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Protests Erupt in Karachi Due to Intense Electricity Loadshedding & Lack of Water

Khan Saheb. We have a lovely imported Govtt(foreign ka maal). We should pray nawafil of Shukrana for the blessings of Amreeka saheb bahadur on us lowly beings. Somewhere along the lines we should ask our gate keepers why the change was brought over.
No amount of stupidity was enough to bring the crooks in power. The answer is blowing in the wind, sir.
An elderly woman has been martyred by the police during the crackdown on protesters.

Inallilahe wa inna ilahe rajiyoun.

The Sindhudesh police has opened a new chapter in oppression.
No amount of stupidity was enough to bring the crooks in power. The answer is blowing in the wind, sir.
They had counted on the people being fed up with IK. That was not the case and people realised Pakistan was in early stages of recovery from the economic perspective. The goons who took over had a bad reputation and people realised IK may have done stupid things but he is not corrupt. The reaction to the take over was totally unexpected and put everyone including the chawki daars on the defensive. Te rest as they say is history.
I firmly maintain we need to have a hearing/investigation led by the SC to determine what actually happened and who did what. I want the facts brought out if in public domain (the report would momentarily be damning to the powers that be). Only then can an event like this will be prevented in future. Will it happen??? HECK NO!!!!!

Liaqatabad (last night)

No amount of stupidity was enough to bring the crooks in power. The answer is blowing in the wind, sir.
Stupid is Establishment's First Name.
Not stupid, this is by design. If we are still debating whether Establishment is that stupid, then we are the stupid ones. There is a plan that all of this is following, and that plan is to cripple Pakistan, and perhaps divide it.

Also, I like how the police normally is completely incompetent, but when it comes to protecting the crooks in gov. they are brilliant and are willing to serve and protect them with any means necessary.
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They had counted on the people being fed up with IK. That was not the case and people realised Pakistan was in early stages of recovery from the economic perspective. The goons who took over had a bad reputation and people realised IK may have done stupid things but he is not corrupt. The reaction to the take over was totally unexpected and put everyone including the chawki daars on the defensive. Te rest as they say is history.
I firmly maintain we need to have a hearing/investigation led by the SC to determine what actually happened and who did what. I want the facts brought out if in public domain (the report would momentarily be damning to the powers that be). Only then can an event like this will be prevented in future. Will it happen??? HECK NO!!!!!
Same mentality lost half of the country with worst surrender of Islamic history sir. Nobody identified as responsible. They have no respect for rule of law. If I had the luxury to talk about all this philosophically, Probably, having justice system was the foundation, on which we had to build everything. We failed to establish that. Eventually its a free for all country. Let's accept, it is zulm ka nizam which is not sustainable. We can see it moving towards its destiny.
But we don't have that luxury to be philosophical, and that's so inconvenient. This is the only place we can call home, and once this is all sold out, god knows what waits for us.
firmly maintain we need to have a hearing/investigation led by the SC to determine what actually happened and who did what. I want the facts brought out if in public domain (the report would momentarily be damning to the powers that be).
Not just that but the culprits, the mastermind and those who supported this all need to be tried under article 6 of the constitution and given capital punishment.
Only then can we even dream of this stopping otherwise commissions have been made early as well, only to be thrown in the Dustbin.
Had the people responsible for 71 made out an example of or those breaking the consideration every now and then, we would not have been at this juncture today.
Utho meri dunya k gharebo ko jaga do
Bilawal house aur baqi ghaddaron k ghaon ko gira do!
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