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PTI does not support operation against Taliban, says Imran

Awww.... I think Imran sir here was joking. Nobody likes to kill their own people but sometimes you need to shut some up or teach them how to. Imran Khan tops my list — he not only receives bad press for himself but the rest of the country with the statements he issues. Foot in mouth disease he has I tell you. When you read his comments, you feel more frustrated: here's an educated chap formerly leading a liberal life and now not only supports the right-wing but aligns with the extremists. You get more frustrated — worse than when compared politicians and army-men.

IK isn't playing confrontational politics. One wishes that was the case. And he isn't winning from the ballot either. He raked in on his image of yesteryears and managed to win one seat in the 2002 elections (only 160686 cast in his favour). This time around he boycotted the elections completely even though he did have a level playing field.

I can go on and on but will cut short here. His charity no doubt is the highlight of his present and past and will also admit to being a supporter of his when he entered politics – you know the whole glamour/aura he had around him – but he has done nothing in terms of retaining people's confidence.

Well I don't think that he needs to be yelled at if he keeps this view the next ballot will teach him who to support and how his nations ballot matters we can't go around yelling to people in their face just so that they follow you we need to win the ideology not hte argument.
BALLOTS are very stange things. Hitler first BALLOT results were same as KHAN SBs. Anyhow I always laugh at a system where HUMAN BEINGS are 'counted' not 'weighed'.
Okay I try not to rant but there is always a first time so here goes it for everyone (be they IK's supporter or otherwise):

Stop marauding other people's sensibilities — I have been here for a couple of months and have read the same arguments and counter-arguments ad-infinitum and ad-nauseum vis-a-vis IK. He's not worth a new thread ever three days. Please stop this. Him supporting the Taliban has little significance in this time period.

We are at war here, hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced, young men are laying down their lives for the country, there is a large-scale civilian crisis on hand — in short there are a gazillion more worthwhile topics to discuss as of now!

If you want to talk about the same things, there are many threads on the issue. Add his statements (read: idiocy) there, revive those.

Honestly, has anyone ever even considered why they are are posting something, ever thought how will their thread proceed, will there be anything new in there or not!

Bottom line: Yara ab buss kareen!

(P.S.: I guess I reached the end of my patience with the asinine talk here. Please I hope no offence taken.)
Could be an educational thing, but I happen to agree with Imran Khan.

If the Swat op is going to be successful and will purge all the militants, then he would be right behind it.

But he knows full well it's not going to purge them all, or even a significant majority. Militants are not so stupid, at least those ones who fled their country to save themselves, to stay put and wait for death. That is one reason those being bombed in Swat aren't going to be any militants.

His line of reasoning, I believe, is that you cannot clear out the militancy through this bombing campaign. I agree. What you going to do next, bomb them again? And then again? That isn't going to help Pakistan, or your causes.

afair, I was supporting the Lal Masjid op, but I think now, as Imran Khan suggests, firstly forcing a lot of them out through sieging them till their supplies run out would have been better.

He's outspoken, logical, and a very good tactician. I'd like to see any of the current crop of politicians captain Pakistan to a World Cup, or even a win in international cricket. Like Musharraf, he's too intelligent/educated for Pakistan currently, and Pakistan doesnt deserve either of them to be frank.
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the last word....
IK or betterly known as IM the DIM has no mandate - the defination of "hypocrite" starts and ends with him.

advise to IK - go play with your boys - teach them how to play cricket - do something worthwhile - our cricket team needs all-rounders!
Imran khan is known for his outstanding charity work. I'm sure that after visiting the IDPs, he sat down in a corner and cried his heart out. But that doesn't change the fact that he's still speaking against an operation that is being carried out to rid us of our diseases once and for ALL.

Let me ask Imran Khan this ... In Shaukat Khanum, are the doctors trained to perform numerous surgeries on cancerous tumours or are they trained to NEGOTIATE with those life threatening tumours?

Exactly! You don't sing a lovely peace deal to a tumour. You get RID of it by proper treatment and surgery. I don't remember my doctors signing peace deals with the problem when it came to the solution. TTP is a cancerous lobe that needs to be cut out ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Imran Khan had my respect. Specially because he was always keen on uniting the youth of Pakistan so that they might lead themselves to a better future tomorrow. Unfortunately, now, he's trying too hard for me to loose that respect for him.

