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PSO becomes Pakistan’s first trillion rupee company

CNG should be limited to cars having engine of 800c and below.It is causing too much gas shortage.Anyone who can afford car above 800cc can also afford petrol.

Maybe not 800, but around 1000cc. Excellent suggestion.
I thinks Sir your are forgetting that PAKISTAN is the largest User of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and it has more CNG stations than any one in the World.
Pakistan largest CNG user | DAWN.COM
Survey Says Pakistan Largest CNG User in the World>> LNG World News

Although Pakistan is facing shortage of gas severly and they are going to import it from other counteiries but experts says we have many untapped reserves in our seas and lands as well as the SHALE gas which we are not tapping out properly.
Pakistan, India, Bangla etc. are under explored virgin areas thanks to political unstability and non enabling, destructive and toxic political environment. Major oil and gas pays were done by foreigners.

Pakistan is contiguous with the world's oil area the Persian Gulf in off-shore area. India's Russian found Bombay High reserves can be said to cap south end of the geological formation which runs through the gulf. In between is Pakistan, think Gwadar area.

I believe Pak converted to gas before India, India may have followed or copied the idea and it's still in roll-out phase 25 yrs. later. Also, India's vast gas grid targets industrial use first over personal transport or kitchen / domestic sector.
10,586 Million Dollars

~ 10 Billion Dollars

Assuming, of course, that we are talking about US Dollars and not Zimbabwe or something.
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