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PTI boycotts US in plane incident spat.

This sounds like great news! I hope it's true...after all, what American wants these Taliban-and Al Qaeda-supporters roaming around the country?

Unfortunately, it probably isn't true - they'll say one thing, but do something else. Pakistanis know what their politicians are like. But maybe some Pakistanis will do America the favor of monitoring these PTI guys and publicly shaming them when they buy U.S. tickets.

And like American policies are based on true justice ..........and they made this world more peaceful than ever before.....:omghaha:
Everywhere in the world you see where is a trouble, there is CIA behind that trouble.........so i don' t understand who is destroying the peace of this world........Taliban who are based in Afghanistan......or CIA who's agent are everywhere in the world to create problems...
How is it that US is making decisions about who enters Canada ? :tdown:

USA and Canada have a bilateral agreement that imposes similar requirements for clearing and admitting travelers into both countries. It streamlines passengers flow, for example once admitted at Pearson International, further connections into USA can be made through domestic terminals.
This sounds like great news! I hope it's true...after all, what American wants these Taliban-and Al Qaeda-supporters roaming around the country?

Unfortunately, it probably isn't true - they'll say one thing, but do something else. Pakistanis know what their politicians are like. But maybe some Pakistanis will do America the favor of monitoring these PTI guys and publicly shaming them when they buy U.S. tickets.

Where is your so celebrated freedom of expression here?
"Unless the US authorities tender an official apology to Shaikh Rasheed Ahmed (an independent member of the national Assembly elected with PTI support), no PTI parliamentarian will visit the United States",
Dr Sheerin Mazari, the central secretary of information for Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf told reporters on Tuesday.

Dr Mazari may have put lot of PTIans in an awkward situation. I'm sure there quite a few PTI parliamentarians with US connection & family in the US.
I dont understand. Sh Rasheed was going to Canada, not US. Why was he offloaded. I m sure this govt cant take a stand on this issue.

Is it a joke? People who voice their resentment against US foreign policy or go against what they order us, are offloaded from planes? This happened to Imran Khan as well last year.

You can talk against drones, cant criticize US occupation, cant say anything regarding Taliban that violates US policy. This is the level of slavery we have fallen to and are willing to accept!! laanat hai laanat.

the air space was to be used by the plane. its good that rough country like america is being shown the face..

yet again good decision by PTI, atleast they have the spine, unlike others.
Dr Mazari may have put lot of PTIans in an awkward situation. I'm sure there quite a few PTI parliamentarians with US connection & family in the US.

No problem, soon a clarification to "no visit to USA" will add the phrase "on official business" and then private visits will be kosher. :D
No problem, soon a clarification to "no visit to USA" will add the phrase "on official business" and then private visits will be kosher. :D
lol.. like everything else in Pakistani politics, this one wasn't that hard to predict either! :lol:
It suits on the biggest supporter of freedom of speech.. :coffee:
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