Wake the **** up sir. We're at a full scale war with a group of people who've challenged to put a TTP flag on our capital. You still want to negotiate? Where does your allegiance lies, sir?

I loved the IK as Captain of Pakistan Cricket, I loved IK the charity worker. I hate IK the politician. He has become a total political lota. Very sorry to say... Come on Irman, you are better then this.
Imran khan is known for his outstanding charity work. I'm sure that after visiting the IDPs, he sat down in a corner and cried his heart out. But that doesn't change the fact that he's still speaking against an operation that is being carried out to rid us of our diseases once and for ALL.

Let me ask Imran Khan this ... In Shaukat Khanum, are the doctors trained to perform numerous surgeries on cancerous tumours or are they trained to NEGOTIATE with those life threatening tumours?

Exactly! You don't sing a lovely peace deal to a tumour. You get RID of it by proper treatment and surgery. I don't remember my doctors signing peace deals with the problem when it came to the solution. TTP is a cancerous lobe that needs to be cut out ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Imran Khan had my respect. Specially because he was always keen on uniting the youth of Pakistan so that they might lead themselves to a better future tomorrow. Unfortunately, now, he's trying too hard for me to loose that respect for him.

Wake the **** up sir. We're at a full scale war with a group of people who've challenged to put a TTP flag on our capital. You still want to negotiate? Where does your allegiance lies, sir?


That's one of the silliest analogies i think you could have given. Likening the way you treat a tumour with the way you handle militancy. Tumours cannot think for themselves. Militants can. The spread of militancy is a PR war. It has nothing biologically related to its spread. It is not a case of one cell trying to convince another cell to join the "dark side", and come a killing. Militancy is a conscious ideology, one that is given impetus by the perception of persecution.

You further claim

"But that doesn't change the fact that he's still speaking against an operation that is being carried out to rid us of our diseases once and for ALL."

That sort of mentality doesn't help anyone in Pakistan. Pakistan Army, the Generals are not beyond scrutiny. He is speaking out against an operation that he believes cannot produce any good. In fact, he's got a good evidence to suggest it won't bring any. Swat was "cleared" once before, and now it's being "cleared" again. And it will keep going on being "cleared" as the militancy builds up. These militants aren't sitting waiting to be bombed. Why else did they flea their home countries that were also trying to kill them? Further radicalization is what is generated in such instances.
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That's one of the silliest analogies i think you could have given. Likening the way you treat a tumour with the way you handle militancy. Tumours cannot think for themselves. Militants can. The spread of militancy is a PR war. It has nothing biologically related to its spread.

You clearly missed the pun. I kinda feel sorry for you now.

That sort of mentality doesn't help anyone in Pakistan. Pakistan Army, the Generals are not beyond scrutiny. He is speaking out against an operation that he believes cannot produce any good. In fact, he's got a good evidence to suggest it won't bring any. Swat was "cleared" once before, and now it's being "cleared" again. And it will keep going on being "cleared" as the militancy builds up. These militants aren't sitting waiting to be bombed. Why else did they flea their home countries that were also trying to kill them? Further radicalization is what is generated in such instances.

Imran Khan isn't God. His opinions are his opinions but they do not represent the people of Pakistan. Have you been following the news lately? Majority of Pakistanis are with the army, supporting the operation because they're tired of getting targeted by these militants in their cities and villages.

You know at this point you're forcing me to use another cheesy pun ...

"Except for slavery, fascism, Nazism, and Communism, War has never solved anything"

If a group challenges the sovereignty of your entire country, You don't sit around doing nothing simply because you've failed in the first few attempts. What else is our military for if it's not even going to be there to silence the very barrels that our threatening our homeland?
That's one of the silliest analogies i think you could have given. Likening the way you treat a tumour with the way you handle militancy. Tumours cannot think for themselves. Militants can. The spread of militancy is a PR war. It has nothing biologically related to its spread. It is not a case of one cell trying to convince another cell to join the "dark side", and come a killing. Militancy is a conscious ideology, one that is given impetus by the perception of persecution.

