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PSO warns of complete dry-out


Jun 12, 2012
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PSO warns of complete dry-out

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan State Oil, the country’s largest fuel supplier, on Thursday reported to the prime minister that it had defaulted on domestic and international payments and warned of a complete dry-out in a few weeks.

“We expect a complete dryout in or around second week of May on current total supply pattern of 16,000 tons per day of both HSFO and LSFO,” said PSO managing director Naeem Yahya Mir to secretary of petroleum and natural resources who presented the letter to caretaker Prime Minister Mir Hazar Khan Khoso.

“Presently we have already defaulted on local and LC’s (letter of credit) payments amounting to Rs11 billion,” the letter said.

At a meeting, presided over by the caretaker prime minister, the ministry of petroleum explained that further fuel supplies to power sector could not be provided on credit because of non-reliability of Wapda companies.

Fuel could be supplied to the power sector only on a firm guarantee of the finance ministry that timely payments would be made, the prime minister was informed.

The petroleum ministry informed the prime minister that PSO’s receivables from power sector had increased to Rs141bn while receivables of gas companies now stand at Rs175bn. This has created severe liquidity problems for the oil and gas sector.

A PSO spokesperson, Maryam Shah, confirmed that PSO had committed technical defaults for more than five times in recent days and the fuel supplier had to pay penalties for the defaults.

The PSO had also informed the government that because of repeated technical defaults, no bank was ready to open letters of credit to order future oil imports, therefore, it would be impossible to provide fuel on credit.

The caretaker prime minister constituted a four-member committee, led by his principal secretary, and comprising secretaries of petroleum, water and power and finance, to hold consultations on day-to-day basis and submit a report within three days so that decisions could be made to avoid disruption in supply chain and increase in load-shedding as temperatures go up.

The PSO chief said if financial issues were not addressed on an urgent basis, it could “result in total collapse of supply chain, both from financial and product availability perspective.

He lamented that despite its request on March 28, the company was surprised that no endorsement of tenders had been conveyed to the company to order fresh imports.

“Any further delay will definitely result in a dry-out situation in the country when present stocks will exhaust and cargoes will not arrive timely.”

With current stocks enough to meet ongoing reduced supplies until first of May, it would be difficult to arrange additional supplies for higher power generation demand in peak summer months of May to September.

The PSO attributed the shortage situation to non-disbursement of Rs47bn committed in early March. Because of cash constraints, the PSO said “it could not order further oil cargoes.” Default is already in place and “consequential defaults might result in banks calling the borrowing lines and refusal to open further LCs for cargoes already awarded.”

The PSO chief said that “please note that PSO will not be responsible for direct and indirect consequences of product un-availability and supply chain break out.”

Giving a break-up of receivables, the PSO said an amount of Rs48 bn was outstanding against Wapda, Rs56bn against Hubco, Rs11 bn against Kapco and Rs11.5bn against KESC among top defaulters.

The company said its outstanding payments to Kuwait Petroleum and other fuel suppliers stood at Rs73bn on April 4, followed by Rs21bn to Parco and Rs10bn to Attock Oil.

PSO warns of complete dry-out | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

@Armstrong @Secur @arp2041 @samantk

Armstrong whats the word from the underwriting agencies, any idea? Without a credible underwriter this will come falling down like a deck of cards. I believe an IMF team is to visit or did recently visit Pakistan? What's the new plan they intend to apply, any ideas- sound bytes- info?
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No idea but this is bad....very bad ! Somehow I didn't hear about it.
Get ready for another price hike in petroleum products. Every time PSO whines oil prices go up by at least 20-30 rupees.

Get ready for another awami teeka by our interim government.

Really a shame to see this level of mismanagement. This is the company which recorded a profit of 1 trillion rupees in their annual report. Where the hell did they waste all that profit.
No idea but this is bad....very bad ! Somehow I didn't hear about it.

The problem of circular debt that is strangulating the power sector in Pakistan is very well known. The debt has been allowed to build up to very large levels that cannot be wished away. Now it will need a large injection of capital and a mechanism to prevent further debt from accruing to solve this problem properly. The past government used only ad hoc steps to only delay the inevitable results.
so..there are many challenges for the new govt..pakistan is really going through a tough time.
The problem of circular debt that is strangulating the power sector in Pakistan is very well known. The debt has been allowed to build up to very large levels that cannot be wished away. Now it will need a large injection of capital and a mechanism to prevent further debt from accruing to solve this problem properly. The past government used only ad hoc steps to only delay the inevitable results.

I'm sure if the SCP were to impound & liquidate all the assets of the Ministers of the Previous Government, we'd be able to pay it off twice over !
No idea but this is bad....very bad ! Somehow I didn't hear about it.

lol. Do you think that anybody (in officialdom) will want to talk about it? :-)
If the news is true; then it has ominous portents. Without POL, the Economy can grind to a halt. Something needs to be done soon and decisively. The first thing seems to be on collecting the "outstanding receivables". One can only blow up the 'Credit Bubble' so much!

Maybe PDF's "resident economist", @RiazHaq can explain how to get out of this mess! He seems to know about all the "magic wands" that Pakistan's economy needs. :D
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@Armstrong @Secur @arp2041 @samantk

Armstrong whats the word from the underwriting agencies, any idea? Without a credible underwriter this will come falling down like a deck of cards. I believe an IMF team is to visit or did recently visit Pakistan? What's the new plan they intend to apply, any ideas- sound bytes- info?

The next GoP should try to Privatize:
1. PIA, Railways, PNSC and NLC.
3. Power plants
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The next GoP should try to Privatize:
1. PIA, Railways, PNSC and NLC.
3. Power plants

That would be a massive disinvestment scheme, but where would they find the ready private sector cos t pick up the tab. It would be more optimistic to perhaps start with the most chronically ill unit in this go and then try to employ the scheme on the rest.

Did the Saudis not supply subsidized oil to Pakistan in the past, they used to do the same for BD I believe, perhaps their can be taken to keep the PSO afloat while a solution is hashed out?
That would be a massive disinvestment scheme, but where would they find the ready private sector cos t pick up the tab. It would be more optimistic to perhaps start with the most chronically ill unit in this go and then try to employ the scheme on the rest.

Did the Saudis not supply subsidized oil to Pakistan in the past, they used to do the same for BD I believe, perhaps their can be taken to keep the PSO afloat while a solution is hashed out?

Extending the line of credit will be only short term (and short sighted). What about calling in the 'outstanding receivables'? As our RiazHaq claims the economy in Pakistan is on the upswing, should'nt the outstandings be cleared?
Fuel need to be cut and chaos has to ensue for anyone to even understand what the hell has been happening these past few years. If I keep getting fuel at the pump why would I be bothered by this news. Let us suffer for us to wake up. I pray we do not get any loans to offset this catastrophe.
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