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Protesters rip pages from Quran in White House


Dec 19, 2009
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WASHINGTON: A small group of conservative Christians tore some pages from a Quran in a protest outside the White House on Saturday to denounce what they called the charade of Islam" on the anniversary of 9/11.

"Part of why we're doing that, please hear me: the charade that Islam is a peaceful religion must end," said Randall Terry,one of six people who took part in the protest.

Another activist, Andrew Beacham, read out a few Quran passages calling for hatred towards Christians and Jews, and then ripped those pages from an English paperback edition of the Islamic holy book.

He carefully put the torn pieces into a plastic bag, in order not to litter, and said: "The only reason I will not burn it at the White House is because to burn anything on the Capitol grounds is a felony."

Beacham, who describes himself as a leader of the rightwing conservative Tea Party from Indiana, added: "The Twin Towers were taken down because of the Koran and other religious teachings."

A few curious tourists stopped to watch the huddle outside the White House, while police took down the names of the participants but did not intervene.

The tiny protest came as the United States marked the somber ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks amid heightened tensions following a radical Florida pastor's threat to burn the Quran.

After days of global outrage and protests, pastor Terry Jones, from Gainesville, said today: "We will definitely not burn the Quran, no."

"Not today, not ever," he told NBC television when pressed for his plans.

President Barack Obama told a deeply polarized America today that Islam was not the enemy as the 9/11 ceremonies took place.
I have read some Old Testament.And, boy!, there is much violence, bigotry, hate, and superstition inside it that Quran would sound like nursery rhymes! And Christians are supposed to believe in O.T. I know, it has been partially replaced with the New Testament but still O.T has it place as Holy Book.
Would I hate the O.T? No, because I know it was written in a different time period. A time when a large part of humanity were...to put it mildly, rather primitive.
These Holy Books contain so much which can be mis-interpreted. But, on the whole, the message is of positivism, faith, charity, and love.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Hey wait. That is not from "Koran"!..............................
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Hey wait. That is not from "Koran"!..............................
May seem off topic to some but very relevant as somone need t clear mirror!

Is the New Testament Anti-Semitic?

by Clifford Goldstein, Liberty, March/April 1992

What book depicts Jews as hypocrites, apostates, liars, and sinners? What book denounces Jewish leaders and the Jewish nation? What book scolds its priests, claims its Temple services are corrupt, and spews forth warnings that God's judgments will fall upon the Jews? What book - accusing the Jews of murder, corruption, greed, and robbery - declares that they have forsaken God?

Sounds like the New Testament, long indicted as the Perian Spring of Western anti-Semitism. Some believe the hands that signed the "final solution" simply finished the script begun by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Hitler, others claim, was the logical, inevitable result of Paul. Christian historian James Parkes writes that "more than 6 million deliberate murders are the consequences of the teaching about the Jews for which the Christian church is ultimately responsible, and our attitude to Judaism which is not only maintained by all Christian churches but has its ultimate resting place in the teaching of the New Testament itself."
I have read some Old Testament.And, boy!, there is much violence, bigotry, hate, and superstition inside it that Quran would sound like nursery rhymes! And Christians are supposed to believe in O.T. I know, it has been partially replaced with the New Testament but still O.T has it place as Holy Book.
Would I hate the O.T? No, because I know it was written in a different time period. A time when a large part of humanity were...to put it mildly, rather primitive.
These Holy Books contain so much which can be mis-interpreted. But, on the whole, the message is of positivism, faith, charity, and love.

Simple, yet so true. People tend to take religion/holy books/mythology literally, without understanding the social and political context in which they were written. If everyone had the ability to do that, half the world's problems would be gone.
It's funny because Muslims could read a bunch of 'tit-for-tat' passages from the Bible and do the same thing.

But they don't.
It's funny because Muslims could read a bunch of 'tit-for-tat' passages from the Bible and do the same thing.

But they don't.

No offence, but.. you sure ? Isn't this what people like Zakir Naik are famous for ?
You guys are complete morons. Your replies are the things that these protesters have wet dreams about. Just look at how gambit replies when Muslims get mad at these things. What they want is publicity, just like the Pastor in Florida. Deny them that, and they'll be completely useless.

As well, it's only six dumbasses. Unless they get more support, they won't get anything done.
And it really amazes me when even on the prestigious NY Times 'Comments' seemingly articulate Westerners complain about Muslims burning the Bible in Muslim countries while Christians can't burn Quran in America. Utterly false information. If some Muslim were to take the Bible in the center of Amman, Jordan or Karachi, Pakistan and try to disrespect it then that guy will face the wrath of the mob! And, boy, mobs are rather cruel in Pakistan lately.

This whole Ground Zero 'mosque' and the Quran burning hoopla is another Republican specialty.
Dumbasses are unfortunately free to do anything as long as they stay inside the constitution...best ignore them.They feed on publicity.
:what: A small group as representative for the whole of conservative Christians ....?!


Actually... the reporting on this is becoming rather tiresome.:argh:
Avatar..No offence, but.. you sure ? Isn't this what people like Zakir Naik are famous for ?

DANG! avatar, Zakir Nailk is not famous for tit for tat, he comes on the stage in an organized manner with the intentions of debate, spreading knowledge, references and vice versa of comparative religions with the oppositions agreeing to go into debate with him, this is what he is famous for, not TIT for TAT, advice take things in context, having said that I've neutralized your statement about Dr Zakir Naik. Almost all video he refers to read your own holy books whether it be gita, bible, The Quran and any other scriptures. No where does he stops and forbids you to not study infact he've been encouraging hindus and christians to study their books first and pick the common things out of it that are common to Islam to agree on atleast some part.
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