You further claim

That sort of mentality doesn't help anyone in Pakistan. Pakistan Army, the Generals are not beyond scrutiny. He is speaking out against an operation that he believes cannot produce any good. In fact, he's got a good evidence to suggest it won't bring any. Swat was "cleared" once before, and now it's being "cleared" again. And it will keep going on being "cleared" as the militancy builds up. These militants aren't sitting waiting to be bombed. Why else did they flea their home countries that were also trying to kill them? Further radicalization is what is generated in such instances.

Totally agree with you. It will not solve this problem. Just wait & see , you will see the real truth come out soon. As for tumours, they sometimes grow on that area,where surgery can just be fatal.
You clearly missed the pun. I kinda feel sorry for you now.

Imran Khan isn't God. His opinions are his opinions but they do not represent the people of Pakistan. Have you been following the news lately? Majority of Pakistanis are with the army, supporting the operation because they're tired of getting targeted by these militants in their cities and villages.

You know at this point you're forcing me to use another cheesy pun ...

"Except for slavery, fascism, Nazism, and Communism, War has never solved anything"

If a group challenges the sovereignty of your entire country, You don't sit around doing nothing simply because you've failed in the first few attempts. What else is our military for if it's not even going to be there to silence the very barrels that our threatening our homeland?

Communism was defeated economically actually, and that's anything but a certainty given China's rise. China's eventual demise will be through economics, not through warfare.

Almost all the civil wars have resulted in 50-50 outcomes. East Pakistan being one example where it all went wrong. Chechnya isn't going away. Balkanization of South Europe, and many more examples of where it goes wrong. Perhaps a handful of civil wars kept a country together, but even that I'd query.

When your soveriegnty is challenged by a group of foreigners, you make sure you only kill the bad guys and none of your own. Lots of covert ops on a small scale, mass re-education programme, mass development of the areas affected, and the militancy won't find any breeding ground. In the mean time, I'd favour a Communist style state in Pakistan, something like what everyone got shown about the Soviet Union.
Communism was defeated economically actually, and that's anything but a certainty given China's rise. China's eventual demise will be through economics, not through warfare.

Years of intimidation of weaponry and arms race, aerial confrontations over Korea, civil unrest and destruction, the Afghan war, the covert ops from Pakistan inside Afghanistan ... Economically yes, but the war factor is still there. Besides, the term I used was just to give you an Idea. After all, The Nazi's threatened almost every one in the world ... The final race by the allies (Americans, British and the Russians) towards the German capital wasn't on the economical basis but on the M48 Shermans, T-34's and M3 Lee's.

Almost all the civil wars have resulted in 50-50 outcomes. East Pakistan being one example where it all went wrong. Chechnya isn't going away. Balkanization of South Europe, and many more examples of where it goes wrong. Perhaps a handful of civil wars kept a country together, but even that I'd query.

Better to take chances on those civil wars then to end up loosing one of your province. East Pakistan cannot be compared to our situation today because of the obvious geographical factors. FATA on the other hand isn't some hundreds of kilometers away. We have the 7th largest force in the world. What exactly for if it's not going to eliminate all our threats backed up my militancy and sheer guerilla warfare?

When your soveriegnty is challenged by a group of foreigners, you make sure you only kill the bad guys and none of your own. Lots of covert ops on a small scale, mass re-education programme, mass development of the areas affected, and the militancy won't find any breeding ground. In the mean time, I'd favour a Communist style state in Pakistan, something like what everyone got shown about the Soviet Union.

I agree with you on this (except the 'communist-style state of Pakistan' part). The ideology must be given a rebirth entirely in order to eliminate the militancy completely. But when that militancy reaches 60kms away from your CAPITAL, you cannot offer them such beneficial programmes and development projects. We should've done a lot of things differently and we all know that so let's not get into another discussion. But right now, we NEED to win this war on some level before it's too late.

Our people are suffering from this war, yes, but they're also suffering from the hands of the Taliban who grab them out of mosques and leave them with a 'Do as I say or get killed' option.
I'd favour a Communist style state in Pakistan, something like what everyone got shown about the Soviet Union

Who would be the leader of this communist state which one party or ideology will win this a communist styled leadership in anyone from our current crop will suck they country dry and whatever is left will be let to rot.
No way will communism work for Pakistan.
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