to vote,have similar thoughts.

Jhang has been betrayed every single time. People had high hopes with that bharwana hottie too as she was young and everyone thought that she will make a dent.....never happened.

I see a lot of awareness, in Jhang among the young blood. On may 5 they will sign their declaration of independance.

Do you,know the venue?
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