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PTI and PAT march towards Redzone...

What will happen after march towards Redzone

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i would suggest NS to let them enter Red Zone. Once they are in Red Zone what next?

They cant occupy Parliament. It will be a grave crime.

@Spring Onion what's the situation on the ground, could you give please us some updates

PTI protesters are not a mess but the main threat is from Qadri's protesters. I feel IK should ponder over and should try to get out of this mess sooner the better.

If Qadri's people played some trick am sure we may see some bloodshed which is not good
you want freedom , you need to give Blood .. remember how we took Pakistan ???
Well Its an irony that those who give blood for Pakistan never claim doing so and those safely entered Pakistan after 1947 make tall claims of doing so....

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It should not be an option .

GOVT barred IK and PTI followers to enter Red zone and he promised that he wont . Now just like a pathetic lier he is going to red zone.

Arrest Everyone who goes to Red zone and put them in jail for conspiracy against state.

I can't Imagine how 30K people and an idiot have hijacked our whole country .Bringing huge losses to economy & state.

PS: I once was a strong supporter of PTI but Now I would say Lanat hay Imran Khan pay & PTI par for brining choas to my country which is already bleeding in WOT.

May Allah protect Pakistan from these luntics IK & Qadri.
i would suggest NS to let them enter Red Zone. Once they are in Red Zone what next?

They cant occupy Parliament. It will be a grave crime.

PTI protesters are not a mess but the main threat is from Qadri's protesters. I feel IK should ponder over and should try to get out of this mess sooner the better.

If Qadri's people played some trick am sure we may see some bloodshed which is not good
That's what I am saying too! Please please let them in:wink:
Pakistan protesters to march on Islamabad secure red zone


Security has been tightened in the secure zone of Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, after protest leader Imran Khan called on marchers to enter it.

The government has forbidden protesters from breaching the highly secure so-called red zone housing key state buildings and foreign embassies.

There are fears that any attempt by marchers to breach this order could lead to confrontation.

Thousands of anti-government protesters are occupying two Islamabad highways.

On Monday MPs from Imran Khan's PTI party vowed to quit their national assembly seats.

The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf (PTI) party has 34 of the national assembly's 342 seats, making it the second-biggest opposition group. The lawmakers have yet to tender their formal resignations to the speaker of the national assembly.

The party said it would also resign from seats on provincial assemblies, except for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, which it governs.

'First to fall'
Imran Khan, the cricketer-turned-politician, has been demonstrating along with thousands of his supporters in the capital since Friday to demand the government's resignation.


Mr Khan said he would march on Islamabad's "red zone", which is heavily protected by soldiers


He accuses Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's PML-N party of vote-rigging in the 2013 election and has called on him to stand down. Mr Sharif's party won that election by a landslide in what was Pakistan's first peaceful transfer of power between two civilian democratic governments.

The government has accused the protesters of attempting to derail democracy yet have also offered talks on their concerns, but these have been rejected.

Along with Mr Khan, anti-government cleric Tahirul Qadri mobilised supporters to march on Islamabad and they are camped out in the city.

Anger over services
Security around the red zone has been massively increased, correspondents say, with more police and paramilitary troops deployed there.

One report from the Express Tribune newspaper said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif would allow protestors to enter the red zone but not the most sensitive areas. The report also said the PM had made it clear force was not to be used against the protesters.

Imran Khan has spent the night in a shipping container at the site of the sit-in but he tweeted on Tuesday that he would lead the march into the red zone, calling it a "defining moment" for Pakistan.

The protesters have said they will set off at about 17:00 local time (13:00GMT)

Supporters of Mr Khan and Mr Qadri are angry about Pakistan's poorly performing economy, growing militancy, and the government's failure to deliver services such as a steady electricity supply.

But other opposition figures have criticised the demonstrations and Mr Khan's call for people to stop paying tax bills in protest at the government.

BBC News - Pakistan protesters to march on Islamabad secure red zone
In current situation things are getting serious Imran Khan announced that He will enter in Redzone at 8pm today while PAT Tahir ul Qadir called Awami parliment to take their opinion which seems like may be they will join PTI too. In worst case scenario if both decided to enter Redzone how Govt. will prevent it or Govt. will allow them to go inside. Because in both cases Govt. will be the loser.

In worst case 111 brigade and outcome will be Martial Law.

I want to put opinions on the basis on this current scenario. how things can be settle up with dialogue and direct collision can be avoided.

Bro in Current Scenario Article 245 implemented means Mini Martial Law already imposed in Pakistan. and 5 companies of X corps (111 Brigade) already deployed in ISB
I dont get why some people get off on knowing there is army's presence in the Islo
Well Its an irony that those who give blood for Pakistan never claim doing so and those safely entered Pakistan after 1947 make tall claims of doing so....


hahahah seedha seedha bolo ke tumari jo cast hai , usi ne qurbani di ??
Redzone and then what next.....IK & Qadri has lost it in the end...!

Mob attack over parliament & prime minister house....end will be civil war....ending Imran Khan's and Qadri political career...
hahahah seedha seedha bolo ke tumari jo cast hai , usi ne qurbani di ??
Those who have been long here already know the story of migration of my forefathers and their sacrifice....

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