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Protesters rip pages from Quran in White House

What they want is publicity, just like the Pastor in Florida. Deny them that, and they'll be completely useless.

That's the whole point. It wasn't muslims who gave publicity to the Florida pastor. It was mainstream American media that made him into an international celebrity and promoted his campaign -- all under the guise of 'reporting'.
Avatar..No offence, but.. you sure ? Isn't this what people like Zakir Naik are famous for ?

DANG! avatar, Zakir Nailk is not famous for tit for tat, he comes on the stage in an organized manner with the intentions of debate, spreading knowledge, references and vice versa of comparative religions with the oppositions agreeing to go into debate with him, this is what he is famous for, not TIT for TAT, advice take things in context, having said that I've neutralized your statement about Dr Zakir Naik. Almost all video he refers to read your own holy books whether it be gita, bible, The Quran and any other scriptures. No where does he stops and forbids you to not study infact he've been encouraging hindus and christians to study their books first and pick the common things out of it that are common to Islam to agree on atleast some part.

sorry to break ur bubble
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Thanks to the subtitles I could understand what the gentleman was saying.

I could even believe the kind of comparison between the two.

2+2 is 4 it is a provable fact. Someone did not come to me and say through the holy voice about it. If I have any doubts, I can add and see what it gives. It is highly advisable to question those facts and then confirm to yourself. Have you taken a math course in school? Did you teacher say "its is what it is, look it through eyes of faith then 2+2 is 4" or did she say "2+2 is 4 and if you ask any questions against it you will be lashed to death (apostasy)".

I could not even think of this guy being on TV talking such things.
I mentioned this in a previous thread. If they wish to burn the Quran, then let them. If they wish to rip the quran, then go ahead.

We as Muslims should follows the way and teachings of our beloved Prophet (PBUH).............


During the time of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) a man used to come into the Mosque and urinate and walk away. The Muslims never attacked or abused him, instead they cleaned it away and continued with their daily chores.


The Prophet (PBUH) himself used to be pelted with stones every day by a female. One day he walked past her house and was surprised as to why she didn't pelt him and went in to enquire and found that she was ill. He met her and prayed for her speedy recovery.

The Prophet (PBUH) went into Taif to preach about Allah. He residents of Taif set ther children to stone him into the desert. The Prophet was soaked in blood and still managed to convert a Christain servant before leaving and as he did leave he prayed to Allah that mercy be shown unto him and forgive any mistake he may have made in relating his message to the people of Taif. Angel Gabriel comes to him and offers as part of a test for the Prophet by Allah that if the Prophet wishes, Taif will be destroyed. The Prophet instead prayed that they come into Islam and sought no revenge.


Hind, wife of Abu Sufyan and probably a woman who most hated Islam, sought revenge for the death of her father and brother who had fallen in battle against the Muslim army during the battle of Badr, she hired an assassin who killed Hamza (AS) during the battle of Uhud. A battle the Muslims suffered a setback. She then decided to cut Hamza (AS) body open and ate form hi heart in spite of him. The Prophet had always been extremely unhappy with Hind to say the least. A short time later the Muslim Conquered Mecca and despite being the ruler of the City, he took no revenge and allowed none. Soon after she became a Muslim when she saw the Muslims pray, but thats another story.


Islam spread throughout Arabia within a short space of time due to these attributes.

If these people wish to burn or rip the Quran.........I suggest we print 1 million further copies and distribute them throught the City further. Dawah can be done in many ways............
Dr sim...where is that bubble you were looking to burst?
On other the other hand that video just burst your bubble lol you fool think before you leap.
Clue: In Islamic nations

Did you carefully read my post go back read it twice.
When posting selective videos check his other videos where he encourages to look into your own books, now while you point at a man who in your book is totally fanatic, i don't want to go into religious debate but check your own holy books and your holy men for christians pastor johns is the latest fanatic, for hindus youtube has lots of goodies and funny too.

Having said that I've again neutralized your statement. You're back to square one.
Simple, yet so true. People tend to take religion/holy books/mythology literally, without understanding the social and political context in which they were written. If everyone had the ability to do that, half the world's problems would be gone.

200% agreement on that, people keep saying they follow a religion and 99% does not understand it. In fact they go ahead an do things which their religion does not like them to do.
Dr sim...where is that bubble you were looking to burst?
On other the other hand that video just burst your bubble lol you fool think before you leap.
Clue: In Islamic nations

Did you carefully read my post go back read it twice.
When posting selective videos check his other videos where he encourages to look into your own books, now while you point at a man who in your book is totally fanatic, i don't want to go into religious debate but check your own holy books and your holy men for christians pastor johns is the latest fanatic, for hindus youtube has lots of goodies and funny too.

Having said that I've again neutralized your statement. You're back to square one.

You support terrorists, that is all I need to say.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Hey wait. That is not from "Koran"!..............................

self delete .......not necessary
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This Zakir Naek character has been thoroughly discussed over and over again. Knowing his answer to 2 + 2 will make you smile, but wont make you smarter.
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