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PTI does not support operation against Taliban, says Imran


Sep 20, 2008
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Monday, May 18, 2009
By our correspondent

LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has said the PTI doesn’t favour Taliban or operation against them but only values the aspirations of the people of Pakistan.

The PTI chief was talking to reporters during his visit to relief camps set up by the party for the displaced persons at the Akbar Chowk. Imran said he would raise the question in the National Conference before the government as to why the operation in Swat became a necessity. He said whether it was the operation at Lal Masjid, in Balochistan or in Malakand, the consequences of all had been disastrous.

Criticizing the Musharraf government for the Lal Masjid operation, Imran said even if electricity and water supply to the mosque were cut, the operation could have been avoided. He said similarly in Swat, just after 12 days of signing the Nizam-e-Adal regulation, the military operation was termed as the only solution in the region by the government, which was initiated at a time when Obama-Zardari meeting was taking place.

He said the migration of nearly 2.5 million people was, in fact, the success of anti state forces. He said the use of force against Pakistani citizens was not right and he opposed it but at the same time he also did not support extremist elements slaughtering soldiers of Pakistan.

The PTI chief urged the government to avoid pursuing a dual policy on terrorism and inform the nation about the facts.He said the PTI would dispatch a convoy of 25 trucks from Lahore for the victims of the Malakand Division residing in Mardan and Swabi. The PTI relief camps are also working there, he added. PTI leaders, including Umer Safaraz Cheema, Mian Mehmood ul Rasheed, Saif Ullah Niazi, Ishtiaq Malik, Naveed Ahmed were also present on the occasion.
- PTI does not support operation against Taliban, says Imran

What a Munafiq... Does he not realise the threat that the Taliban pose? Ofcourse he is safe in Islamabad and has the luxury of dual nationality. So anytime the taliban become to big to handle, he will be one of the first one's to jump ship.

This proves it. He is politically bankrupt, he has no logic and clearly cant see past his own inflated ego.

Uff! :hitwall:
Maybe imran can be sent by the govt to swat to negotiate next time:cheesy:
?does he not realize the amount of damage caused by taliban locally and to our international image.
now that we have acted and the religious ulemas also calling talibans terrorist, we should continue in FATA
APC: Political leadership resolves to unite nation against terrorism:rofl::enjoy:
now what he is going to do?:lol:
Well he needs to remember that alot of the people that have comitted actions like him specially the bits on his sleaze actions have been stoned to death so before defending he must think through his policy however it will be a critical mistake to continue confrontational politics.
What kind of planet is Imran living on does he realize how much damage the TTP have done to the image of Pakistan does he want to see Pakistan a failed state with no body willing to invest in Pakistan.

Military action is the only solution because the militants couldnt care anything about Pakistan only for themselves there have been so many rounds of talks with the militants only to buy time and regroup to unleash hell inside Pakistan.

All these political parties who are opposing any military action are nothing but traitors.
I don't know how Imran thinks what he thinks. It would be a disaster to stop the operation now. It would boost the Taliban confidence to such a level that they will not fear any thing in future and will be very very difficult to stop them in the future from "conquering" other areas and cities.
We can understand the position of Jamat-e-Islami because they want to retain their vote bank whatever they have in Pakistan by opposing any action about Taliban but i did not expect this from Imran. He must think from brain and we expect better from him.
Also one thing i must say that we should thank ANP which went against its ideology for peace accord with Taliban and only because of that the people of Pakistan came to know that whats the reality of Taliban and they are not for Islam but has some other agenda and they are playing in the hands of enemies of Pakistan.Before the peace accord , i was also of the same view that Swati Talibans want only shariah in Swat and they will throw their weapons and Swat will again become heaven but not to be. Thanks to ANP.
In short it would be grave disaster to stop or slow operation now. The operation must continue until all their leadership and Taliban are sent to hell.
next operation must be against PTI .imran in mentally sick.

I understand that he is resorting to confrontational politics however I feel that if he wins it with the Ballot we have no right to stop him so we will have to wait for him.

Sir imran khan we are not a country that loves killing its own people lets remain like that please.
I understand that he is resorting to confrontational politics however I feel that if he wins it with the Ballot we have no right to stop him so we will have to wait for him.

Sir imran khan we are not a country that loves killing its own people lets remain like that please.

Awww.... I think Imran sir here was joking. Nobody likes to kill their own people but sometimes you need to shut some up or teach them how to. Imran Khan tops my list — he not only receives bad press for himself but the rest of the country with the statements he issues. Foot in mouth disease he has I tell you. When you read his comments, you feel more frustrated: here's an educated chap formerly leading a liberal life and now not only supports the right-wing but aligns with the extremists. You get more frustrated — worse than when compared politicians and army-men.

IK isn't playing confrontational politics. One wishes that was the case. And he isn't winning from the ballot either. He raked in on his image of yesteryears and managed to win one seat in the 2002 elections (only 160686 cast in his favour). This time around he boycotted the elections completely even though he did have a level playing field.

I can go on and on but will cut short here. His charity no doubt is the highlight of his present and past and will also admit to being a supporter of his when he entered politics – you know the whole glamour/aura he had around him – but he has done nothing in terms of retaining people's confidence.
two thing that Imran did well his charity organization and his stand on the CHIEF JUSTICE ISSUE.....other than there isn't much to name.....
two thing that Imran did well his charity organization and his stand on the CHIEF JUSTICE ISSUE.....other than there isn't much to name.....

yes, frist time when he got elected , what he did for the peoples of mianwali, nothing also what he , forgot was army 's quite support to his charity work, thn !
he have to learn to be with all ,on the issues on which all the nation stands agreed, he have to respect the mandiate , what other peoples have!

from his early days in politics , i was expecting a lot from him that maybe he can became , the prograssive leader , what pakistan needed thn , but after his political marrige with QAZI & with a former ISI cheif , he became a drum which both QAZI & that retrd army GEN. can play the music.
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