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Provided DG ISI with evidences against MQM: Zulfiqar Mirza

Another day another misinformed naive idiot. Here's some free education for you.

First off Jinnahpur was proven false. Even the senior members from the Army came out and said that Jinnahpur was a drama hatched by the government and army to kill innocent Urdu Speakers and MQM workers in Karachi and Hyderabad. All the maps were fake and everything about Jinnahpur was a lie.
Second off yes the partition was basically a blunder. Bash me all you want but lets get one thing straight, around half the Muslims chose to remain and stay back in India. 1971 proved that the 2 nation theory failed. This is what Altaf Hussain meant by calling the partition a blunder. And he's absolutely correct.
Third off why don't the courts or any official take notice of the videos? Its clear the videos are fake and only idiots will believe those videos are real.

Partition was not a blunder, it was quite natural for Muslim Majority areas to have their own territorial sovereignty to protect their ideology, culture, civilization and history, and yes above all Islamic Identity... when regionalism took over in 1971, it was not due to TNT failure, it was due to injustice inflicted upon East Pakistanis... they still went for an Independent Bangla rather than to merge in the modern day indian region...

muslims were divided over the issue of Pakistan, most Muslims in central indian region are Diyobandi school of thought, and they were against creation of Pakistan...so they choose to remain in India, moreover the Original plan as proposed by Barrister Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan, was not followed by Redcliff due to pressure from Mountbatten and Nehru. Had that plan being carried out there would have been hardly any need for Muslims to migrate... those areas would have automatically fallen in Pakistan. so kindly remain pro-Pakistani, as what you are saying will not benefit the State. At this turmoil in which Pakistan stands, if you want to open another front for Pakistanis to defend, we will !!
Another day another misinformed naive idiot. Here's some free education for you.

First off Jinnahpur was proven false. Even the senior members from the Army came out and said that Jinnahpur was a drama hatched by the government and army to kill innocent Urdu Speakers and MQM workers in Karachi and Hyderabad. All the maps were fake and everything about Jinnahpur was a lie.
Second off yes the partition was basically a blunder. Bash me all you want but lets get one thing straight, around half the Muslims chose to remain and stay back in India. 1971 proved that the 2 nation theory failed. This is what Altaf Hussain meant by calling the partition a blunder. And he's absolutely correct.
Third off why don't the courts or any official take notice of the videos? Its clear the videos are fake and only idiots will believe those videos are real.
Partition is not a blunder but people who think so are blunder themselves.......such person should left this country and stay from where he belongs( neighbors will be happy to receive people like u)
TWo nation theory was not a failure ....1971 incident was a failure of our politicians
dont blame creation of PAKISTAN to justify your beloved leader(mr.altaf husaain's) criminal activities
Another day another misinformed naive idiot. Here's some free education for you.

First off Jinnahpur was proven false. Even the senior members from the Army came out and said that Jinnahpur was a drama hatched by the government and army to kill innocent Urdu Speakers and MQM workers in Karachi and Hyderabad. All the maps were fake and everything about Jinnahpur was a lie.
Second off yes the partition was basically a blunder. Bash me all you want but lets get one thing straight, around half the Muslims chose to remain and stay back in India. 1971 proved that the 2 nation theory failed. This is what Altaf Hussain meant by calling the partition a blunder. And he's absolutely correct.
Third off why don't the courts or any official take notice of the videos? Its clear the videos are fake and only idiots will believe those videos are real.

Altaf hussain itself a blunder, How dare he called partitions a blunder. Why you people are so close minded and brutal to insult all those who gave lives for Pakistan? So if Altaf terrorist called partition a blunder then what the hell he is running MQM in Pakistan why not in India? Why don't he should get all this Bhatta from any Indian city? May be you people feel happy when being in India you respected by the label SHUDER. Altaf become leader of this fake party because of this blunder and if this blunder didn't happen then there were not freedom which could cause the generation of MQM & Altaf. This same Altaf who ever kiss Indians to get support and weapons for his terrorist work in Karachi and on Indian visit open his bloody mouth against Pakistan.

God gave you MIND, use it but not keep only in skull.
Agree with this ^^^

If the MQM has been involved in anti-state activities, it must be punished appropriately.

I agree with you but if change word appropriately with HARD then more suitable.
Another day another misinformed naive idiot. Here's some free education for you.

First off Jinnahpur was proven false. Even the senior members from the Army came out and said that Jinnahpur was a drama hatched by the government and army to kill innocent Urdu Speakers and MQM workers in Karachi and Hyderabad. All the maps were fake and everything about Jinnahpur was a lie.
Second off yes the partition was basically a blunder. Bash me all you want but lets get one thing straight, around half the Muslims chose to remain and stay back in India. 1971 proved that the 2 nation theory failed. This is what Altaf Hussain meant by calling the partition a blunder. And he's absolutely correct.
Third off why don't the courts or any official take notice of the videos? Its clear the videos are fake and only idiots will believe those videos are real.

Some people really are under the influence of MQM!!
Is this not enough of evidence that Ajmal Pahari of MQM officially in a video interrogation tells Police he is MQM altaf's party worker being sent to hindustan to get trained for terrorism in Karachi.

Are you aware that confessions under duress are not acceptable in any court of law? If you do not know what that means please let me explain.....I can force you to say anything I desire if I torture you enough. For an average everyday joe like me, it might be a slap and for some one a little tougher it might be some broken ribs, broken teeth, probing of sensitive areas with thick batons covered in chillies etc., get my point? Basically we all have a breaking point, nobody can resist forever and that is why confessions taken under duress are not accepted. All you need to do is tell the court that you were coerced into that confession and it will be thrown out.

