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PTI announces ‘historic public rally’ in Lahore

Yes let the Sharifs and Zardaris take Pakistan to bankruptcy and balkanization so China can own Gwadar and roads leading to xinjiang forever and Sharifs own Punjab and Zardaris own Sindh.

The Sharif and Bhutto enterprise are the biggest employer in Pakistan after the armed forces. Bankruptcy and balkanisation suits them the least and the populists the most.
The Sharif and Bhutto enterprise are the biggest employer in Pakistan after the armed forces. Bankruptcy and balkanisation suits them the least and the populists the most.
A band of corrupt have led the country to where it is. The nation needs peaceful street protests all over to remove these. Otherwise more of the same and live with being a banana republic.
A band of corrupt have led the country to where it is. The nation needs peaceful street protests all over to remove these. Otherwise more of the same and live with being a banana republic.

These measures are highly unproductive.
Across all of Pakistan. From Peshawar to Lahore and to Karachi. Irrespective of ethnic group, political party, sect etc.

I don't understand why Pakistanis within Pakistan have not revolted ages ago. They seem to like to be spat on and taken hostage by a rotten Pakistani "elite" (political, military, business etc.) that have largely done nothing to improve the life of the average Pakistani. In fact rather the opposite, they have continuously been robbing Pakistan and sinking it all the way to the abyss and the current catastrophic economic and political situation.

Anyway as usual it will amount to nothing.

People deserve the misery they live in when accepting status quo like some gutless eunuchs.
i think goebbles could learn a bit from pa/ispr. all the time the nishan-e-haider dramas, abc and how army is not corrupt. it took someone who is not-corrupt, world cup winner, world level philanthropist to kinda change our perception. I remember when skmt-lhe was being built, we thought this is impossible. and now there are gonna be 3. inshaAllah this is where we start thinking of pa as corrupt as other pakistanis. we will start treating them as follow mortals and not holy cows. bajwa and muneer may end up being great blessings in disguise for pk. the catalyst for their demise would still be Murshid.
It should be clear by now that Pakistan cannot get rid of the filth without blood being spilled.
Question is are we ready to get our blood spilled? I don't think so. IK can do only so much. The nation is still asleep. Otherwise when there was an asassination attempt on Khan's life, blood should had been spilled.
Question is are we ready to get our blood spilled? I don't think so. IK can do only so much. The nation is still asleep. Otherwise when there was an asassination attempt on Khan's life, blood should had been spilled.

I think that people are ready. Pakistan is like a powder keg waiting to explode.

People are soldiers who the leaders need to command to move forward. If Imran Khan had kept the Islamabad march going and the bad guys had started shooting people then it would have been all over by now.

I think people are ready but the leadership may not be. They’re the ones who need to make a tough decision.

The choice is between a determined revolution to fix things or seeing the country fizzle away in economic collapse, civil war, poverty, crime and violence. Either way blood will be spilled.
Remember what’s going on. The people of Pakistan are asking for free and fair elections. The powers that be are saying they won’t allow elections no matter what. They’re closing down all avenues of compromise.

There’s word out there that the election commission has been threatened with violence if they hold elections.

They’re giving people no choice.
Its pretty clear Establishment and the PDM are hell bent on not letting elections happen.

I think post Ramzan, IK might go full throttle. 90 days from dissolving the assembly and still no elections, will force IK’s hand.

Although he is not the violence kind of a guy, his team would advise him to go full throttle.

If PTI has to sacrifice itself to tame the establishment, it’ll be worth it.
Get off the revolutionary juice and act rational.

The cheerleading for blood from overseas Pakistanis resulted in multiple massacres already in Pakistan most notably during the previous regime.

Act rational in what way??

Country is sinking abyss, your regime change experiment didn't bring any improvement for the daily public.
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