Do not be fooled by such confessions, they are dramatized just to gain your sympathy for illegal state sponsored terrorism. 1990's are full of such confessions by alleged MQM terrorists, who were never convicted!

---------- Post added at 02:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 PM ----------

who said,
i was witness, 1992 during train journey from Lahore towards Bahwal Pur some MQM young fellows said ,
after some time you will need a visa for visiting karachi "

God...really??? Did he also show you his tattoo of Altaf Hussain (which will be used as an electronic Passport in an independent state of Karachi)??

No wonder our country is in such a pathetic state of affairs!
Interesting talks. Please moderators and administrators, this time dont lock this thread and we must make things clear here.
There is no such thing as Jinnahpur, I am an Urdu speaker from Karachi, & I tell you, there is no such thing. I've never even heard of it.

Are you aware that confessions under duress are not acceptable in any court of law? If you do not know what that means please let me explain.....I can force you to say anything I desire if I torture you enough. For an average everyday joe like me, it might be a slap and for some one a little tougher it might be some broken ribs, broken teeth, probing of sensitive areas with thick batons covered in chillies etc., get my point? Basically we all have a breaking point, nobody can resist forever and that is why confessions taken under duress are not accepted. All you need to do is tell the court that you were coerced into that confession and it will be thrown out.

Do not be fooled by such confessions, they are dramatized just to gain your sympathy for illegal state sponsored terrorism. 1990's are full of such confessions by alleged MQM terrorists, who were never convicted!

---------- Post added at 02:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 PM ----------

God...really??? Did he also show you his tattoo of Altaf Hussain (which will be used as an electronic Passport in an independent state of Karachi)??

No wonder our country is in such a pathetic state of affairs!

Brother i am not liar neither may be you are,
which i saw, which i feel, i narrated.
I hate Altaf Hussain & MQM. They are RAW intelligence Puppets
Very Simple
Partition was not a blunder, it was quite natural for Muslim Majority areas to have their own territorial sovereignty to protect their ideology, culture, civilization and history, and yes above all Islamic Identity... when regionalism took over in 1971, it was not due to TNT failure, it was due to injustice inflicted upon East Pakistanis... they still went for an Independent Bangla rather than to merge in the modern day indian region...

muslims were divided over the issue of Pakistan, most Muslims in central indian region are Diyobandi school of thought, and they were against creation of Pakistan...so they choose to remain in India, moreover the Original plan as proposed by Barrister Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan, was not followed by Redcliff due to pressure from Mountbatten and Nehru. Had that plan being carried out there would have been hardly any need for Muslims to migrate... those areas would have automatically fallen in Pakistan. so kindly remain pro-Pakistani, as what you are saying will not benefit the State. At this turmoil in which Pakistan stands, if you want to open another front for Pakistanis to defend, we will !!

It is not the demand but the way in which the partition was carried out. How can a country, physically divided by hundreds of km's, expected to survive? Above all, did the partition survive the test of time? NO, it did not and Bangladesh broke away, whatever be the reason. Hence it is proved that partition was a big blunder.

As you stated yourself, Quaid had to accede to whatever was being offered, he had to compromise which means the original plans were never realized. This compromise and the final result was a blunder.

And this is the same Altaf Hussain who, in the same speech, also stated that today Pakistan is a reality that nobody can deny. How conveniently that statement is annexed from the blunder part of the speech. And it is true that only the just can comprehend the entirety of an argument after giving both sides a fair chance.
Brother i am not liar neither may be you are,
which i saw, which i feel, i narrated.
I hate Altaf Hussain & MQM. They RAW are intelligence Puppets
Very Simple

You misunderstood my post, I never called you a liar, I merely contested the authenticity and source of this young man whom you met in that train. Perhaps he was being sarcastic, amusing or maybe he was just as anti-MQM as you and hence his statement, the thing is that you cannot trust such a source for such a grave matter.

You may continue your hate against AH and MQM and that is your right as a free citizen.....just as it is AH's right to consider Pakistan's earlier partition as a blunder.
My dear Respected Mav3rick
You have your opinion and i have mine.
I strongly believe like death "till now" MQM is a terrorist Organization under the supervision of "Kala Kawwa" (I am coating someone words)
If someone dont want to accept any proof and reality then no one can force him to accept..................
blind faith is worse than no faith
if we give you thousands of example and proofs you will still deny them because you are not ready to accept the reality dont worry it happens when people are in SHOCK
If someone dont want to accept any proof and reality then no one can force him to accept..................
blind faith is worse than no faith
if we give you thousands of example and proofs you will still deny them because you are not ready to accept the reality dont worry it happens when people are in SHOCK

Proof??? The Military carried out a bloody operation in Karachi on the basis of fabricated proof, today the whole world knows about Jinnahpur's drama but nobody gets punished. Are you speaking of the same proof?

Blind faith is worse then no faith? Speaking religiously the world's 3-4 Billion population believe in 1 God (Allah) including Muslims/Christians/Jews and other ahl-e-kitaab, you think our blind faith is worse than no faith? I see where you are coming from mate, carry on!

---------- Post added at 02:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 PM ----------

My dear Respected Mav3rick
You have your opinion and i have mine.
I strongly believe like death "till now" MQM is a terrorist Organization under the supervision of "Kala Kawwa" (I am coating someone words)

Ok my friend but what do you have to say about Zulfiqar Mirza and his support of Liyari Criminals and People's Aman Committee?? What do you suppose Liyari Gang Criminals engage in?
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